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Re: Need some help

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:52 pm
by Ghosted
Thanks to those who showed up. I think we had enough people playing to determine that the level switching problems I was having before are resolved.

I've made a few more changes since we played last night.

- Vipers roll about half as much when turning, but are no less manuverable. This should make it easier for flag carriers to stay on during viper runs
- I modified the Bender, Scorpian and similar vehicles to now be movable by weapons similar to 2K4. This means a footy has a much better chance against those vehicles now as you can rocket/shock them off course.
- Added back TAM/Freon. Both Badasp and I agree that the server is more fun with these gametypes when we only have a few people. Just a reminder that I have about 50+ custom DM maps, many of which are really amazing. I highly recommend trying it out.

I also compiled my first weapon mod today (shock rifle), which means I will probably have several minor modifications up within the week. First up is the avril. I'm going to halve the missile speed, but double the reload rate to make it similar to the 2K4 version. I'm also planning on nerfing the scorpion with a delayed charge so it can't instakill mantas (the end result will be similar to the bola).

Any constructive feedback is welcome. I plan on submitting my mod to the epic forums sometime soon, so any server can play like mine.

Re: Need some help

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:28 am
by CTC-JimRimya
Sorry I couldn't make it. Good job as usual Ghosted

Re: Need some help

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:03 pm
by -T2-
Yeah, sorry for the no show ghosted. Was out of town visiting my father-in-law just like a good son-in-law would do for fathers day. :)

Re: Need some help

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:23 pm
by Ghosted
Made a few more changes based on feedback from Vapor.

Ghosted's Mod: (to be released sometime soon)
- Increased pushback of shock rifle primary fire x5 against players and x1.25 against vehicles. Shock can be used more effectively against mantas and other vehicles. Also tosses players on the killshot :)
- Slowed down Avril rockets to be more in line with 2k4 speed. I need to test these with someone to see if they can be dodged by a manta now.
- Increased the down velocity of the manta x2. This had the unintended effect of also reducing the bounce when you would push down, which I was also going to fix. Feels more in line with the 2k4 manta now. Vapor also mentioned that the new manta is *too* manuverable in that it can turn much sharper corners. I kindof like that personally, so not sure if I'm going to change it. If I need to nerf the manta, that will be one of the things I do.

- Added back hitsounds
- Plan on uploading a version of Action City (really awesome remake) without the blocking volumes on the flags in order to allow manta runs.

Re: Need some help

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:19 am
by CTC-JimRimya
Sounds awesome! Are these changes live on the server now?

Any more progress on changing the power of the scorpion attack, and its ability to home-in on the mantas?

Re: Need some help

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:02 am
by Ghosted
CTC-JimRimya wrote:Sounds awesome! Are these changes live on the server now?

CTC-JimRimya wrote:Any more progress on changing the power of the scorpion attack, and its ability to home-in on the mantas?
I plan on changing it. Not sure when, but soon since I want to wrap this thing up. My current plan is to make the damage delayed so you can't be instakilled by a scorpion you never see. The fact that they home is actually good imo. If you are in a manta, it's fairly easy to keep far enough away from the scorpion projectiles. The homing also makes the scorpions pretty good defenders against manta runs. The weapon is pretty weak without the homing (against non-hover vehicles), so it remains fairly balanced.

I did just update the feel of the scorpion. It's not as squirrely anymore and gets up to speed faster. That's up on the server too.

Re: Need some help

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:34 pm
by Ghosted
Put UTComp with ping correction back up once I noticed I was getting unregistered shots with the shock rifle. I also updated the modified shock rifle to shoot it's primary at the same rate as 2K4, which is a bit faster (finally found the site that has all the weapon stats across UT versions).

I tested it out and it's starting to feel like a dominant weapon again. I was able to hit bots on the other side of desert combat.

I'm looking for a good hitscanner like badasp/vapor/jim/sal or whoever to help me test the changes.


Re: Need some help

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:38 am
by CTC-JimRimya
I can help out whenever. Let me know a time and I'll try to be there.

Re: Need some help

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:45 am
by Mr Bean
Ghosted wrote:...I'm looking for a good hitscanner like badasp/vapor/jim/sal or whoever to help me test the changes...
I've been giving Zeus some tips and he seems to be getting a tad better. Maybe he'd be up to helping out.

BTW, whoever no longer plays here.

Re: Need some help

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:09 am
by Ghosted
Badasp helped me for a bit, thanks.

That's nice of you to help zeus with his aim bean :)

Re: Need some help

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:20 am
by CTC-JimRimya
I was on earlier today and felt the difference with the shock rifle. I was actually hitting opponents with the sniper rifle as well.

Re: Need some help

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:29 am
by Ghosted
Yeah I'm pretty happy with how it plays now. I've tweaked the manta more now, so it doesn't 'turn on a dime' and doesn't bottom out when you smash it down. Feels a lot more like the 2k4 one. Haven't uploaded that yet.

Re: Need some help

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:33 am
by Mr Bean
Today's the first time I'd played in a while. This thing is A LOT like 2k4. Funny you said something about the scorp. It's the only thing that really stuck out. Nice work on the shock rifle.

Re: Need some help

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:20 am
by Ghosted
Uploaded the updated manta. I think vapor/badasp will be pleasantly suprised :)

May need a bit more tweaking, but it definitely feels less squirrely. Bean, what did you mean about the scorp? I think it drives alot nicer now. I'm also going to remove that stupid steering lock when you boost.

I just found out that you can handbreak vehicles using the crouch key (defaults to 'c', but you can change it). This whole time I didn't even realize you could handbreak in UT3 :evil:

Re: Need some help

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:10 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
Ghosted wrote:I just found out that you can handbreak vehicles using the crouch key (defaults to 'c', but you can change it). This whole time I didn't even realize you could handbreak in UT3 :evil:
Good to know. I'm so used to pressing space that in UT3 the scorp just shoots off and I get killed.