Driving the manta....

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Driving the manta....

Post by Zeus »

I just don't get it. :?: I messed around with it for a couple maps last night, but I just feel like a monkey fuckin a football...can't get the hang of it. Is it better to fly in 3rd or 1st person? If I'm flyin around by myself, it seems easier to use 1st person. But with a rider...how do ya line up for flag grabs or weapon locker/item pickups in first person? Whats the procedure for picking up weapon lockers and items? It doesn't work like it does with the flag... flyin over the top of a weapon locker just "squatting" the manta down doesn't work. Do ya have to "bounce" down on it? I'm havin a hard time with this manta stuff....I've always stayed away from them cause I absolutely HATE getting run over by them. So I just spent time getting good at takin'em out. Which I've gotten pretty good at. 8) But driving them is a different story.... :shock:
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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by x-GAMBIT-x »

For me 3rd person view is better cause you can see your rider, and you can line up with the flag better for the rider to get.

For weapon locker's or Health,shield,ect... you have to thrust up and then thrust down on the manta quick and have your rider right above it to get it.
I'm not the greatest at the manta's but I'm way better then when I first started useing them.
Just keep practicing and you will get better on them.

Another good way is to Ride on someone's Wing so you can see how they do things then you can try and do what they did for an example to go bye.

Well Good Luck Then.
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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by WeedVulture »

x-GAMBIT-x wrote:... you have to thrust up and then thrust down...

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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by x-GAMBIT-x »

LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by Dick-Cheney »

3rd is 10x easer
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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by vapor »

Def drive in 3rd and i usually stay zoomed out pretty far to dodge avrils and such. For grabbing the flag to get the feel focus on just to the outside of the flag base and run straight over that point till you get used to it. After doing that for a while you will get used to where to land the rider to get the flag and can focus on whats around. To pickup weapons at lockers pop up and land on them or just slow down and run over the locker. Shields and such have to be bounced on but first practice with the lockers since they are a little easier. To hit the shields start with just stopping straight over them jumping and stomping on them. Then go back a lil bit and try to land and stop on the shield. When get used to that try just stomping on the shield on the fly. A great way to practice this is actually trying to stomp teamates for a teamkill :). Once you get good at this practice just making a U with the turn being the flag since its easiest to just quickly swoop in and out...like papa :)

As far as just overall driving. fly around some on the various maps to get a feel for where everything is. To get through runs quick i turn before i get to a turn and press sideways also to kind of 'drift' through turns a good map to practice turning quickly on is action city just driving through all the buildings.

When trying to smash a person head on like say a person spamming on the flag with shock balls. treat them as a shield you are trying to pick up. as you approach jump above them. they will either keep spamming straight ahead or follow you and spam upwards, neither should work if you land squarely on them, assuming they didnt spam straight up.

To avoid avrils its best to just get behind something to take the lock off but if out in the open you need to change direction as quicly as possible which is by stomping on the ground, but just jumping and stomping wont be enough. You hav to jump and let off acceleration then when avril gets close, if timed well at the peak of the jump, press reverse to decelerate and stomp on the ground. If timed well the avril should miss.

Avoiding raptors is much easier just move a little to the side when it gets or jump then stomp without having to decelerate.

When getting the flag its best to just get a quick clean swoop in and out but that usually doesnt happen. Usually you get caught by a good shock rifle rather than trying to push through either jump let him push you up a with two shots then stomp down. that should be fast enough to throw off his aim, or reverse and use the shocks as an extra boost to go out the other direction and after a couple shots turn to throw off his aim that way. If the flag is up against the wall slam straight into the flag and wall then when you hit the wall jump and press reverse to kind of slingshot yourself back the other way. This should get you moving fast enough to not get to caught up in shock shots. The more difficult part here though is turning in mid air since you want to maintain the same speed. You have to gradually turn the vehicle while simultaneously rotating the acceleration from backwards to sideways to forward. This is worth practicing since it will also help with absorbing shock shots by accelerating with the shots so they dont slow you down.

