McShagger wrote:Me and Jim were testing this map earlier yesterday. Its pretty interesting... Now, for the criticism:
The Biggest issue we had were the jump pads going across:
Blind navigation of the pads really sux.
There are so many pads, putting markers to show where each one is would simply be too confusing. The pads are so close together you wouldn't know which one you were headed for. Though I suppose I can take a look at this
McShagger wrote:Even if you "ride" the pads without moving, sometimes you get boosted off to your death.
The jump pads on the bridges will throw you to your death because those bridges are intended for vehicles only. Other than that, I have tested this map so much that I can factually say that if you truly do not touch a single movement key while jumping, 95% of the time you will make it across safely, but there is nothing that can be done about the other 5%. I used to miss the jump pads a lot more often than I do now, and I haven't changed a thing since my latest tests. This is something that will have to be dealt with any time one jump pad leads to another. If you move too much you'll miss the next jump pad, so there is no reason to move; however, if a jump pad were to just lead to some place on the ground or to a higher level, sometimes moving while in the air can place you in a more advantageous spot. It is not advantageous to move so much that you miss the next jump pad in a string of jump pads, so whether this was fixed or not, moving while on the pad will in no way help you as it does not get you to the next pad any faster. Instead you should be focusing on where the enemies are so you can use your shield to block their shots.
McShagger wrote:You cant tell where the pads are that are giving you a boost. Need to be able to see exactly where you are supposed to land to hit the next pad.
See my first point.
McShagger wrote:Very slow moving so very easy to snipe... I understand that you wanted it that way, but it is way to easy to shock someone off the pads. Maybe, the shock rifle can be put on the very top by the raptor. You can still put people off balance with other weapons.
I used to have the pads so fast even I could rarely hit someone using them. I had to slow them down and I had Badasp help me test the speed. The speed is slow enough that a person can get shot, but fast enough that they aren't exposed for too long, especially if they are using their shield as they should be. Also, if you don't like how many jumps it takes to get across, there are ten jumps when you use the middle pads, but only five or six (I think five) when you use the side pads. The difference is, the middle pads change your direction more frequently making you harder to hit, but the side pads change your direction less frequently, due to there being less jumps, making you easier to hit. They both get you across in about the same amount of time, but I think the side pads have a slighty faster travel time.
McShagger wrote:Too many jumps. Please, reduce it by two.
The more the jumps are reduced, the easier you are to hit. The time it takes to get from one side to the other is not longer than the amount of time you can hold your shield before its power runs out. A player should always have his shield out to protect him when using the pads.
McShagger wrote:Jump pads do not show direction. I would like to see direction of the boost.
Color of pads do not seem to matter. Make it matter or make them all look the same.
I'm not sure what you're talking about. Do you mean the red and blue static meshes that span the interstice? Those aren't jump pads. They're just something I added for visual effect (which I don't do much of). It also serves as a base identifier. As far as direction goes. I know the jump pads I use don't show direction, but after you play a map enough, can you really say you pay attention to the direction indicator more than you just remember where the pad will take you?
McShagger wrote:Also, a few pads did not work or sent you someplace that doesnt matter.
I know which pads you're talking about. They do work. They are used as a means of safely dropping down from above. If you drop onto those pads instead of hitting the ground, you will lose no health for dropping. Check my second post that included screenshots to see a further explanation of this.
McShagger wrote:Outside paths are too much of a PITA (not difficult) and long to navigate to lead anyone ever actually use them. Make them easier to navigate and people might go out that way... otherwise, its wasted space.
I'll be using them a lot. Primarily as a low resistance means of reaching the enemy base, which ensures I'll have plenty of health when I attempt my flag run. As well as that, those side paths are there for people to use who don't want to use the jump pads, but the draw back is that it takes longer to reach them then just using the pads. I figured I'd leave in some way for flag carriers to go from base to base without jump pads. That's not what the map was made for, thus I will not make that path any easier to use.
As far as the ramps on the back wall are concerned, yeah they're pretty useless, but no reason they shouldn't be there. If they don't get used they don't get used. They are, however, a very good place for a flag carrier to hide. You can't be seen from anywhere unless a person comes to your ramp level or the Raptor finds you, and eluding a person on foot on those ramps is very easy.
I haven't yet made a map that is just straightforward, simplistic gameplay. All the maps I've made so far were designed to challenge the player to look beyond the simple and seek ways to play the map which will either improve their own personal skills or their teamwork skills. Yes, you can play these maps simplistically, but you can dominate these maps if you learn the tricks and learn the true purpose of these maps. Hit&Run is a good example. Once people realize that multiple riders linking on top of that Hellbender can go a long way in ensuring a cap, then the teamwork will pay off and that map can reach its true potential. Doomsday is more of an individual skills map. A lot of trick jumps and moves can help a player dominate that map.
Thanks Mr. Bean. I know nothing of zoning, so I'll take a look at this. I'll also try to fix the texturing on the stairs like you said.
I do appreciate the feedback, McShagger, but a lot of this stuff I have already contemplated and decided to go with it the way that it is. I'm not opposed to making some changes, it just depends on what the changes affect.
I'd love to take you and Jim into the map and show you guys the nuances of how it works and why I did things the way I did.