My sorry!

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My sorry!

Post by Tiggrrrr »

I dont know why its locked to anymore comments? :oops:
But, anyways I wanted to appologize. :cry:
I used Sigh as an example, Im not accusing him or anyone of hacking.
Obviously there's proof needed. Just wondering What's the procedure.
Thank you for clarifying that. It just hits a sore spot!
NO hard feelings, I know there are great players, and they only getting better!
Drives me carzy, I lost a good friend to hackers or possible hackers. He owned
no trans where we played TAM. He got all paranoid on me....heh
Someones taken over since, thank God! Its called the "zone" now.
It sucks he's gone though!!!!~ Cause of idiots, :shock: or good damn players! LOL!~ :lol:
~Aly~ aka <{CTC}> Tiggrrrr ^^^^ TTFN....

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Re: My sorry!

Post by Shockbait. »

Sigh doesn't bot. dear god this is getting depressing.
That probably had something to do with it.

No one that has been accused by this community bots, it's been a string of accusations slung towards players that have been a part of this community since before the people running it. Now I see why people thought pirate was an ass when he got tired of trying to talk sense into people.

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Re: My sorry!

Post by WarDad71 »

Shockbait. wrote:No one that has been accused by this community bots, it's been a string of accusations slung towards players that have been a part of this community since before the people running it.
I just got here :( Please don't say "this community" as I have had nothing to do with any bot accusations and would have been the first to speak up for Bezim for sure because I kinda know him from his DAM days. He kicked ass then before I left and he was getting into TAM etc. so I'm sure his skills have gotten better. Maybe yell at the one or two people who cry "bot bot" - but don't blame everyone at this site. It's not right to put a tag on an entire community. It's like saying all Swedish people like cheese. I'm sure there's one or two who detest it.

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Re: My sorry!

Post by v0idNull »

WarDad71 wrote:
Shockbait. wrote:No one that has been accused by this community bots, it's been a string of accusations slung towards players that have been a part of this community since before the people running it.
I just got here :( Please don't say "this community" as I have had nothing to do with any bot accusations and would have been the first to speak up for Bezim for sure because I kinda know him from his DAM days. He kicked ass then before I left and he was getting into TAM etc. so I'm sure his skills have gotten better. Maybe yell at the one or two people who cry "bot bot" - but don't blame everyone at this site. It's not right to put a tag on an entire community. It's like saying all Swedish people like cheese. I'm sure there's one or two who detest it.
wait so Sigh is Bezim?... *sigh* no pun... errr nevermind. PUN
Last edited by v0idNull on Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My sorry!

Post by Shockbait. »

You're taking it out of context wardad, I didn't mean everyone in the community. But it seems to be that way sometimes.

EDIT: No void, bezims somewhere in the canadian tundra building his parents a house.
Last edited by Shockbait. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My sorry!

Post by WarDad71 »

If I was told correctly - there was some accusations involving some of the VoR guys and one of the names included Bezim - I can't speak for others as I haven't spent as much time in Teamspeak with them or msn and messed around some to kinda see their character/attitudes. Bezim was always an upstanding guy in my opinion and I enjoyed hanging with him.
Shockbait. wrote:You're taking it out of context wardad, I didn't mean everyone in the community. But it seems to be that way sometimes.
I know what you meant shock :wink: was just clarifying for those who may take offense at the slightest comments. I will be the first to say STFU and show proof of something before yelling "botter". And as bad as I play - you'd think I would hollar it every 3 seconds :lol:

On a more positive note, I just got another cup of coffee and am ready to shoot stuff in an online gaem.

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Re: My sorry!

Post by v0idNull »

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Re: My sorry!

Post by Mithren »

I'd like to post something but figured I'm better off not... so I'll just say Hi Wardad!

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Re: My sorry!

Post by CTC-JimRimya »

No worries, Tiggrrr... Problem solved.
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Re: My sorry!

