Should I say something or not?

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Judge Dredd Lox

Should I say something or not?

Post by Judge Dredd Lox »

I first want to apoligize for bringing this up. I actually waited awhile before coming here to post this just to make sure it's not my being pissed off making me do it. However the last time I stopped playing for a month just because a very similer thing bummed me out. So here goes.

Tonight after finishing my first map and having a good time and good ping we started the second map. After being killed a number of times by Mu (2117156 at utstats) I was under the impression that something was going on. I played awhile longer only to be killed over and over by him (which isn't all that unlikely by anyone), but it was the way he was killing me. Now let me just say (and I don't know to be proud or embarrassed by this fact) I have over 3,200 hours playing UT2004. I am ranked 36 (I think) in hours played in this game out of over 2,000,000, that's on the first page in hours played (yes I know there are people who have changed their names and numbers somehow). With this many hours I can usually tell when someone is lagging, or if I know you I can tell if you're having a bad night or whatever, but I can also sometimes tell when someone is cheating. Now when someone hits you with the shock over and over and kills you on the third it's good shooting. I've done this a number of times as well as many of you but after you get killed over ten times like this without this person missing you, and not killing him, I tend to go with the "he's botting" theme. When the person then pulls out a couple of headshots and other kills with the lightning gun (and with me killing him only once I think at this point) I'm gonna say something. I doubt any of you have ever seen me calling someone a botter online. That is not something I do. Tonight I did it and said that Mu was using some kind of bot. No one said anything including him so I just kept on playing. After having him do the same thing and kill me a few more times, including with a mini from accross the map, (I wish my mini would hit like that) I said that he was botting again. At this point T2 spoke up and said no.

Now if one of you that I know says someone is botting, I'm going to start taking a careful look at who you're saying is botting. Providing he is on the other team so I can actually tell. If he is on my team then I can't really tell and would never speak up for him unless I knew him. This made me wonder why T2 is sticking up for him. T2 then said to take a video or whatever it is called in ut. At this point I'm thinking well thanks dude for telling him to shut off his bot, now even if I knew how to record it I'll never get anything. Immediately after this I ran accross the map and right into Mu. Mu had stopped dead in his tracks and stopped moving completely and I killed him. I thought that's odd, what was he doing, turning off his bot? After this I got four more kills on him, all in a row, and ended the game. Now maybe this was all a coincidence but that is not why I'm here.

I then left the game and went to utstats. I found the game and started looking through stuff and hey this guys good. What with only 3 and a half hours played in his entire time in UT he pulled off two dominatings and three killing sprees. All this on desertcombat where you can't even see halfway accross the map. This guy is obviously aliasing. Now I didn't saying botting (which is obvious).

Now T2, do you know who this is and is that why you spoke up for him? I mean if I know someone is cheating and or aliasing I'm gonna say something, will you? If you want to defend someone you don't know then that is very admirable, but when it is essentially saying that I don't know what I'm talking about or I'm lying then I'm not just gonna dismiss it. Mu was on your team and only has 3+ hours playing this game, how would you know if he's botting or not? Why would you dismiss what I'm saying if you have played with me enough to know that I'm at least a decent player? If you were to say that you thought someone was botting I wouldn't just jump in and say no. Who is Mu?

I'm sure we will see this bedwetting asstard in the future under a different name and hey what can you do but come here and try get some justice.

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by SMR »

I dunno. I specced him for a sec since he was high scorerand saw air rockets, but then he started sucking.

Probably a a pretty good player with a new cd key/ Unreal ANthology is dirt cheap. Im sure plenty have new copies by now.

Honestly, from the the title......I thought you were going to tell us about a girl you are fixated on, that doesnt like you, and we were going to share feelings. :mrgreen:
Last edited by SMR on Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by «ßîc»EJ` »

understand everything you said there Judge, and ive never seen you call someone a cheater. And if T2 is actually sticking up for them i can almost grantee you its VoR: member, prolly Mithren aka warstorm. With that said, i do know of no more person in the server playing is a VoR member, and changed his IP and GUID. I can almost grantee its him with another GUID and IP, if not sorry for the inconvenience. But i hear ya Judge, and really i dont know what else to say. Go ahead any VoR member flame me, cause im sure its coming after what i said.

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by Deathstrike »

Judge, I actually played with him/her/it last night. I was on his/her/it's team and he/she/it was really getting a lot of kills, was doing my own thing so I could not watch him/her/it played.

