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Stir it up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:55 pm
by ru_exp
I've been thinking about something...and I guess this is an open letter to Prism.

You go out and scoop the baddest of the bad asses in UT2K4...and you reform the aftermath of VA as meh. And I (an old man hanging on to a youth I should have let go in the 90's) enlist the help of a bunch of second rate players who you wouldn't have bothered to have on your team:
  • Binski: he's a wino hooked on Canadian beer
    Felix: an immigrant that is only playing for our team in hopes of Green Card sponsorship
    kill3r: ever wonder who is the serial killer for the pet cats in South you know
    badasp: sure, he's good...but if you take away his crystal meth, then what?
    Phobia: self explanatory...issues
    !Nfo: he's dying of gamma radiation poisoning...he thought it would be like the comics
    Deathstrike: you remember eveil dwarf from the "Leprechaun" movie. Nothing to fear here.
    Slanted J: he's blind in one eye and he has hook for the other hand. Hence, slanted
    Kilgore_Trout: fictional tangible skills to speak of. A frigment of our imagination.
    T2: get real...he plays the game on an Apple IIe computer. wtf?
    Bezim: okay...even we are scared of Bezim.
    Waist: he is a double agent. He has too many team kills to be really on our side

How come we can't get a rematch with you guys? All I hear is that the game is dying...but I still haven't seen any viable replacements. And why not go out in a blaze of glory!! Why not go out on top. Let's play for the title.

I'm just saying... :?

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:47 pm
by Binski
LOL. Why did you leave yourself out of that?

pst...Xion and Davinci.

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:06 pm
by Linkon
The funny thing is ru that 75% of meh never played vctf till we learned about what x-cannon and prism were playing. Hence I jumped over to join prism x-cannon and murderface and i brought along oopsies, sic, and drago all long time ons guys. Im still pretty new to the gametype itself seeing as how 99.99% of the time i just like clicking the shit out of bad players. and idk what VA is (can't remember clan tags atm)

anyhow my point is you want to see some really badass players trying going back a few years when the top ons/tam/dm players were around. you think me and oopsies are trouble, wait till you play against people like bharsell, ninja-x, broody, murdoc, angrisaki, and ST who all moved on.

and most of your players exccept a few are not second rate seeing as how they have played longer vctf than most of us have. and as far as a rematch went we had a date but you guys pushed it back some. I have college now which causes a big strain on online gaminz and internet secks life

btw the game is dead and it continues to die because the "age of the pubs" has come and that usally is the last stage of a games death.

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:49 pm
by vivr
My god did you just say ST was really good?

Ru, you must have been really bored today.

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:18 pm
by lil Sin
ru_exp wrote:I've been thinking about something...and I guess this is an open letter to Prism.

You go out and scoop the baddest of the bad asses in UT2K4...and you reform the aftermath of VA as meh. And I (an old man hanging on to a youth I should have let go in the 90's) enlist the help of a bunch of second rate players who you wouldn't have bothered to have on your team:
  • Binski: he's a wino hooked on Canadian beer
    Felix: an immigrant that is only playing for our team in hopes of Green Card sponsorship
    kill3r: ever wonder who is the serial killer for the pet cats in South you know
    badasp: sure, he's good...but if you take away his crystal meth, then what?
    Phobia: self explanatory...issues
    !Nfo: he's dying of gamma radiation poisoning...he thought it would be like the comics
    Deathstrike: you remember eveil dwarf from the "Leprechaun" movie. Nothing to fear here.
    Slanted J: he's blind in one eye and he has hook for the other hand. Hence, slanted
    Kilgore_Trout: fictional tangible skills to speak of. A frigment of our imagination.
    T2: get real...he plays the game on an Apple IIe computer. wtf?
    Bezim: okay...even we are scared of Bezim.
    Waist: he is a double agent. He has too many team kills to be really on our side

How come we can't get a rematch with you guys? All I hear is that the game is dying...but I still haven't seen any viable replacements. And why not go out in a blaze of glory!! Why not go out on top. Let's play for the title.

I'm just saying... :?

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:03 pm
by Ghosted
At the risk of starting a flame war. Linkon I think the fumes from all of Id's shit on your dick is making your brain stupid. No one cares how good you think you are, so you don't need to put that in every post :lol:

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:01 pm
by infected_toe
Sixth !!!! W000T !!!!

