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Please Read - Server Problems

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:58 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
I've received a few PMs today regarding the server crashing a lot today. I've noticed it as well but unfortunately there is nothing I can directly do about it. I've sent emails to the server hosting company and they are looking into the issue. The problem might be stemming from a recent exploit that was revealed that affects windows-based UT2k4 and UT3 servers, and it is being reported that many servers are experiencing the same thing that our server is. I'll keep you posted as to what I find out, so hang in there and thank you for your continued support!

Re: Please Read - Server Problems

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:03 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
Here is an update from the game server hosting company:
At least a couple of IPs out there have been crashing UT2k4 and UT3 servers across the globe using recently discovered vulnerabilities in all these games. We are currently awaiting hotfixes from Epic and are hoping that these will be released on Monday, Sept. 15; in the meantime, we are blocking the IPs of the attackers manually as a rough workaround. If your server is continuing to crash, please let us know any IP that shows up in your logfile right before the crash messages and we will add it to our block list.

Re: Please Read - Server Problems

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:41 pm
by KillgoreTrout
As a computer salesman I inform customers about the importance of ani-virus software.
As a result, many people wonder why Microsoft is plagued with such a problem and why macs seem unscathed.
Well I wondered the same thing for quite some time until seeing a special on the development of Microsoft since the beginning and it became clear. For those not in the know or at least too young to remember. Microsoft grew from a small PC company to the super large cooperate giant that it is today over a period of about 2 decades. The problem is, over that time MS lied, cheated, stole, and crushed from its competition. Many of whom were great innovators themselves who never got the big shot and will never be truly known. Unfortunatly for us, this stepping of toes left a very bad taste in the mouths of many code talented peoples with lots of time on there hands and vengeance on there minds. And there you have the reason for the stemming hatred of MS and the reason why the anti-virus industry is making out like bandits.

My question is... Why the f--- are they attacking game servers? I would think that a good number of these hackers are involved in gaming themselves so why would they hack them? Especially since PC gaming for the most part is a free service for the users and paid for by the people who love the game the most. "Free" being the key word here. Since most of these hackers think the internet should be in essence "free".

If only these said hackers would realize that there hobby/obsession isn't just messing with MS, but feeding an equally BS industry of Anti-virus software makers. So in essence they are making another cooperate giant even richer making them a living oxymoron.
I wish they would just get a life and start doing positive things with there skills instead of tampering with MS which inevitably trickles down to the innocent consumer who can barely afford to fill his/her gas tank, let alone fix there meager PC that just crashed because of some douche bags virus.

Re: Please Read - Server Problems

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:37 pm
by WarDad71

Re: Please Read - Server Problems

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:43 pm
by Dubya
server just crashed twice :? of course it crashed right when I got in, so it looks like i am the evil haxor! :oops: :x

Re: Please Read - Server Problems

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:43 pm
by x-GAMBIT-x
Yeah Must be why my ping is over 200 jumped on for a sec and got off.

Re: Please Read - Server Problems

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:49 pm
by Tiggrrrr
Well put, yes. Im one of those people.
Struggles day to day, being single with my
boys made it hard to keep my 3 computers
up and running. Never mind if one or the other
has or had a problem. Its troubleshooting time!
When you have absoultely no idea what your doing.
Its a definate challange!
I mean I cant even cut, copy, glue, paste whatever, gimme some scissors and glue!
Something I look forward to so much is ut at night.
I came from no computers and just T.V.
(with no controller) at one time. My sister and I would fight
about who got up and changed the channel.
Just always try to put things in perspective.
No one said anything in life would be fair.
On a brighter note, I expirienced the lag the other day.
Every server I went on would crash. Im thinking to myself,
"is this me? this is bizarre". Every server I went in crashed.
So I uninstalled and reinstalled the game. That seemed to help.
Dont know if that helps anyone :wink: Me and my primitive mind!
See for someone like me? Computers were for GEEKS! in school.
They werent cool yet lol! Then came revenge of the nerds LOL!~
And they came hard! I mean er.... with a vengeance!
So I never learned alot of the simple easy things people
take for granted these days.
~Aly~ aka <{CTC}>Tigz^^^^

Re: Please Read - Server Problems

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:40 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
I'm closing this post as the problem hasn't happened for a few weeks now. If you experience another server crash, please post here or send me a PM with the specifics.
Thanks to all for your continued support!