This is probably my most simplistic map. No one should have trouble getting the hang of this map, in other words. It is a Manta run and foot run map as both of them can be a primary means of capping. Very balanced in that aspect.
There is one Manta, one Hellbender and one Goliath. The Hellbender spawns on a nice sniping perch, and with vehicle stunts, the Hellbender can find even more sniping perches. You can even attempt Hellbender runs by getting the Hellbender into the back tunnel going for the enemy flag from there. The Goliath is better suited on the same level as the flag, so there is a ramp from the spawn ledge to easily get the Goliath down. The ramps can also provide the Goliath with plenty of cover, but the Goliath can never completely hide; therefore, the Goliath isn't overpowered.
The Manta has a multitude of paths to use to grab the flag. Basically the Manta can attack from any angle, thus the defense will have to be alert on this map.
Not much to explain other than that. There are two redeemers (one in the back tunnel and one behind the ramp that connects both bases) and two double damage pickups (one in the top, middle tunnel and one in the area accessed by the low tunnels). Also, my jump pads have sound for once.
A few shots of the blue base.
A few shots of the red base.
This is a semicircular cut inside the walls on each side of the flag. Since the bases are relatively narrow, it is difficult to grab the flag and turn the Manta within the narrow space without stopping to make the turn. I, therefore, added these cuts into the walls allowing the Manta an area to turn around and escape the base that doesn't require the Manta to stop.
This is one of two possible entrances to the lower tunnels. It can be accessed by entering the inside cone located in the middle of both bases. A second entrance to the low tunnels can be found on the inside wall a few feet before reaching the cone.
This is where the low tunnels will lead you.