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:33 pm
by -Id- iot
I would have grabbed Binski, but I hardly ever saw him around.
I did not know felix, but had I, I would have grabbed him.
I tried to grab Waist, but all my questions were replied with ":]".
I would have grabbed Badasp, but I figured he would be the one running DD and I wanted to scrim DD. I never asked him because of that. Had I known he would have jumped ship and abandoned all of the DD guys who loved him so much without a moments hesitation . . . I would have grabbed him.
I would have grabbed Phobia, but I never got the chance for the same reasons as Binski.


Ghosted, mind your own business. You want to come in and say how Linkon thinks too much of himself. Look at yourself. Linkon would mop the floor with you, so you have no right to assess his skill level. You should give us a report on how good MacLeod is instead.

Let the flame war commence . . .

Anyway, about the rematch, Ru, scheduling seems to be a problem for both of our teams. We all want to play you again, so I am sure something will happen soon. I had just lost interest after the last one was delayed, but multiple people are pulling for the rematch. I suppose I have to get my act together then.

We challenge CB to an Urban Terror, TDM match.

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:04 pm
by Ghosted
"Ghosted, mind your own business. You want to come in and say how Linkon thinks too much of himself. Look at yourself."

Mmmm hmmm... Find one public post where I talk myself up and I'll find 20 of Linkons or yours. Actually I won't, cause I'm too lazy, but that's probably the ratio unless my post count is 0. I'm just kindof tired of hearing you guys say 'im so tired of killing all you noobs' all the time. I can't be the only one right?

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:24 pm
by Binski
UT TDM and you've got yourself a deal!

Here's my flame....You all smell funny....funny peculiar that is....

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:48 am
by badasp
-Id- wrote:I would have grabbed Badasp, but I figured he would be the one running DD and I wanted to scrim DD. I never asked him because of that. Had I known he would have jumped ship and abandoned all of the DD guys who loved him so much without a moments hesitation . . . I would have grabbed him.
With my main computer being down (broken hard drive) I had to squint to see the extra small font on this 10 inch lappy. Upon doing so I read the above statement and was quite suprised as to what I just read. Perhaps its purpose is just to serve as a catalyst in this "flame war," but nonetheless it touches upon a subject I take seriously and as such I will respond to it seriously. Your statement is pretty low and showcases a level of ignorance you seem to have been expressing as of late. Even though I dread typing another word on this miniscule keyset, I will do so anyways in order correct the falsities in your statement. The following response focuses too much on myself so those who don't want to read a mini autobiography please move on in order to save yourself some boredom.

First and foremost, Belta is the leader of DD, not me. Some looked to me as the de facto leader during his absence but there are many in DD who have been in it a lot longer than me and are more deserving of such a title. Secondly, I never left DD; CB is an alliance of people from different clans and teams (e.g., KHz and Vor) that are not as competitively active as they once used to be. DD, with many of its veteran players and leader absent, certainly fits into this category. CB provides us an opportunity for competitive play without leaving our old clans. Finally, and to further elaborate on the previous point, I never abandoned anyone in DD. I still play many casual games with these guys nightly and have a load of fun doing so. Those left in DD seem to prefer more casual gaming (i.e., CTC public and private servers, Trackmania, etc.) and I love joining them when they play. So the idea that I left DD and abandoned those in it is downright false. Maybe you should get your facts straight before you joke about something you clearly don't know about.

I would much rather spend time playing a game than chatting about one, so perhaps we should get some use out of this thread and set a date for a rematch. What date works for you guys? Name one and we'll do our best to accomodate you.

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:02 am
by Dragosani
Binski wrote:....You all smell funny....
Funny queer, not funny ha ha..

uhhhh hmmm.....

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:39 am
by ru_exp
Okey dokey...


Re: Stir it up

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:55 am
by -Id- iot
badasp wrote:I read the above statement and was quite suprised as to what I just read. Perhaps its purpose is just to serve as a catalyst in this "flame war," but nonetheless it touches upon a subject I take seriously and as such I will respond to it seriously.
Wow. You are a much more sarcastic person than I am, so it surprised me that you clearly missed my sarcasm there.

I know Belta led DD, I know you are still part of DD, I know DD is not interested in fielding a competitive team, and I know that is the only reason you joined up with CB.

Pretty amazing you missed my sarcasm by that much, but apologies to anything that struck a chord.

Re: Stir it up

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:32 am
by Linkon
lol i love this community! Im never gonna leave!

you got the people who naturally assume they are awesome when they absolutly suck monkey cock (that guy linkon). and then you have people like ghosted who is all powerfull and probably the greatest video gamer of all time, winner of multiple TWL season CAL seasons the XGL Tournament, for cash mind you, spankin poor players like linkon in a pub.

we must all bow down to the awesome power that ghosted has and his fellow friends at CtC the greatest clan of this "age"