Taking down a tank is easiest by just popping up from behind a ridge and shootin until you fall back behind it. If the tank is in an open area you have to fly around the tank shooting it. This is also where learning to turn in and change the throttle direction in midair at the same time is helpful. Eventually the tanks gun will catch up to you here you want to try and bait it in to shooting and when it does jumping so you are in the air when it shoots. the shot may knock the rider off but you should still be alive to at least finish off the tank before you go get another rider. Which i guess is another point. Give up easily, if you lose the rider only stay long enough to maybe take down the tank or bender but get out before you die so you can quickly get a new rider for a fresh attack. this is also a point for riders. if you get knocked off dont bother to grab the flag if you hav no chance of getting out since that will just give them a chance for the tank to respawn and reset d until flag auto returns.

If you are just trying to hope the tank misses which is actually very easy if tank is not right on top of the flag. Try heading towards flag with some altitude then letting go of the accelerator just before the flag, switch to brake and slamming down so you come to almost a dead stop just before the flag. Since most tank people are so focused on the flag they try to time shot so they hit you on or jut after the flag. If this works the tank will shoot ahead of you thinking you were just swooping through. Then grab the flag after the shot and immediately jump as you fly out so the tank cant hit the ground below you to knock the rider off.

Avoiding bender shots is best by changing your altitude when you hit the flag. The turret will probably follow you and shoot when you hit the flag to throw off him tracking you stomp on the flag so hopefully his shot will miss above you. Also turn sideways as you hit the flag since if trained on the rider hitting the flag, the shot may miss him and if not you can shield the rider and take the shot so he may survive to run for it.

And i guess also just play around on the levels to find the best ways in and out and others if your run breaks down and you get pushed in an odd direction. Also pay attention to where little ridges are since the best way to avoid shots is to change altitude as much as possible by jumping off the ridges.

umm....ummmm....cant think of anything else to ramble on about....hope this helps or at least gave you a way to kill a few minutes :).....also ride with people who drive alot to learn the best ways to go and little tendencies.

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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by Mr Bean »

Ah-Haaaaaa!!! Vapor's secrets are exposed :P That's a lot to take in at once (hmmm... sounds like something papa would say). Nonetheless, a treasure chest full of information. Thanks for sharing Vapor.

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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by badasp »

One important tip that has not been mentioned is the fact that you want to steer the manta with the mouse as much as possible. I have seen many people, including myself included when I first started driving mantas, trying to steer the manta with the left and right keys (e.g., a and d in a WASD configuration) and the mouse. This will cause the manta to push and overshoot your intended path. If you want the manta to be as responsive as possible and turn on a dime, use the mouse as solely as possible. The left and right keys should only be used to "line up" the manta along a line, not steer it around a turn or corner. Also letting of the throttle a tad before a corner facilitates responsive steering.

As far as picking up flags, just press your shift key or right mouse before reaching the flag and make sure the flag is in between the cockpit and your rider as you drive over it. You don't have to pounce on it; you literally can drive the manta in its depressed position from one end of the map to the other and be able to pick the flag. People avoid this since when the manta is depressed it tends to get caught up on things (e.g., rocks, hills, etc.).

You do, however, have to pounce on items such as shields and health kegs. This takes practice, as even the most skilled of manta driver will miss a pickup from time to time. Generally speaking, you want to pounce just before the pickup. This will enable you to maintain full speed and avoids you having to stop to pounce right down on it.

Finally, avoid first person view. You cannot see the edges of your wings and you need to see them in order to avoid getting caught up on things as well as lining up for manta run. Zooming in and out is of personal preference; use what your most comfortable with. Zooming out aids in avoiding avrils and raptor missiles but makes it a little more difficult to line up the manta for flag pickup. I usually use standard fov (field of view) when picking up a flag and then zoom out when there's a missile lock on. This gives the best of both worlds.

I hope this helps. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. :D

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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by Dubya »

manta = #1 defensive machine!!

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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by tape` »

manta runzzzz are just soooooo fun 8)
only time will tell

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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by Zeus »

badasp wrote:One important tip that has not been mentioned is the fact that you want to steer the manta with the mouse as much as possible. I have seen many people, including myself included when I first started driving mantas, trying to steer the manta with the left and right keys (e.g., a and d in a WASD configuration) and the mouse. This will cause the manta to push and overshoot your intended path. If you want the manta to be as responsive as possible and turn on a dime, use the mouse as solely as possible. The left and right keys should only be used to "line up" the manta along a line, not steer it around a turn or corner. Also letting of the throttle a tad before a corner facilitates responsive steering.

