You read what...?

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Re: You read what...?

Post by Deathstrike »

v0idNull wrote:The alchemist by Paulo Coelho...
pretty much the only book you'll "have" to read.
Good read. Kind of makes me wonder what other books you read. Did not seem like the type that enjoys a good novel. :lol:
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Re: You read what...?

Post by WeedVulture »

im almost dun reeding this book. gud so far..


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Re: You read what...?

Post by SMR »

Ive been pumped reading through this book. Thank god for Opera. If it wasnt for her, id never have known.


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Re: You read what...?

Post by Odin »

Now that Frank McCourt has died I'm reminded that Angela's Ashes and Tis are worth a read. You can skp Teacher Man though.

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Re: You read what...?

Post by Knave_Skye »

I just started the 6th book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.....interesting series if you can get used to all the jumping around from character to character. I dont do alot of reading outside following a few series like the Dark Elf Series by R.A. Salvatore and all the Mayfair Witch/Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice.
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Re: You read what...?

Post by Ghosted »

The last two novels I finished recently were Cryptonomicon and Snow Crash. I'm not a huge novel reader, but I did just get 'The Idiot' (thanks void), 'A Brave New World' and 'Slaugherhouse 5' recently. I tend to read technical or philosophy books more regularly. The last book I read fully about a month ago was 'Hyperspace' (Michio Kaku), which is kindof an overview of the last 100 or so years of physics. Also been picking away at the last bits of a collection of essays and aphorisms by Arthur Schopenhauer (philosopher) and a Carl Jung book called 'Modern Man in Search of a Soul'. I'm also reading 'F# for Scientists' "for work", which I only mention because I recommend it if you're trying to get into F# (and already have a comp sci background).

If I were to recommend something non-technical I'd say probably 'The Glass Bead Game' by Herman Hesse. The ending of that one came so suddenly and I spent a while questioning if my interpretation was correct. If you're more technically minded or just interested in metathought I highly recommend 'Godel, Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid'.
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Re: You read what...?

Post by ru_exp »

Ghosted wrote: 'Godel, Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid'.

Ah yes...I read this book back in the early 80's. I may have been like 17 or something. Love it! The art of the metaphorical fugue. I think the thing that drew me to book was my foundness of MC Escher. I still have my original copy...although it's paperback.

Nice choice Ghosted...!

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Re: You read what...?

Post by VERB »

Just finished "The Art of War" Denma translation for the umpteenth time days ago.

Also just finished "Younger Next Year" a good read for those who need enlightenment on getting in shape.(Just science and psychology...they are not selling anything except the book)

And "The Fairtax Book" it'll make you wanna get involved if you want lower taxes!

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