First, BR-CTC-Arcade. An awesome looking map pointed out to me by Badasp. This map has a lot of promise; I only wish I had created it from scratch.
I added one Goliath, one Hellbender and two Mantas. I also added/rearranged/removed various pickups and weapons. At the suggestion of Papasmurf and a few others, I created a tunnel structure at the top of the map accessible by a jump pad located directly behind the flag. The top tunnels should dramatically raise the foot run success rate.

Second, BR-CTC-Nartus. Again, this map is beautiful. Arcade and Nartus were both great looking maps that were buried in the BR gametype. I felt the need to play them, so I had to convert them.
Nartus is a foot run/Manta run map. I added a Hellbender, Scorpion and Manta. I added/rearranged/removed various pickups and weapons. I added jump pads that will allow players to climb on some of the static meshes or quickly hop over a ramp to escape with the flag.

Third, CTF-CBP2-Botanic. A map released in the second community bonus pack, Botanic, again, is another great looking map.
Being a CTF map, foot runs were already quite possible, but I added the ability to Manta run. I added a Hellbender, Scorpion, Manta and Raptor as well as adding/rearranging/removing various pickups and weapons. I also removed some of the blocking volumes in the map in order to open space for the manta to move more freely.

Fourth, CTF-Cake-vs-Pie. This is a cartoonish map. Badasp wanted me to convert this. I'm not sure how well it will play out, but it has potential. To me it seems to be in the same mold as the SoccerMania and WorldPokerTour maps, except that this map has plenty of objects to block you off from getting shot from across the map as soon as you spawn; that should make the map more enjoyable than the others I mentioned.
Cake-vs-Pie is horrendously unsymmetrical, so I made almost no effort to correctly line up the pickups, weapons and vehicles I added. One example is the Hellbender ramps I added are of different lengths because the table was not centered in the room as it should have been . . . oh well.
No Manta in this one; strictly a foot run map. There is a Hellbender, two Scorpions and a Raptor. I added/rearranged/removed various pickups and weapons. I also changed the punctuation and capitalization of the map title because it looked horrible.

These maps are ready for the public server and should be there as soon as I can reach Jim or Smurf.