As far as picking up flags, just press your shift key or right mouse before reaching the flag and make sure the flag is in between the cockpit and your rider as you drive over it. You don't have to pounce on it; you literally can drive the manta in its depressed position from one end of the map to the other and be able to pick the flag. People avoid this since when the manta is depressed it tends to get caught up on things (e.g., rocks, hills, etc.).

You do, however, have to pounce on items such as shields and health kegs. This takes practice, as even the most skilled of manta driver will miss a pickup from time to time. Generally speaking, you want to pounce just before the pickup. This will enable you to maintain full speed and avoids you having to stop to pounce right down on it.

Finally, avoid first person view. You cannot see the edges of your wings and you need to see them in order to avoid getting caught up on things as well as lining up for manta run. Zooming in and out is of personal preference; use what your most comfortable with. Zooming out aids in avoiding avrils and raptor missiles but makes it a little more difficult to line up the manta for flag pickup. I usually use standard fov (field of view) when picking up a flag and then zoom out when there's a missile lock on. This gives the best of both worlds.

I hope this helps. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. :D
I think that trying to drive with the keyboard is one BIG part of my problem....hard habit to break tho.
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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by -Id- iot »

I use first person and third person views. When I have a rider and am going for a flag run, I use third person view zoomed out all the way. Zooming out all the way does two things: it allows you to see a lot more around you, such as enemies or missiles, and it also makes everything on your screen smaller and closer together, which means you don't have to adjust your movement as much to go from place to place. For example on the latter point, if I'm only zoomed out one click, then lets say item A is on the left edge of my screen and item B is on the right edge, which means I have to move my mouse one full screen length to move from a path to A to a path to B, but if zoomed out all the way, items A and B appear to be very close to each other, which means I only have to move my mouse a fraction to move from a path to A to a path to B. Hopefully that makes sense.

When I am using the manta to manta DM or play defense (and yes Dubya, even though I think you were joking, the manta is a very good defensive tool), I play in first person view because it means that when I fly passed an enemy, if that enemy passes at the bottom of my screen, they're dead, but if the enemy passes my screen at either side, I've missed. On top of that, I personally just find it easier to shoot with the manta in first person as well as hit people in first person. I find flag running to be the only use for third person, otherwise it's all first person all the time for me.

There are also some rarely known manta tricks while flag running that I will not share. The only chance you'll get to learn those is if you play against me in a match. You have to keep some secrets to yourself.

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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by Dubya »

Butt Licker wrote:When I am using the manta to manta DM or play defense (and yes Dubya, even though I think you were joking, the manta is a very good defensive tool).
No, I was being serious. The manta is great on D. There's nothing more fun than chopping off Vapor's riders heads while they're still on the wing.

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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by Zeus »

-Id- wrote:I use first person and third person views. When I have a rider and am going for a flag run, I use third person view zoomed out all the way. Zooming out all the way does two things: it allows you to see a lot more around you, such as enemies or missiles, and it also makes everything on your screen smaller and closer together, which means you don't have to adjust your movement as much to go from place to place. For example on the latter point, if I'm only zoomed out one click, then lets say item A is on the left edge of my screen and item B is on the right edge, which means I have to move my mouse one full screen length to move from a path to A to a path to B, but if zoomed out all the way, items A and B appear to be very close to each other, which means I only have to move my mouse a fraction to move from a path to A to a path to B. Hopefully that makes sense.

When I am using the manta to manta DM or play defense (and yes Dubya, even though I think you were joking, the manta is a very good defensive tool), I play in first person view because it means that when I fly passed an enemy, if that enemy passes at the bottom of my screen, they're dead, but if the enemy passes my screen at either side, I've missed. On top of that, I personally just find it easier to shoot with the manta in first person as well as hit people in first person. I find flag running to be the only use for third person, otherwise it's all first person all the time for me.

There are also some rarely known manta tricks while flag running that I will not share. The only chance you'll get to learn those is if you play against me in a match. You have to keep some secrets to yourself.
You can zoom in/out? :shock: :shock: :!:
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Re: Driving the manta....

Post by -Id- iot »

With the mouse wheel.

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