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Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:28 pm
by Beltamaxx
1. Do you like it?

2. Would you like more UT3 maps?

I'll be sending the author this link, so please let him know you guys appreciate the time and effort he put into it.

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:46 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
I do like it. I especially like the stealth scorpion (when it works correctly)
I would like to see more UT3 maps (or just any new maps, really!)

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:51 pm
by x-GAMBIT-x
I Agree New Maps are Allways good keeps us Motivated.

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:28 pm
by CTC-Salchicha
We should have some maps that include the faster manta. I'm working on one thats kinda big that could use something like this. Thoughts?

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:50 pm
by v0idNull
I'm all for a change of pace in the gameplay of the vehicles. Suspense for ut2k4 is definitely going in the right direction IMO.

Sal, as far as the mantas go, I'm thinking if you make it really fast it's gonna be a nightmare for defense. So if you're going to make it considerably fast you should probably not make it rider friendly like the one in suspense. Also, please make the fire rate faster than the UT3 one. That manta really makes me feel like my cock is not big enough. My ¢2. Of course feel free to deploy it in the game so we can take it for a test drive. :twisted:

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 5:05 pm
by Mr Bean
This author regularly plays on the vctf server. His username is Jeffrey. It's in the UK, so people connect during our morning hours (evening for them). He is also an admin for that server.

Other maps by Jeffrey:

Other modified maps:
VCTF-RadioActiveArcade (I've put botpaths in it, didn't made the map)
VCTF-ChristMassDestruction (christmass edition)
VCTF-00Genopath (botpathed it)

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 5:35 pm
by v0idNull
Really? I could've sworn André (nick: Kantham) made Arcade and Radioactive Arcade... but sure carry on.

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:17 pm
by CTC-Salchicha
Yo Void. I don't think you can ride the faster one in Suspense. I may be wrong though. The rate of fire is slower but I think it's a trade off for the agility. Quien sabe?

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:20 pm
by Beltamaxx
I could've sworn André (nick: Kantham) made Arcade and Radioactive Arcade

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 7:48 am
by Mr Bean
My mistake. I thought I heard someone at mention that Jeffrey made radioactive. Anyways, I love the map.
For those of you who know something about map building might like this thread: ... hp?t=15597
Jeffrey mentions some techniques he used in getting the UT3 map to work on UT2004. I personally have no idea what he's talking about :)

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 9:30 pm
by v0idNull
Yeah Jeff visited the server yesterday, I asked him to stop by. He said he botpath'd radioactive btw, which is pretty cool I guess. Also, he's not working on other maps for now.

Re: VCTF-Suspense2K4

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:24 pm
by Lazy.Pirate
Overall its a good remake of the map. very true to the original (still not sure if thats a good or bad thing)

The only thing i could say about the map is that the scale seems rather large. it might be on par with what ut3 is like, but it just feels too big. even thought it might be the same size as UT3's, it doesnt have the same fell to it due to the difference in scaling. I'd rather have the map FEEL true to the original and be a bit smaller overall rather than it being the same size and feel onslaught-size huge.