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Holy sh*t!
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Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:28 am

Re: 9/11

Post by McShagger »

I was moving back from Japan (lived there for 10 years) and was on the last plane to land in the lower 48. There was an announcement on the airplane from the Korean captain that was a little difficult to understand saying that we were going to land at SFO instead of LAX because of a bomb scare at LAX. Lots of irritated gasping and groaning from the passengers...

I had a window seat an looked down at SFO (an airport I have landed at many times before) and there was nothing moving down there. It looked like a ghost town. I looked back and saw a jet fighter plane behind us... Then I remembered a guy in hand-cuffs (something I have never seen before) at Narita International near our boarding gate. I immediately thought we were the bomb threat. I kept this to myself as I thought about what might happen. I came to the conclusion that there was nothing to be done but accept what was going on and say a prayer. Im not much of a praying man, but when put into the situation, you think about the people you love. Not that I thought I was going to die because I always look on the bright side, but it was a good possibility.

When we landed, we got off the plane (me more hurriedly than others as I still figured there was a bomb on our plane). There were about 20 officers there. The rest of the airport was deserted. As I came to customs, there was no line, but the tape maze was there, so I cut under the tape and one of the security people there started yelling at me, "Go back and go through. You dont do stuff like that on a day like today." Now, I still thought we were the bomb threat, but it hit me, "What do you mean?" He said we were attacked. I asked where, cuz I thought it might be LA. He said, New York.

Going through customs was a breeze. I was moving back and had to declare about $20,000. Lucky me, they just wanted us out of there and didnt bother with that stuff. They just stamped passports. Unfortunately, I had to fare my own way home back to Socal. The airport did have buses ready for us to take down to LA, but it wasnt free. It was a long trip back... Still none of us knew what was going or anything... What we knew came from the bus driver and she didnt seem to know that much either. Im sure we should have been tired and normally, people would sleep on a bus ride from SFO to LAX, but I dont think anyone slept. We all had plans, we didnt know what was going on and very few people had cell phones if any did at all.

When I got home to my parents, I saw the news. The images of the planes hitting the twin towers arent as engraved in my mind as others because, I think I only saw them once. I was dazed and tired so I went to bed.

I was particularly affected by 9/11. Both of my interviews I had set up were canceled due to hiring freezes. I ended up unemployed with no unemployment pay for more than a year. It was nice staying with my parents though. I had been away for a long time.

Holy sh*t!
Posts: 892
Joined: Sat May 31, 2008 11:14 pm
Location: Victoria B.C. Canada

Re: 9/11

Post by Tiggrrrr »

Wow, those are quite the stories.
That'd be a good tribute book or something.
People's stories are interesting about that day,
where everyone was etc....

It was breaking news in Canada, I saw it.
I remember thinking what the fuck now.
OMG poor people, angels bless them.
Im not a religious person either but I
damn well pray to my gaurdian angels.

I was praying for the children, and the people trapped how horrible
"let the angles surround them" I said.

I always think about how fortunate I am playing my game, listening to music,
or a nice colorful day etc...
The simple things in life.

As appose to being in a terrible situation like that.
That we thank God, or whatever for everyday, we live in peace for now....

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu May 15, 2008 2:35 am

Re: 9/11

Post by Doc »

Great Topic, I can vividly remember that morning. I was in the Navy onboard the USNS Comfort piered in Baltimore, MD. A man from a medical company walked in our shop to fix a piece of equipment, knew nothing of what happened, and saw us watching it on tv. We brought him up to speed, he stood there in shock as we watched the building fall, started crying and said his brother worked there, and he had to go....heart breaking, still brings a tear to my eye.

Our ship received orders to steam to NYC; we were there two days later and stayed for several weeks providing food, showers, and a place to sleep for any one that wanted it. We arrived at night, fires still burning; buildings tore to hell, emergency lights as far as you could see, what a sight. A sad, sad time but also an amazing time, seeing firsthand what the human spirit is truly made of, everyone was united as one, one big family willing to help anyone and everyone.
(FMF) Doc

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