A manta-whore map at heart, this arena is also good for scorpion, bender and foot runs. Two mantas, two scorpions, one hellbender and one raptor per side. Lockers loaded with weapons, and enough avrils to protect the flag.
CTC-PapaSmurf wrote:Who has two thumbs, is blue, has a huge penis and loves this map? THIS GUY. This map is frickin awesome! Way to go fellas. Way to go..
LOL! Thanks bro! Since Smurfs are kind of small, does that mean your penis is larger than you? WOW!
CTC-PapaSmurf wrote:Who has two thumbs, is blue, has a huge penis and loves this map? THIS GUY. This map is frickin awesome! Way to go fellas. Way to go..
LOL! Thanks bro! Since Smurfs are kind of small, does that mean your penis is larger than you? WOW!
CTC-PapaSmurf wrote:Who has two thumbs, is blue, has a huge penis and loves this map? THIS GUY. This map is frickin awesome! Way to go fellas. Way to go..
LOL! Thanks bro! Since Smurfs are kind of small, does that mean your penis is larger than you? WOW!
its like he has his own kickstand
Lulz. The map is really good. Though I do think that people really overdo manta runs. But that's just me.
Quite some time ago when I heard "Manta Run" I was scared because I had
problems jumping on the wing and when I could not do it in time I felt like a fool.
Not any more because I am a better jumper now. LOL