Hello there!

Very excited to get to know you guyz!
Im <{CTC}>Tiggrrrr, there's a buddies list you can add
me to.
I try and practice, with people, and bots in the private server
between 7-8:00pm my time, might be 2 to 3 hours later for some.
Dm, vctf, inta gib ctf, like to switch things up a bit
I play vctf in public. Your welcome to add me
to buddies list.
Left or right click, it'll enable you to add.
Other than that, I'll get you the ip addy's:
Pub ip:
Priv ip: 209.246142:102.7777 pw CTC
unless something's going on.
VM ip:
This server is in Europe, you may have a high ping.
Doesnt bother me, Im in Canada
Fun place to learn and play, lots of talent,
even to spec and get pointers. You can always pick
out the good players to watch
If anyone needs any help, tips, anything, just ask.
Im not the best player, still learning, and training always.
~Alyson~ aka <{CTC}>Tiggrrrr^^^^