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Keep coming back

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:24 pm
by Beltamaxx
CTC has created a new place to enjoy the game type we love, and in the past 3 month's I've watched many players comeback to the community because of that. But, I've noticed that in the past 2-3 yrs that many players leave to play GOW, WOW, GW, COD4, TF2, Crysis....ect. So what is it about 2K4 that people keep coming back and please compare it to the game you were playing?

I personally feel it gives me the adrenaline rush that's like that special girl in your life. You know the one, she may not be the finest or prettiest you've ever been with, but, DANM, she's always unforgettable and always leaves you wanting more...he he.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:53 pm
by HungryHippo
Hellz yeah brotha, i was playing gta4 on ps3, soccer in real life and chilling with friends and Beaches :mrgreen: . Then i was cleaning my desk then i found that copy of Ut yeah baby, i just remember the good times i had playing with Dammies and everyone else. Ut is additive, its like a drug, you want to just come back and hit it lol. Its like when i play Ut it relieves stress and i feel like im in my own little world lol. Plus when you find a good server like DAM back in days, HOG when it was still active and CTC now i just feel home lol with my UT family.. :lol:

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:30 pm
by -T2-
I never left. :P Like I mentioned earlier, I had to go to VM in the UK to play VCTF. I'll have to say, it did help my hitscan aim playing there. I was a total spammer before that. lol

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:50 pm
by x-GAMBIT-x
It's like a cheap whore that never ends........ :D

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:22 pm
by «ßîc»EJ`
i never left either, VCTF in NA died out and i started playing TAM 24/7 and even played on the UK VCTF servers. I have got into COD4 and that took alot of my time away from TAM, it just kinda got boring. COD4 is great for competition, but pubs get rather boring fast cause its to EZ to OWN! So, i mainly play UT unless ive got a scrim/or TWL match for COD4. And like others said its like a drug that you cant say NO too, ive tryed b4 by uninstalling saying im done but a few days later i find myself installing it back on my PC.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:02 am
by CTC-JimRimya
I never really left UT either. I tried UT3 when it came out and was really disappointed. A while ago I played a lot of Quake Wars/Enemy Territory and recently I've been on a COD4 kick. I'll probably still be playing UT2k4 even when the NEXT version of UT comes out (if they bother!). This is coming from someone who started playing network games in 1993 with the first DOOM on an IPX lan and a 486 running DOS.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:43 am
by MikeFiend
I got my start with UT '99, then upgraded a few months later when they released the G.O.T.Y. version. I tried once back then to play online, but my video card and connection speed just gave me the finger. This was when I had a really old Gateway computer with standard parts, 266 processor, and a measley 64 RAM. I tried the '03 version as a demo when it came out and thought it was pure shit. I avoided '04 when it came out because of this. It wasn't until I got a '04 demo from CGW magazine (Man I wish they still did the mutil game demos...I got introduced to so many cool games that way!) that I thought I'd give it a try. I also had just gotten a new computer so playing the new games wasn't an issue this time. I played the online version of the demo and I was totally hooked. I bought UT '04 and only played Onslaught for a while. I discovered vctf just pissing around with the game one night and that was all she wrote. It was like mainlining horse staight into the back of your head. I was, and still am, very much hooked. You guys make all the difference though. I love the game, but it's the community of really cool people that brings everything together and keeps me coming back for more every damn night. That, and the enormous girth of Papa's third leg.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:21 am
by WarDad71
MikeFiend wrote:I got my start with UT '99
I bought the original and it barely ran on my Pentium 166 :P so had to upgrade to a Pentium II 350 (lmao) I have owned/played every Unreal game except III.

Here's the original system reqs for the first:

Minimum CPU Speed: 166 MHz
Minimum RAM Required: 16 MB
Minimum Hard Disk Space: 100 MB
Graphics Type: SVGA
Graphics Resolution: Multiple Resolutions
Color Depth: High Color
Image *this is exactly what the box looked like when I got it at Best Buy.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:04 am
by MikeFiend
Yeah WarDad, I had a Pentium II also...that was the 266 model I mentioned before. I bought that computer late '95.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:30 pm
by Beltamaxx
I tried UT3 when it came out and was really disappointed. A while ago I played a lot of Quake Wars/Enemy Territory and recently I've been on a COD4 kick.
This is what I mean, people try many new demos & buy new games, but, they KEEP COMING BACK.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:25 pm
by WarDad71
Not gonna be around as much until Comcast figures out their friggin equipment problem with my shizz. Have had them out here and supposedly the problem was fixed - ran fine for a few weeks then BAM connection issues again. :(

Put me down as pubr (pubber?) only for now - there's no way I can be signing up for matches and whatnot until my stuff is fixenated.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:15 pm
by Mr Bean
I started playing UT2004 in 2005. Played for a little while until My Scene Barbie Fashion Designer for PC came out in 2006. After that it was like forget UT. Everything was cool for a couple years. I had my own server with a clan and all. Then it just got too infested with botters so I came back to UT and found a happy home at CTC.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:36 pm
by Lazy.Pirate
its mostly because ut3 was such a failure.

i prefer the arena style fps games to just about anything. so not matter how fun COD4 is, it just doesnt hold the same interest as a game like unreal does.

i was sorely disappointed at Quake Wars. they took one of the best forumla's for a game and SOMEHOW, failed to make it interesting. failed to capture that classic feel of its original.

games these days are just becoming sad. and bastardized for consoles.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:20 pm
by -T2-
Unfortunately, that is where the gaming $$'s are at right now.....'consoles'. It's just the way the free market went because the demand was higher. Profits are seen quicker in the console market...if the game is a hit.

Heck, I am guilty of enabling that myself. My kids have a PS2 and a 360 at their disposal with a PS3 potentially on the horizon. I rarely get on even though I pay Microsoft to game versus others (which is total crap IMO). I just can't get beyond the gamepad vs keyboard/mouse issue.

Re: Keep coming back

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:24 pm
by Shockbait.
The reason people keep coming back is because there is no other game with the same flow as UT, most FPS are at a snails pace comparatively, and other FPS that are considered fast paced still lag behind. Like lazy said, nothing else(barring quake2&3) that has the same arena feel to it. I personally don't give a shit about realism or war based shooters, I just always liked the competition aspect that is inescapable in this game.