I think that the best method next time is to contact an admin without saying anything and let them check up on it. Do not stop playing, there are still a lot of great matches that still occur.
One more job and then its rio for me. - Badasp (September 11, 2010)

Judge Dredd Lox

Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by Judge Dredd Lox »

Honestly, from the the title......I thought you were going to tell us about a girl you are fixated on, that doesnt like you, and we were going to share feelings. :mrgreen:[/quote]

Well, ahem, now that you mention it. There's this girl see, we'll call her tigger. And she's like all up in my face. Should I frag her or just slap her around?

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by Dubya »

I was lagging like hell and getting owned by everyone....but I did notice how he pwnzerd meh N0ob @sS every time. Taz was also makig comments on how this dude/her/it/thing was botting. He said he looked up its stats and that it has a 96% efficiency with some weapons....? After Taz mentioned something....he said...something like "Damn, I guess I spoke too soon...I just killed him like 5 times in a row." Sounds like the exact sae thing is happeneing

P.S how do you find how many hours you've played.....cuz I think I've got a lot...not like judge...but up there...I kno I've almost got 4,000 total matches played
Last edited by Dubya on Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by WarDad71 »

He raised my eyebrow a couple times too with some sick HS tonight - for example - he killed a guy on our team in our base - I was off to the side and he turned right to me and HS - it felt odd - like a sweeping movement - can't explain it (he was facing opposite from me - could have just been luck though I have pulled off some cool kills myself and wondered if someone thought I was botting :P) - not like usual kill but I'm no expert on that stuff so I usually just keep my mouth closed. Don't want to sound like that one dude *cough cough* that calls bot on everything that moves every match he is in...I do know what you are talking about though judge and it may merit some weight - I usually don't try to find stuff like that for the record - just saying I agree that something felt out of the norm with the movements with that one guy in particular. (Mu)

P.S. 3,200 hours HOLY CRAPOLA!

Judge Dredd Lox

Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by Judge Dredd Lox »

I'm showing you have 902 hours played dubya

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by MLK »

Lolz... not a bot. just an old player. we went back and forth a few times but nothing suspect. Judge (and everyone for that matter), when your 2 bazillion hours of play is 100% pub time, you're not exactly practicing with the cream of the crop. Don't get me wrong, I have no delusions of my own gameplay and skill level. But I just try and get better. My advice is to try and find someone better than you and dm. Work on your movement, and have a plan other than "revenge kill." (you know you do it :P )

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by -T2- »

OMG! All the assumptions going on here. Just some background on my initial meeting with Mu in game. I first noticed his great aim but then again it wasn't the first time I have seen great aim on the server (I could mention names here but won't - I don't want any big heads getting bigger :P ). He was on the other team in Bedrooms. People on my team were mentioning his aim also. When I encountered him I think it was like 50/50 kills to deaths but that was in my teams base so we have the advantage. Mu was actively pursuing our flag. This alone shows me this player knows what he was doing and is not a 3.5 hour noob. Now on Desert Combat he must have been on my team because I don't recall coming across him. That is all I recall....2 maps.
Judge Dredd Lox wrote:At this point T2 spoke up and said no.
Yes I did. This was my off the cuff response because and hence my addition of get a demo. Let the admins/community see a demo. Again, too often I see botter accusations being thrown around. IMO, no one should even mention it until a demo has been recorded and viewed. VCFT has been the worst at bot accusations in all the gametypes I have played.
Judge Dredd Lox wrote:This made me wonder why T2 is sticking up for him. T2 then said to take a video or whatever it is called in ut.
I was not sticking up for him but trying to defend the "innocent until proven guilty" versus the "mob rules" mentality.
Judge Dredd Lox wrote:At this point I'm thinking well thanks dude for telling him to shut off his bot, now even if I knew how to record it I'll never get anything.
If his game play changes drastically then he can be in question even more.
Judge Dredd Lox wrote:Now T2, do you know who this is and is that why you spoke up for him?
Again, I was not defending him, her or whatever. I do NOT know who this player is nor do I care who it is. They did have good aim that is for sure. Even players on my team (bedrooms) were mentioning the # of headshots Mu had.
Judge Dredd Lox wrote:I mean if I know someone is cheating and or aliasing I'm gonna say something, will you?
I will be the first to call anyone out that I have evidence of cheating...including clanmates... but I will not do so without the evidence and having that evidence reviewed by many people.
Judge Dredd Lox wrote:If you want to defend someone you don't know then that is very admirable, but when it is essentially saying that I don't know what I'm talking about or I'm lying then I'm not just gonna dismiss it.
Again and assumption. My response was based on all of the accusations that have taken place on every VCTF server I have played on, not your one accusation.
Judge Dredd Lox wrote:Mu was on your team and only has 3+ hours playing this game, how would you know if he's botting or not?
What does "3+" hours mean? Absolutely nothing. You don't know of this is a pro who dusted off his copy of the 4.5 year old game and didn't recall his stats user ID/password. Like I mentioned earlier, I was probably wrong for my off the cuff remark. It very well could have been a botter.
Judge Dredd Lox wrote:Why would you dismiss what I'm saying if you have played with me enough to know that I'm at least a decent player?
I didn't dismiss anything. I actually replied to your accusations...this was not 'dismissing' what you said. And yes, you are more than a decent player bro.
Judge Dredd Lox wrote:Who is Mu? I
I have absolutely no idea. Maybe we could ask him/her and make it mandatory for a response, voice or chat, then a ban can take place if there is no reply?
«ßîc»EJ` wrote:And if T2 is actually sticking up for them i can almost grantee you its VoR: member, prolly Mithren aka warstorm. With that said, i do know of no more person in the server playing is a VoR member, and changed his IP and GUID. I can almost grantee its him with another GUID and IP, if not sorry for the inconvenience. But i hear ya Judge, and really i dont know what else to say. Go ahead any VoR member flame me, cause im sure its coming after what i said.
So you can "almost grantee" it was Mith huh? I take it you wouldn't believe me if I said I was in vent with him while I was playing those matches. Belta actually came in to check vent before our mixer and said hello. Team A used VoR's vent server for the mixer. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that because it was VoR's it gave us a communication advantage with our ventbot.

