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this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:23 pm
by $lacker
its 6am and i've been up all night and i cant go to sleep now because i have to wait for some people to come take my broken ass old car away and give me chump change for it. so im going to entertain myself by writing this post with some of my fondest memories of vctf pubs whether it be trolling, tarding, or something else that starts with t.

i got banned (one of many times) from belol for playing as BOCKBOCKBOCKBOCKBOCK and typing "BOCKBOCKBOCKBOCK" everytime i fragged somebody. I was tearing it up too, never had an entire server hate me so much.

back in the fatjimmys days when we could get away with this kind of stuff, bic players (i.e. hawke, phage, lazypirate and me) would work as a team to steal the enemy team's raptor (it was really easy when one of us was on the other team :mrgreen: ), then one of us would grab the flag and berserk jump into the toilet bowl where the other team would have no way of killing us. it was fun until people started kick voting

one time on Basically, i grabbed the flag and used the bounce pad behind the flag area, then hawke (on the other team) absolutely nailed me with a shock combo in midair but i blocked it with my shield, the combined momentum of the bounce pad and the combo blew me all the way across the map right in front of my teams flag post, the farthest i ever flew in UT.

we (bic) were playing a vctf league match against KAL (klans are lame, i loved those kids.... well fuzzytoilet and roughtoilet got kinda annoying) it was one of their first matches and they didnt have a voice chat server, so they were using the ingame VOIP or whatever you call it, anyways they kept accidentally talking on the public channel and we kept talking back to them.

one time i actually saw evergreen playing on fat jimmys

one time i changed my handle to [ELF]$lacker for some reason and got a cd key ban, had to suck up to some epic games dude in an email to get it unbanned

i thought i would be able to remember more than this.... im probably just tired

post your fond vctf memories

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:36 pm
by Variasaber

Wait, why would making your clantag [ELF] get you CD key banned?

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:41 pm
by ru_exp
It should not have been a "fond memory" but I will never forget the first time I experiencing <bic>. I was in [R*B] and we played a match. I did not join until the last map which was Torlan. It was a meaningless play because they had already won the first two matches. Somehow, they stole every last one of our mantas and our raptor. The pandamonium on VENT was a classic. The guys from <bic> were camping the spawn point and squashing anyone who respawned before the got weapons. I think it was Lazy Pirate that parked the tank at the top of the hill and rained tank shells into our base. No one scored and we just suffered through until time was up.

PFN and I were laughing so hard at the futility that I wish I would have recorded the screaming from everyone else. Funny shit.

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:47 pm
by $lacker
ru_exp wrote:It should not have been a "fond memory" but I will never forget the first time I experiencing <bic>. I was in [R*B] and we played a match. I did not join until the last map which was Torlan. It was a meaningless play because they had already won the first two matches. Somehow, they stole every last one of our mantas and our raptor. The pandamonium on VENT was a classic. The guys from <bic> were camping the spawn point and squashing anyone who respawned before the got weapons. I think it was Lazy Pirate that parked the tank at the top of the hill and rained tank shells into our base. No one scored and we just suffered through until time was up.

PFN and I were laughing so hard at the futility that I wish I would have recorded the screaming from everyone else. Funny shit.
if it makes you feel better we put worse beatings on other squads lol

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:49 am
by Beltamaxx
ru_exp wrote:It should not have been a "fond memory" but I will never forget the first time I experiencing <bic>. I was in [R*B] and we played a match. I did not join until the last map which was Torlan. It was a meaningless play because they had already won the first two matches. Somehow, they stole every last one of our mantas and our raptor. The pandamonium on VENT was a classic. The guys from <bic> were camping the spawn point and squashing anyone who respawned before the got weapons. I think it was Lazy Pirate that parked the tank at the top of the hill and rained tank shells into our base. No one scored and we just suffered through until time was up.

PFN and I were laughing so hard at the futility that I wish I would have recorded the screaming from everyone else. Funny shit.
LOCUST !!!!!!

That was the kind of luck RB had in ladders.
1. First ONS match ever was against "pure"

2. First VCTF match ever was against "BiC"

Both team where ranked #1 at the time.

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:06 am
by ru_exp
So Belta you remember that!! And I swear that is what it is was like LOCUST!

We got swarmed and it would not stop! It is even funnier now looking back on it. But I remember swearing that it would never happen again. Scarred me for life. lol


Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:19 pm
by Odin
ru_exp wrote:It should not have been a "fond memory" but I will never forget the first time I experiencing <bic>. I was in [R*B] and we played a match. I did not join until the last map which was Torlan. It was a meaningless play because they had already won the first two matches. Somehow, they stole every last one of our mantas and our raptor. The pandamonium on VENT was a classic. The guys from <bic> were camping the spawn point and squashing anyone who respawned before the got weapons. I think it was Lazy Pirate that parked the tank at the top of the hill and rained tank shells into our base. No one scored and we just suffered through until time was up.

