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Great Games guys...

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:04 am
by McShagger
Thanks CTC gang... Sorry about the delay... we usually have our shit together... and usually have a lot of XCGers in at any given time... Anyway, we all felt this was a big step to creating more excitement in the VCTF community... cant wait to see how you guys do against HOG... We will post up the demo recs in our server so you can study the matches... Once again, big thanks to JimRimya and Sal for helping to get this thing going... I hope that KHz and other clans can join in the fun in the near future...

Re: Great Games guys...

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:01 am
by CTC-Salchicha
Yeah, good times indeed. Thanks for the games, you guys are always a hard bunch of brawlers. I smell a rematch, he he. We all need to light a couple of fires under the other community members. C'mon Hoggies, KHZ...let's get ready to rumble! Thanks for hosting it, the server ran tight.

Re: Great Games guys...

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:15 pm
by KrazR
Hey guys it was fun as hell! Love seeing everyone get together like that and having fun. To me that's what its all about. Glad to hear the server ran well for you guys too. Let's keep it up. Hell I'd hop in there all the time if we had people on there playing so it doesn't have to be running just for scrims or matches. Hope to see you guys in every once in a while ;)! Also I'll be posting up the demos soon (once they all get uploaded) and I'll repost the links to them here so you guys can download them and check them out. GGZ CTC!

Re: Great Games guys...

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:55 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
Yeah, good times for sure. CTC needs to get a little better organized, but we played well and had a great time.
Let's do it again sometime very soon. I want to play a little more TAM as well. I'll check out your server a little more often and jump in on some TAM stuff. And remember, we play a little BR on our server too. I know Schism loves some BR!
Let us know when the demorecs are posted.
Thanks again for organizing this!

Re: Great Games guys...

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:57 pm
by KrazR

Re: Great Games guys...

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:51 pm
by McShagger
if you dont know how to view those demos:

Goto UT2004 folder and create a folder called "Demos". Then drop the file in the folder.

Run UT2k4 then click on Community and on the top there should be a Demos tab. Click that and select demo, click watch demo at bottom. It may say that you need certain files. If that is the case, you need to go dl the map in game again... Then you can watch.

There does seem to be a few bugs with demo rec. Tops of vehicles are not visible, cant see flag when carried, some guys appear to be the wrong color and in some instances first person view is screwed up...

Re: Great Games guys...

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:58 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
McShagger wrote:if you dont know how to view those demos:

Goto UT2004 folder and create a folder called "Demos". Then drop the file in the folder.

Run UT2k4 then click on Community and on the top there should be a Demos tab. Click that and select demo, click watch demo at bottom. It may say that you need certain files. If that is the case, you need to go dl the map in game again... Then you can watch.

There does seem to be a few bugs with demo rec. Tops of vehicles are not visible, cant see flag when carried, some guys appear to be the wrong color and in some instances first person view is screwed up...
Yeah, it didn't work right on one of my comps, but got it working on the other one. Thanks for posting.

Re: Great Games guys...

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 3:00 am
by JasAce
Hey guys! I'm sure I've played with most of you over the years but of course I stopped when the craptastic UT3 came out and all the Crush servers went to that instead. Then moved on to TF2 and lately COD4 but I played 2 maps tonite on your server and DAMN was it fun! Ping was in the 60's compared to 120 + on HOG. Anyway thanks for the GG's and look forward to the little mixer scrim/matches you guys are setting up. :mrgreen:

Re: Great Games guys...

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:01 am
by x-GAMBIT-x
Ahhh Did I miss out on some Fun. :(
Dam Job anyways, allways getting in the way of some Fun. :D

Re: Great Games guys...

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:07 am
by CTC-JimRimya
x-GAMBIT-x wrote:Ahhh Did I miss out on some Fun. :(
Dam Job anyways, allways getting in the way of some Fun. :D
LOL! Yeah, this is kind of an old post.