You go out and scoop the baddest of the bad asses in UT2K4...and you reform the aftermath of VA as meh. And I (an old man hanging on to a youth I should have let go in the 90's) enlist the help of a bunch of second rate players who you wouldn't have bothered to have on your team:
- Binski: he's a wino hooked on Canadian beer
Felix: an immigrant that is only playing for our team in hopes of Green Card sponsorship
kill3r: ever wonder who is the serial killer for the pet cats in South you know
badasp: sure, he's good...but if you take away his crystal meth, then what?
Phobia: self explanatory...issues
!Nfo: he's dying of gamma radiation poisoning...he thought it would be like the comics
Deathstrike: you remember eveil dwarf from the "Leprechaun" movie. Nothing to fear here.
Slanted J: he's blind in one eye and he has hook for the other hand. Hence, slanted
Kilgore_Trout: fictional tangible skills to speak of. A frigment of our imagination.
T2: get real...he plays the game on an Apple IIe computer. wtf?
Bezim: okay...even we are scared of Bezim.
Waist: he is a double agent. He has too many team kills to be really on our side
How come we can't get a rematch with you guys? All I hear is that the game is dying...but I still haven't seen any viable replacements. And why not go out in a blaze of glory!! Why not go out on top. Let's play for the title.
I'm just saying...