EJ, I have nothing against you and I think you know that from our conversations. Whatever took place between you and Mith is between you two. I am not going to flame you or anyone. That is not my style.

OK, now lets get back to having fun and playing some games!!!!

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by v0idNull »

MLK wrote:Lolz... not a bot. just an old player. we went back and forth a few times but nothing suspect. Judge (and everyone for that matter), when your 2 bazillion hours of play is 100% pub time, you're not exactly practicing with the cream of the crop. Don't get me wrong, I have no delusions of my own gameplay and skill level. But I just try and get better. My advice is to try and find someone better than you and dm. Work on your movement, and have a plan other than "revenge kill." (you know you do it :P )
-T2- wrote:Mu was actively pursuing our flag. This alone shows me this player knows what he was doing and is not a 3.5 hour noob.
That alone shows me he can read... you know the gametype.
-T2- wrote:I was not sticking up for him but trying to defend the "innocent until proven guilty" versus the "mob rules" mentality.
But why? "mob rules" mentality is always more eloquent... and fun!
-T2- wrote: I have absolutely no idea. Maybe we could ask him/her and make it mandatory for a response, voice or chat, then a ban can take place if there is no reply?
Now we're talking.
-T2- wrote: I am not going to flame you or anyone. That is not my style.

loving this clan run by morans!

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by Lt.Beefy »

-T2- wrote:Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that because it was VoR's it gave us a communication advantage with our ventbot.[/color][/b][/size]
Hax, ban now. =D

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by Beltamaxx »

Team A used VoR's vent server for the mixer. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that because it was VoR's it gave us a communication advantage with our ventbot.

I'm standing under the 5th. :roll:

Judge Dredd Lox

Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by Judge Dredd Lox »


Well spoken and thank you. Maybe you or someone can teach me how to record a match.


This wasn't like a few weeks ago when I was lagging so bad that everyone was killing me. I finally fixed that problem (fingers crossed) and now its back to normal where I don't lag all the time but just some of the time (and I wasn't lagging with this guy). During that time when we played you were killing me over and over but it was different than this, and I never once said you were botting. The thing is, you actually miss sometimes (no offense). I don't have a problem with better players, it's what helps me learn to play better, and hopefully I can kill you sometimes now. However this was different. This guy was not missing any shots until I said something. I would spawn and it was hit hit kill, spawn hit hit kill. NO MISSES. Half the time I could not even see this guy because of the fog on the map, I don't think a bot takes into account that you can't see through fog. I should have gone into more detail on this in my first post, because this alone kinda says something is off, would you agree?

Anyway, please don't turn this into a flame thread against each other. This was one of the reasons that I said "Should I say something or not?". I just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention that there are people out there who have figured out how to bot and get past the antitcc. I honestly believe that this guy is one of those people. And apoligies to T2, I tried to word everything I said so as not to seem like I was accusing you, but I just found it a little odd.

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Re: Should I say something or not?

Post by Beltamaxx »

Don't you guys know the internet is not for botting or flaming.

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