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Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:20 am
by CTC-PapaSmurf
A good healthy argument.. I'd rather see it on the forums than in-game. At least I can ignore the stuff I don't care about on the forums. I think it is good...

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:10 am
by Beltamaxx
Only 2 things to say, I've given many 2nd chances and the good people of the community know this well. In your case, people payed $, gave you Admin rights and invited you to private TS to get to know you, and you were still a immature kid who would not grow up.

Yes I did banned you before you entered my server and I would do it again. But, in the past 4 years as admin for several servers, I've personally only banned about 5 people, so I consider myself fair.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:29 am
by Lazy.Pirate
Beltamaxx wrote:Only 2 things to say, I've given many 2nd chances and the good people of the community know this well. In your case, people payed $, gave you Admin rights and invited you to private TS to get to know you, and you were still a immature kid who would not grow up.

Yes I did banned you before you entered my server and I would do it again. But, in the past 4 years as admin for several servers, I've personally only banned about 5 people, so I consider myself fair.
really... the only person i ever had any problem with at BEL was ruff, for the reasons that he just wouldnt listen to a single ounce of logic. Jett and myself go on just fine. one day im suddenly banned as well... and because of you... you kept on holding that grudge which got me banned, and you still apparently hold it now. So as far as immaturity goes, look in the mirror. Most people have moved on since then, but you're just holding on for god knows what, wanting to feel important or something. The thing is, back then, i cared enough to strictly criticize things, because I wanted the overall experience to be better. I was working with jett at one point to get some unique things together. Yet someone barged in with their 8th grade begrudging and had me kicked out of the club. So really, stop telling people to grow up. I was giving my HONEST opinions on matters and people just took them personal. Sometimes towards Ruff they were, but he just never listened to anyone, he thought he know every aspect of the game and how it should be played and wanted to control everything. Honesty is something a lot of people could do with in this community. It's the reason we dont have a strong list of decent maps, because people were praised for spending 2 minutes throwing textures onto a BSP in a giant box with more boxes in it. Why should i pat someoen on the back that did pretty much nothing except for put a box down and add more squares to it? Nothing "classic" about that.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:22 am
by CTC-Darth
Getting people to agree on what's a good VCTF map is an exercise in futility. I remember back during the VCTF league they asked everyone to vote on what maps they liked. Some people would really like a certain map and other hated it. It would be interesting for people here to post their 6 favorite maps. Its going to be all over the place. The maps I hated the most were the huge ONS maps that people quickly converted to VCTF. No way to make it back on foot. So you have one of 2 choices, ride the manta or stay and defend. That actually might be as boring as being in a real battle, when you are stuck with guard duty, lol. The best maps in my opinion are ones you can cap also on foot and not just a manta. But ultimately I feel , with a few exceptions that might change my mind, even crappy maps are better than no new maps at all.

Re: To: JimRimya and Beltamaxx

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:04 am
by CTC-JimRimya
I'm sorry this thread got hijacked...