Speeding ticket, unreasonable?

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Speeding ticket, unreasonable?

Post by SMR »

Ok, I got a speeding ticket on 9/11 of this year.
I moved to a new place, and the letter was postmarked on 10/1. Probably reached my old address on 10/3. The letter states I needed to pay before my court date/date date of 10/16. I got the letter last weekend on the 19th. Apparently another letter was sent informing me that I need to now pay $300 more and I have to show to court. I can no longer take traffic school.

Is this unreasonable? Is this how it usually works? How can they take so long to mail it, but give me such a narrow window? Just idiotic.

Call me irresponsible, but I think this is ridiculous.

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Re: Speeding ticket, unreasonable?

Post by emc.johnnie »

yea, they dont really offer much time when your in between addresses. my advice just go to the courthouse and explian your story and they might reduce the other charge. a similair story happened to me and i got mines reduced by explaining my story, cant hurt!

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Re: Speeding ticket, unreasonable?

Post by McShagger »

Fucking government is worthless... They collect so much money but seem to do nothing with it.

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Re: Speeding ticket, unreasonable?

Post by MLK »

If you received a physical ticket then the traffic court summons date and address should be on the back. If that's the case, then it's all on you. From what it sounds like, they send you your ticket, which is weird. Did you forward your mailing address? That's the only argument you can bring up.

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Re: Speeding ticket, unreasonable?

Post by -T2- »

Go to court and explain your situation. They 'should' reduce the charges. If you know any attorney friends that would help. :)
What State?

Good luck!

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Re: Speeding ticket, unreasonable?

Post by SMR »

No date on ticket. They write you up and then mail you your courtdate/payoff day

Its fine. whatever. Im over it. I paid the fine online and will go to court if I find the time. Funny how I get preachy when im all pissed off.

I dont hate the chp officers, just their offices. fuck em. Its not like I dont have a warm job market after college waiting for me, where I can make up the money the government and the public university is demanding from me...........oh wait....... :wink:

The cop asked me when he pulled me over, "whens the last time you got a ticket"
I said, "when I went home for new years and the police changed the traffic rules and set up a trap." Sometimes I dont think. hahaah. I doubt he would have let me go even if i was kissing his ass all through the process anyway.
Its true though, where I grew up there was nothing for the cops to do all day except play in traffic.
Even had 3 cop cars show up for a noise violation before.....

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Re: Speeding ticket, unreasonable?

Post by McShagger »

There is your problem SMR... Your car has a fart can doesnt it... Ive learned the hard way that noise is a magnet for cops... Once, I blew by a cop that was going about 40 (actually creating a line of traffic on a freeway overpass). The right lane was open so I took it at about 75 on my bike... I didnt even see the cop until I blew by him... The bike I was riding on is pretty quiet and I bet he didnt notice me go by until it was way too late... Had that occurred on my other bike I would have gotten a ticket for sure...

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Re: Speeding ticket, unreasonable?

Post by SMR »

No, my cars actually kinda nice. The problem was when I DOVE into the far right lane I was already accelerating...I merged over right in front of his little trap/blind spot. I was going 90-95, written up for 80. i guess I shouldn't bitch about this stuff when he already cut me a deal though.
What kind of bike do you have?

oh...the noise dispute i was talking about was one at the house. My thoughts kind of run together, dont mind them.

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Re: Speeding ticket, unreasonable?

Post by McShagger »

Both are Hondas. 2005 CBR 600RR and 2007 CBR 1000RR. The 600 has over 3,000 invested in it.

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