Post by CTC-PapaSmurf »

We are just going to start banning the accusers.. that should stop it..... LOL

Tiggrrr, you shouldn't apologize. If you feel there is something to say and someone's skill is questionable, then say something. As stated in previous threads, this server was meant for fun and not meant for some of these ladder players to practice noob bashing on.. This is part of the reason why CTC wants people to keep the same name all the time. Obviously there are those that disagree with this and don't feel that is how we should run our server(s)... I say start your own damn servers and put the effort in to how you want them to be run. Then, if you want, you can start a server that is only meant for all the "original" UT masters and just kill each other there...

Anyway, shockbait is correct, there are many of the really good players that get falsely accused of cheating. I guess this is just the side effect of playing with people who would rather have fun than to puff up their ego. Obviously there is a void between those that want to have the highest score and be the hero and those that want to hang out with friends without being killed every two steps and being coached by the "PRO" player to play the way HE/SHE wants you to.

We welcome anybody who wants to play into our awesome server as long as they don't forget rule number 1.. HAVE FUN and don't forget this is a damn game. There are some awesome players who have let us know that they have changed their name and have followed this rule without being asked to leave. They know how amazing they are with the shock rifle and the lightning gun, but know that it isn't fun for Johnny new kid that just got the game to keep getting his ass handed to him because he hasn't learned to dodge yet, so they opt to use rockets or grenades or flak so the game is more fair..... See how this works?

Anyway, I am pretty damn tired of these "Old Community" "New Community" threads. I hope the "Old Community" puts up their own servers so they can go play VCTF TAM all day long..

You just got knocked the smurf out!

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Re: My sorry!

Post by CTC-PapaSmurf »

bring on the angry replies.. :( Oh why can't I keep my mouth shut?? lol
You just got knocked the smurf out!

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Re: My sorry!

Post by !nfo. »

WarDad71 wrote:
Shockbait. wrote:No one that has been accused by this community bots, it's been a string of accusations slung towards players that have been a part of this community since before the people running it.
I just got here :( Please don't say "this community" as I have had nothing to do with any bot accusations and would have been the first to speak up for Bezim for sure because I kinda know him from his DAM days. He kicked ass then before I left and he was getting into TAM etc. so I'm sure his skills have gotten better. Maybe yell at the one or two people who cry "bot bot" - but don't blame everyone at this site. It's not right to put a tag on an entire community. It's like saying all Swedish people like cheese. I'm sure there's one or two who detest it.
Well welcome WD, this is {-DAM-}Informer, and i would have to tell you Bezim didnt get it as bad as some of the others :| . Hes not banned just building a "Summer house" for his parents on the other side of the country with no net connection. But again, welcome =]
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Re: My sorry!

Post by «ßîc»EJ` »

who fucking cares play the game and have fun, or get the fuck out!

frag ya later!

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Re: My sorry!

Post by CTC-Darth »

«ßîc»EJ` wrote:who fucking cares play the game and have fun, or get the fuck out!

frag ya later!
I couldn't have said it better, lol.

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Re: My sorry!

Post by Tiggrrrr »

Ya lmao! Who cares, lifes to short!~ I play for fun,
and, know I bought the game for fun!
I didnt think anyone was hacking! I wouldnt know!
I just told Sinjin Id make a post regarding the matter, nor was he accusing.
Which brings me to saying, I take for granted the fun
I have with the game, I get bored, sometimes mad.
Most of the time have fun, and yes, enjoy the people!
When your computers not there on the other hand, you miss it like fuck!
My computers screen had decided to turn purple.
Its not the monitor. Im praying its not the vid card, I just replaced one!
Cant afford one. Being a single Mom and keeping three
computers up and running is not an easy task.
I dont know them either, so I have to take it in to
the shop. I'll be gone a few days and not on for practice:(
My sad!~
Thank you all for just being you! I have so much fun
playing with you all, and thats what its there for. Fun, and the people!
~Aly~ aka <{CTC}>Tigs ^^^^ Gonna miss you all my friends!

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