PFN and I were laughing so hard at the futility that I wish I would have recorded the screaming from everyone else. Funny shit.
It was evilacid's fault because he kept tossing mantas like an idiot because we filled the roster with people who didn't play vctf to make 8. Also, I miss piffners :(

As far as memories... honestly I had way more fun pubbing in VCTF than anything else. Holding the bender in Illusion as you slowly piss off an entire team is probably near the top, it's one of the few maps I actually used spider mines. But it was always fun discovering and fine-tuning a new tactic you learned in pubbing, the day I SURVIVED running my raptor into a deemer on Actioncity made me giggle like an idiot.

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:46 pm
by ru_exp
I agree with you Odin...I can remember staying up all night playing invasion with you guys and using exploits to stay alive. The exploits never lasted but it was fun leveling up.

I will be the first to say that I miss the fat kid with the "bad attitude". LOL
Who was it that said he sucked and challenged him to 1v1 and got completely destroyed?

And evilacid was a waste-oid. When he joined R*B it past time to leave.

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:51 pm
by Ghosted
Some of my favorite things:

Frontline with smurf or I in the manta, the other riding. We would play chicken and fly right along the barbed wire until the drive would ditch. Sounds dumb, but definitely got a rush from it as the rider could jump in the manta last second and save it, or jump off and let the driver die.

Anytime Id was in a bender sniping people, I would knock him of a cliff or whatever was available. Would generally sit there and grief him the whole time when he was on my team.

Shooting mantas/raptors into teamates. Mostly vapor/smurf.

Killing vapor and then reminding him that I am better than him at everything.

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:47 pm
by Variasaber
Ghosted wrote:Some of my favorite things:

Frontline with smurf or I in the manta, the other riding. We would play chicken and fly right along the barbed wire until the drive would ditch. Sounds dumb, but definitely got a rush from it as the rider could jump in the manta last second and save it, or jump off and let the driver die.

Anytime Id was in a bender sniping people, I would knock him of a cliff or whatever was available. Would generally sit there and grief him the whole time when he was on my team.

Shooting mantas/raptors into teamates. Mostly vapor/smurf.

Killing vapor and then reminding him that I am better than him at everything.
Y'ever have bots shoot mantas into you? Now THAT is frustrating because they're not even doing it on purpose :lol:
There was this one map, can't remember what it was called but it was wicked small and used that sandstone-egyptian-pyramid type tileset, two bases on high platforms and a chasm between them with water at the bottom. Started with a B, I think. Anyway, if you set the bots to Inhuman or Godlike, they would spamfire shock beams from their base to yours, and you spawn right behind the manta spawn, so they would accidentally shoot it into you the moment you respawned CONSTANTLY. Ragequit-worthy at the time, but looking back it seems pretty funny :mrgreen:

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:32 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
I remember one time playing Torlan on a public server. Sal and I were on the top of the tower using avrils to take out any vehicle that came our way. One guy got so pissed that he kept dying so he said that CTC stood for 'camping tower clowns'. We laughed.

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:53 pm
by Variasaber
CTC-JimRimya wrote:I remember one time playing Torlan on a public server. Sal and I were on the top of the tower using avrils to take out any vehicle that came our way. One guy got so pissed that he kept dying so he said that CTC stood for 'camping tower clowns'. We laughed.
Ah, Torlan... I remember back when I only had the demo, I used to play that map nonstop... good times. :mrgreen:

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:22 pm
by Deathstrike
-Watching Macleod tear up the map and cap with the scorpion.
-Killing Macleod for the first time, albeit with the help of the whole team.
-Being a decoy for Macleod, thus allowing my team to slip by and win.
-Spectating alongside Jackal.
-Getting tips from Jackal - made me a winner. Winning.
-Fragging with Shrek - allowed me to proudly say I knew a guy who was related to a person working for Time Warner Cable and a bona fide criminal aka Gas Countess at the penitentiary.
-Knave dueling his arc-nemisis in Carball - I saw/felt emotion.

Forgot one other moment. How did I miss this...

-Meeting Jamal aka Baby Daddy, nuff said.

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 3:57 am
by Lazy.Pirate
I like that ive made an impression on some of these. ^_^

Trolling with big was great. I remember the first time I saw hawke and slacker troll on the toilet level. I had to join spec to find out where they were, and when I did I couldn't stop laughing.

I remember a lot working on ooges palace with help from phage. And I remember people hating it, and loving all strait reskin maps. Never understood that.

I remember being the outcast of the community when I first started for being so vocal. The amount of apathy about the bad maps being solidified in the community was another baffling point.

Re: this one time in a vctf match

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 1:05 am
by Odin
VCTFers in general don't take to criticism very well, and a lot of times you weren't very specific with your criticism. You'd say what you hate but not what the underlying problem was, or how to fix it.

Ooges was enjoyable, at least in my opinion, because it was a nice simple spammy map. Your version added areas that were unnecessary, at least as far as why oogoes was "good." Also you put in a cicada, which I LOVE, but putting it in ooges is fucking stupid. Also there were performance issues when going to the outside area and back with more than a few people, it was not very well optimized.

And at the end of the day you have to understand that peoples' preference in maps is very subjective and varied. You acted like your opinion was the gold standard and nobody knew you so nobody was going to listen to you, and you never really gave them a reason to.