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Re: Maps not starting, long download...any ideas?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 6:25 am
by Mr Bean
Doc wrote:Thanks for the help. I reloded the game several ways, with bonus material, without bonus material, latest patch as the last load, latest patch then bonus luck. I was able to play one map last night, DeathTrap but the next map (ActionCity) did the same thing (repeated same map load very slow). I was thinking it was either a windows or my Netgear router. I messed with different settings on the router but I definantly know nothing about routers...plug-n-play kinda guy. But, would think if either of those were the problem I would have the same problem on other servers. Anyway, I'll keep messing around.
Actually ActionCity was just recently retextured on this server and everyone had to redownload it. It took me about 4-5 minutes last night (a big one). That maybe what happened. Try it again. :)

Re: Maps not starting, long download...any ideas?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:41 pm
Doc wrote:Thanks for the help. I reloded the game several ways, with bonus material, without bonus material, latest patch as the last load, latest patch then bonus luck. I was able to play one map last night, DeathTrap but the next map (ActionCity) did the same thing (repeated same map load very slow). I was thinking it was either a windows or my Netgear router. I messed with different settings on the router but I definantly know nothing about routers...plug-n-play kinda guy. But, would think if either of those were the problem I would have the same problem on other servers. Anyway, I'll keep messing around.
Yes sir, i had the same problem using my netgear, linksys, and belkin router...even when you opened ports they still just didnt work right. I ended having to only get the linksys to work by overwriting the firmware with the ddr-wrt (google it) to get it to act right.. If your using wireless that can definetly cause problems...I would recommend hardwiring (using ethernet cable) straight to your modem ONLY and bypassing router (and make sure you reset both comptuer and MODEM by power cycling them when you first do this AND UPLUG ROUTER FROM POWER CORD) . Also if you have more than one hardrive/partition is on your pc then it probably wouldnt hurt to reinstall on another partition/harddrive. Also turn off firewalls and any security that runs in real time during this entire process. If you do determine its the router either put the setting to make the computer that you play UT on the "DMZ" and MANUALLY assign that DMZ comuputer an IP address. If this has been done already if you absolutely must use a router then I think there might be the ddr-wrt firmware for the Netgear you might wanna give that a shot.

Re: Maps not starting, long download...any ideas?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:50 pm
I also noticed that you said your not that good with configuring routers...ill tell you waht leave me a PM on here and I might be able to help you by walkthrough this weekend if i get my computer back up (my power supply busted a few days ago and Im buying a new one this friday, lol)...maybe we can figure it out. :!:

Re: Maps not starting, long download...any ideas?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:56 am
by CTC-JimRimya
I've seen you on our server (you're on as I write this). Have you solved the problem or are you able to get on only with maps that you already have in your maps folder?

Re: Maps not starting, long download...any ideas?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:26 am
I havent been able to follow up , I need to put together a tutorial to setup DMZ and assign manual IP's on his router...if anyone can put this together before i get a chance please do...

Re: Maps not starting, long download...any ideas?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:10 am
by CTC-JimRimya
Bonus, not a bad idea but I wouldn't suggest putting a comp in a DMZ for very long, but it would be good to test. Or just bypass the router, connect the comp directly to the cable/DSL modem and see if that works.

Re: Maps not starting, long download...any ideas?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:21 am
by -T2-
How are non-UT map downloads? Are they still fast? Go here and let us know what your speeds (up/down) are.

Not only can it be a router, but it could be your DSL/Cable modem as JimRimya mentioned. Additionally, be very careful with putting anything in the DMZ. You have to know what you are doing.

You don't happen to have an almost full hard drive do you?

For CTC admin, the map is on redirect and compressed? Just checking. I assume it is since no one else is claiming to have an issue.

Re: Maps not starting, long download...any ideas?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:25 pm

Re: Maps not starting, long download...any ideas?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:43 pm
DMZ aint that bad guys, i mean seriously i never heard of anyone getting jacked up from rather have the firewall on the local machine can still enable certain inbound security (which i think is on by default even after DMZ is enabled).