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Failsauce BS

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:16 am
by Aunty_b
i was just wondering if failsauce is the reason for the lag and p/l almost everyday on the server? since it coinsided the day he got banned or whatever...AND it has been ongoing ever since..

-bubba :|

Re: Failsauce BS

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:50 pm
by Ghosted
Not sure if general p/l is Failsauce or not. I played since he was muted and didn't notice anything, but I heard people were having problems this weekend.

Short term we could password the server to keep sad children out, but we would need to find a way to communicate it better this time so folks aren't left out.

Longer term we've been looking at what we can do with firewalls/mods to only allow the good ones in (team playing non-hackers = good).

Sorry you guys have to put up with this guy. One piece of solace I take away is that when I get up from my keyboard I'm not someone like him.

He acts like a spoiled rich kid who got 'his' toy taken away. That's his personality and he has to live with everything that brings in the real world.

Rather than move on from somewhere he and his cronies are basically universally disliked, he throws tantrums and tries to ruin things for everyone.

One last thing, if he or one of his buddies is threatening (either directly or implicitly) to hack your machine, please take a screenshot of that.
Pretty sure what he is doing is illegal and the larger body of evidence the better.


Re: Failsauce BS

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 7:58 pm
by CTC-Salchicha
Ditto on what Ghost wrote.

Move on Fail. Grow up and GTFO.