We do not tolerate

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We do not tolerate

Post by CTC-Salchicha »

racism, from anyone, on the forums or the servers, jokes included. If you are doing it stop now. We are all better and more intelligent people than this.

Please sign this thread as your word of honor to uphold a cultural decency among brothers and sisters.

Racist comments are a banable offense and will be upheld, CTC or not.


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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by CTC-JimRimya »

Agreed. Thank you Sal.
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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by Dick-Cheney »

good idea

i usualy dont say anything rasist and usualy wont but if i do then please tell me
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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by Mr Bean »

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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by ru_exp »

Let's be real about this...I am refering to voiDNull. You have been on roll lately with the little snippets and out right n$gg@r comments. If you are really going to say stuff to get under my skin you can do two things to make this more interesting. Say something shitty about Cubans and say it "en claro español"...that will do the trick with me.

This is kind of odd coming from someone who has an accent thicker than "mi primos" still living on the island.

Nice try with this Sal and Jim, but he is going to continue to do wtf he wants especially when no admins are present and I prefer not to advertise the dumb shit for him.

If you are going to ban him then do it...or just wait to the next go around he will end up having with someone else.

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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by v0idNull »

what are you talking about? If you're too sensitive to everyday jokes you would find in the most tame places in the internet maybe you should get off it.

wow, I just realized this is all because of that one lame image posted in that lil sin thread... gay
Last edited by v0idNull on Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by badasp »

Good post Sal and I certainly agree with what you say.

Racist comments have no place anywhere and should not be tolerated. Hopefully this thread will put an end to any such behavior that's occuring on the server(s) or forums.

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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by -Id- iot »

Completely agree with Ru. Void does whatever the fuck he wants. Two of the bannable offenses on your server Void breaks on a daily basis: aliasing and racism.

He also team kills and goes out of his way to do what he can to ruin maps for some people. One of the things he likes to do to me is get a Raptor and push me off cliffs or push my Goliath as far away from the position I need it in as possible.

In fact, looking at you server rules list, Void breaks five of the six rules; cheating being the rule he so obviously doesn't break. When he is team killing and running people over with Raptors, he isn't helping the team, and the racist comments and his incessant insulting breaks the no bashing rule. Most people, including myself, are guilty of breaking the no bashing rule though.

Honestly, other than an obvious botter, Voidnull is a prime candidate for a ban as your rules declare. I don't agree with banning though. Do what you will with him; kick him out of the clan (I don't think he will care), ban him, simply talk to him (I know for a fact he won't listen), you could even permanently llama him so that nothing he ever says has to be heard.

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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by v0idNull »

no more crying I'll get off the clan, like anyone cares.
Edit: for the record I was never racist to anyone. If you think the word "nigga" used in a facetious and light context is racist.. then you my friend need to get out a little more. If anything the accent comments made by ru-exp are borderline skinhead-ish.
Last edited by v0idNull on Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by -Id- iot »

I don't think anyone cares what team you're on if any. Just stop being a complete asshole at all times. I know I can act like an ass to some people, but you put everyone else to shame in the asshole category.

I seriously am not saying any of this simply because you have a problem with me. I say this because you annoy the shit out of just about everyone.

Simply put, just shut the fuck up and we won't have a problem.

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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by v0idNull »

like I said stop crying like you do in-game... I'm out of the clan, forums and server. Geesh, is that enough for you, or do I need to come over and pad you in the back lol.
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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by -Id- iot »

A back rub would be damn nice right about now.

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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by CTC-PapaSmurf »

Not sure if I want to be in this battle, but clear racist remarks shouldn't be tolerated. I think most everyone has somewhat of a different background that someone can try to make them feel like less of a person for (a failing intention of course). The reality is that whether it be someones skin color, ethnicity, religious beliefs, etc... it makes them who they are.

Sometimes people make fun of something that is so much the core of what and who I am that at times I have to step back to understand what it is that drives me, what I believe in and where I came from. Ignorance is not an excuse. I believe most people really have an understanding that we are all mostly alike. That is really why some of us don't get along. I find those that are a little different than me more interesting and compelling to be around.

The difference here is, people can say whatever they want about my race, religion, family or personal self. It doesn't change how I feel about myself. It never will.. ever! If you know who you are, truly, ignorant and bigoted comments will never really affect you.

The reality is that when arguments about race, religion, political or sexual preference, etc.. creep into something so immature and innocently fun, everything just comes crashing down. The very game that some people use as a way to get away from all those real life annoyances becomes something that magnifies a real problem.

I could go on and on and on.. so I won't. Keep the game fun. Keep the friendly and fun commentary alive. There isn't a problem with a joke or a jab. My rule is that if it is something I share openly and freely, then I won't scramble under a rug when someone tries to use it against me (feebly so). Let me make that clear.. If you talk about something you don't want discussed about you on the internet.. DON'T TALK ABOUT IT ON THE INTERNET!

On a final note. Racist comments aside, lighten up people. Sometimes it can be fun to joke around with your team. It can be funny and entertaining to have fake arguments or ongoing battles with someone. If you stop taking the game so serious, you might actually find you can have a good time. Heck, maybe you will even start having a good time in "The Real World"...

Peace out,

P.S. Please keep any specific accusations out of this. Also, have some forgiveness.. People can change. Sometimes all that is needed is a little attention to the subject. Try to put yourself in the cross hairs and ponder how you would feel. Whether it be making disrespectful comments or being the victim of a lynch mob (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynch_mob).
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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by CTC-PapaSmurf »

One more thought.. If we get rid of everyone that someone has a problem with.. WHO WOULD BE LEFT? I guess we could all start our own servers and play with ourselves.. If we don't already.... lol :D
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Re: We do not tolerate

Post by Mr Bean »

CTC-PapaSmurf wrote:...The difference here is, people can say whatever they want about my race, religion, family or personal self. It doesn't change how I feel about myself. It never will.. ever! If you know who you are, truly, ignorant and bigoted comments will never really affect you...
There must be something I haven't seen or heard. From my personal perspective I have enjoyed Void's light hearted attitude, but I have't walked in Ru & Id's shoes I guess.

While I like Shrek and enjoy his involvement in this community, I have in the past gone a tad overboard with the jabbing. So, I basically just turned it down a few notches.

Papa has a good head on his shoulders and has made some very good points. Let's just forgive and be careful with the toes we step on.
