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To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 4:51 pm
by CTC-Darth
I just wanted to make a special "thanks" to you guys for your efforts in making maps for VCTF. I know its a lot of work and I am sure you can get frustrated when some dick comes into the server and says some trash about a map. You guys are making a great contribution to keeping our game type alive and I know many of us really appreciate it. Hope you keep up the good work.


Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:28 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
Thanks, and don't forget to include Salchicha in that. He's the one who's responsible for most of the VCTF-CTC maps (frontline, largebarge, transport-22, xtownConflict, Fire&Ice, etc). He does most of the hard work, then passes the map off to me to finish up the final 10%.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:29 pm
by x-GAMBIT-x
Great Job Guys.
Do you guys know how to get that one map were there
is 2 flags one on each side I love that Map. J/K :lol:

Actualy the map were there are 3 teams with 3 flags I remember playing
it when UT I think 2k4 first came out was perty fun be cool to just mess
around with that again.


Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:56 pm
by CTC-Darth
Opps, sorry about that Salchicha! Thanks to you Bro!

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 7:18 pm
by Mr Bean
I'll drink to that. You guys rock.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 7:24 pm
by Beltamaxx
Thanks my UT brotherz, I feel that Sal & Jimy are just like me, we love to watch you guys take a few hours off from the BS life throws at you everyday and just have fun, this makes it all worth it.

Aside from that, we hope some of you get inspired to learn about editing, it's great creative outlet. I would help you in anyway to learn quickly. Sure your going to have a few bad maps at first, but, with us to help you, you can learn all the short cut fast.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 8:45 pm
by CTC-Salchicha
Thanks for the nice words you guys. I really have a need to make stuff and express myself creatively. Luckily, mapping satisfies both things. It's also especially great if you can share it with others who enjoy the fruits of your labor. I also want to thank Jim and Belta for their hard work. We should all colaborate on a map or two in the future. I think we all bring different and intelligent aspects to the game environment. Also, if anyone has any ideas for a map, please share!

Now vote for the maps! Lol.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:18 am
by Fear
You learn something new everyday. Nods :D

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:08 pm
by WarDad71
<3 :wink: :D

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:07 pm
by «ßîc»EJ`
thx for all your kind work you have put into the maps, Phage and Lazy Pirate have redone a few maps ill talk to them and see if they are done.

They were working on them as ut2004 died out when ut3 came out.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:26 pm
by Beltamaxx
Phage and Lazy Pirate have redone a few maps ill talk to them and see if they are done.
We don't need their negative help.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:22 pm
by «ßîc»EJ`
Beltamaxx wrote:EJ
Phage and Lazy Pirate have redone a few maps ill talk to them and see if they are done.
We don't need their negative help.
who said anything about negative? Please dont talk negative towards members of Bic, you can hold a grudge to Lazy all you want but dont bring it into the community, specialy when they are not even around ut2004/community.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:29 am
by Beltamaxx
who said anything about negative?
I did -KHz-/DD}Beltamaxx, these 2 have always been rude. Phage always aliases, never once have I seen him were his tag, (lucky BiC) and well he's "undercover" he harasses Admins with his negative comments.

Lazy is just POS that shamelessly keeps his TAG on and talks shit to Admins and flames up forums.

Please dont talk negative towards members of Bic
This is not about BiC, this is about children that feel server Admins owe them something. We OWE the Admins thanks for their time, money & patients.

you can hold a grudge to Lazy all you want but don't bring it into the community, specialy when they are not even around ut2004/community.
You asking them about those map is going to make them want to comeback.

If there's anything I've learned about this community, it's this, assholes "NEVER CHANGE", accept when they just alias and hide. Even then they type BS and never play as a team.

Sorry CTC, I needed to say this.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:26 am
by Lazy.Pirate
Beltamaxx wrote:EJ
who said anything about negative?
I did -KHz-/DD}Beltamaxx, these 2 have always been rude. Phage always aliases, never once have I seen him were his tag, (lucky BiC) and well he's "undercover" he harasses Admins with his negative comments.

Lazy is just POS that shamelessly keeps his TAG on and talks shit to Admins and flames up forums.
Really? Generally all i ever did was complain about maps and people who thought they new about good flow in them. namely Ruff and a select other few who just put out nothing but rubbish. Ruff is a really good example, he took a map, made it green, and thought it was instantly better somehow. Most maps are just 100% pure rubbish, yet people still play them for some reason... saying things like "its a classic." no, its not. there isnt any real reason the majority of the maps should still exist. if you feel you have one, please share it with it.
Please dont talk negative towards members of Bic
This is not about BiC, this is about children that feel server Admins owe them something. We OWE the Admins thanks for their time, money & patients.
Believe me im glad people are willing to dedicate the time to run a server, and make maps, and change maps to give some more interesting elements to it.
you can hold a grudge to Lazy all you want but don't bring it into the community, specialy when they are not even around ut2004/community.
You asking them about those map is going to make them want to comeback.

If there's anything I've learned about this community, it's this, assholes "NEVER CHANGE", accept when they just alias and hide. Even then they type BS and never play as a team.
there are several other people who could be said dont work as a team, so im hoping your not just pointing the finger in our direction. also, you're one to talk about people not changing. you're still holding a grudge against me hating a bunch of shitty maps with nothing interesting going on in them. even when you attempted to run a server, you had people you didn't like banned from day 1. if you dont believe in 2nd chances then dont expect anyone to give you one. also, speaking of this community, they are not very receptive to people who are really skilled. Yes, they can be assholes, but when people are assholes to them and yelling hacker just because they can hit with any kind of consistency. It's no reason to constantly turn everyone against a player. that does NOT look good for ANYONE.
Sorry CTC, I needed to say this.
I've wanted a good Arena FPS since UT3 flopped so hard... ive been dipping in and out of 2k4 for a while now. so its not like i havent been thinking about this for some time (the map).

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:12 am
by CTC-Darth
Just a quick side note, its great to see this kind of discussion whether heated or not. I haven't seen this much activity since the old days on the VCTF league forum. Nice to see a heartbeat when it looked a flatliner for UT2004.