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Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:04 pm
by Miasma
Papasmurf, banning someone, even temporarily, is not much of a warning, it's a punishment. Had you simply said, "Please don't alias or else you'll be banned," which would have been an actual warning, I would have taken off my alias. Therefore, I am still requesting the bans be lifted immediately. There is no reason to toss around the ban stick for simple misunderstandings like this and then keeping the ban on after the misunderstanding has been cleared up.

Re: Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:32 am
by vapor
it says in the welcome message to the server that all the rules can be found here....

Re: Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:36 am
by x-GAMBIT-x
Rules located on the Forum's.

I also seen when joining on the server it gives a warning, But the last
few days I think it replies to a Mixer Match coming.

Just my 2cents It's not worth argueing about it just wait the week
out It's just a warning, and then come back and have some fun with us all.
The more the struggle the tighter the knot gets......

CYA online........

Re: Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:47 am
by SMR
Theres pretty much only one rule to follow, and you broke it. a private message would have been better. I mean, if someones calling me out in front of people, saying I did something wrong, I dont think Id be more inclined to hear him out.

Re: Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:21 am
by WeedVulture

Re: Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:17 am
by Omicron
Regardless of what your rules say when you enter the server, that still doesn't justify PapaSmurf's actions against me. This is inclusive of the fact that he openly admitted to aliasing himself, but because he is a member of the CT Clan, the rules do not apply to him and so courteously told me to "fuck off" shortly thereafter. Whereas I'm not bothered from having to have to wait a week to play on your server, the fact remains that it is hypocritical to tell someone not to alias but to do it yourself anyway.

Re: Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:13 am
by «ßîc»EJ`
one question, if the community cant alias why can CTC members?? I mean i understand completely its your server and your forum but how is that fair to the rest of the community? Just throwing it out there. And yes, im not sure if its still on the server but it used to say it once you got in, Aliases will be banned for one week.!.

Re: Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:17 am
by Mr Bean
Hi Papa. First off I would like to say you are one of the coolest and most entertaining individuals in the UT Community. You have this light hearted attitude when you play (and run your mouth), that contributes to that CTC atmosphere that made me see the light. Thank you, and keep up the good work.

Miasma, try to listen to what I say with an open mind. Despite your feelings (right or wrong), of PapaSmurf and the CTC rules, publicly harassing and humiliating an individual on the server and forum is not the correct route. One week will not kill you. Actually by the time you read this it will be down to 5 days :D My guess is that no matter what you say, the ban will not be lifted. Share your thoughts and suggestions in a non-attacking manner and I promise you better results.

Re: Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:46 am
by CTC-PapaSmurf
I appreciate the support of the people that play on our awesome server. Those that make the server what it is are what it is all about. The cool players that know how to have light fun and realize that this is a game are who the server is for.

Miasma or Omicron or whatever, I know that you are trying to get me to open up so you can fight more with me. Trust me when I say this, I stated all that I will ever need to last night. I apologize for saying "Fuck Off" as that is not part of my normal vocab and I should have practiced more restraint.

Please take the ban as a warning. If you aren't willing to accept that, then take this as a warning; as of now you will be welcome to play with us after 5 days. If, for some reason, you want to continue calling me out or looking for answers above what has already been given then it would be much easier to just keep the ban in place and we will continue having fun without you. I know I sound like a dick and I know that I am being one. Talking any more on this thread will never accelerate lifting the ban.

Ok I'm done.


Re: Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:34 pm
by CTC-Darth
I probably shouldn’t put my 2 cents in and I am sure I will stick my foot in my mouth, but I wanted to try and answer EJ’s question. Before I do that, I just wanted to explain the idea behind stopping people from aliasing isn’t so much about changing the name, but hiding who you are if you are an established player on the server. Some people ask what’s the big deal about changing your name whenever you feel like it and I admit I used to change my name if I was having a lousy night, etc… Now I just don’t play that night or I decide I don’t give a damn what people think of me if I am totally sucking. Its been said many times here, it’s just a freaking game and is meant to be fun, not life and death! A lot of people change their name for very innocent reasons. The problem is there are those that change their name when they cheat. Most server admin agree that statistically most people change their names when they bring in something illegal to the server. The worst thing is if a new name shows up and is owning everyone, well the first thing people scream is “cheater”. If it’s a regular that everyone knows is good, well “most” people accept that person as being good. The other reason and maybe the most important reason to keep names is it really helps keep the server popular and we should all do what we can to help with that. If we can’t contribute money then we can at least make the server a good place for people to game in. When people see the same names over and over, it helps build a feeling of “community” and people tend to want to come to that server more. As far as Papa goes, he wasn’t trying to hide his identity. Everyone knows it was Papa and knows his voice. We have seen people come in like EJ and change their clan tag back and forth and slight spelling changes to their name, ( I liked EJ- lamb of god, lol), etc..., but we always knew who that player was and they were never banned. If you really want to make a permanent radical name change, take time to let people know on the forum.

I am sure I didn’t do a good job explaining all this but I hope some of the ideas came across. I totally understand your feeling Omicron, but please let it go and hurry back to the server as soon as you can. You have been a great player that has a lot of good history and you go way back and I am glad that you found your way to the server.

Re: Since My Topic Was Locked

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:05 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
I was going to say something here but PapaSmurf, Darth and Mr. Bean already said it. The only thing I could add is that this isn't the right way to approach this:
Miasma wrote:Therefore, I am still requesting the bans be lifted immediately.
Bans will be lifted when they're lifted.
I'm closing this thread. Start another one on the same topic and bans will never be lifted.