... einfo.html
This map was initiated by myself, but ultimately became a communiy project. Early on I was getting advise and a lot of 'editor help' from JimRimya, Salchicha, Crossier, & Jeffrey. As the map became more developed, the Dynamic Duo unselfishly offered to help out this struggling noob. Jim and Sal got there hands dirty and really pimped it out as was seen in the beta version.
After some feed back, I started a beta 2 (never released). The highly skilled Jeffrey from BBS (formally Titan) hooked me up with the bot-pathing. Every pick-up, weapon, lift, and vehicle is usable by the bots. Jim did a make-over on the interior of the flag bases (very hot). I thought it sucked that the tank couldn't do anything about guarding the flag. I tried various things untill I came up with what you see in the final version. After that I got busy with other stuff and left it alone for a looooong time.
Foot runs were way too hard as it was mostly a manta run map. Id did an awesome job at fixing this with the under base tunnels as well as adjustments of weapons, player starts, pick-ups, vehicles... a whole bunch of odds and ends. Great job Id!
So there you have it. A community developed map. A big thanks to all who contributed to the development of the map including the players for their insight. And a special thank you to JimRimya and Salchicha who saw more in me than I saw in myself. There never would have been "my first map" without there help and support.