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Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:12 pm
by Tiggrrrr
I just wanted to take the time out to say
hi to everyone, all my CTC peeps, and friends.

Havent had a get together in awhile.
The other night, someone mentioned CTC wasnt a ligit
clan anymore.
Mikey defended us, I seen that Mikey!

I thought we could maybe get togehter in CTC for fun nights once a month?
Once a week? Something to just say hi and catch up?
Not waste the priv server? Or, our friendships.
Give me your thoughts please CTC? CTC friends that read this.

Also Id like to just say to people I dont see anymore, and miss very much,
that I really appreciate the years we've played togehter.
I think we should try to just get together and catch up, have a couple games maybe tournies.

I'll explain a little why you guys, and CTC mean so much to me.
After alot of my old clan actually all of them left ut for WOW.
I met up with you guys and started playing vhctf, this was a few years ago now.
I've known alot of you for so long. We have so much fun together of we can just organize something.

Im a single Mom, you guys know that, I never get to go out.
Cant afford it my boys eat and need clothes hehe.....
Anyways, you guys were always there to cheer me up.
My escape, my kind of Cheers, where everyone knows you name.
Thanks for that, let me know you thoughts.....
~Aly~xoxo aka <{CTC}>Tiggrrrr
Forever and always in my heart, no matter what game we or I, am playing!~
~I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!~ MY CLAN, CTC that means alot ot me!
p.s. I know you guys phone eachother, so do it, and we'll play.
Thats an order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, me wub you guys wong time!


Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:48 pm
by WarDad71


Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:44 pm
by Tiggrrrr
Um, uh, ty for responding WD :wink:


Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 9:20 pm
by WarDad71
I just noticed the original link to the pic I posted is different now... so I used photobucket and reposted :D Hope you have/had a nice mommy's day Tig.


Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 9:33 pm
by mudpuppet
CTC is strong . It's gathering it's energies for the coming rapture .
I think those who moved on , just prob don't enjoy the "feel" of the
game anymore . I sympathize . The five hours I put into COD was
unbearable . We are all wired different . Glad we had those good
times way back when , it was a hilarious crowd . Good memories .
Thanks ctc for accepting my lame skills , unwillingness to get better .
The private server sitting empty says it all . They are gone .


Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 9:52 pm
by Ghosted
Still try to drop in once in a while, but my game time has been reduced to a few hours a week. Just a different vibe these days, plus don't really dig freeze tag and spotty lag. It's weathered to say hi for what it's worth.

Good memories, will make a point to make more.


Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 11:49 pm
by WarDad71
mudpuppet wrote:... unwillingness to get better
Hey, you took my line... :D
Ghosted wrote:Good memories, will make a point to make more.
No reason NOT to :wink:

As long as anyone here is up for playing ANY games together casually, I plan to hang around and annoy the hell out of (whoever). :twisted:


Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 12:00 am
by Knave_Skye
As much as I miss getting everyone together, I cant bring myself to sit through VCTF anymore. I never cared for it much, and usually only came to the server long enough to try and convince everyone to go play some CB or TAM or maybe some trials. It would be nice if we could get the entire community into a new game, but not everyone has the time or resources to do this. I dont think there will be another game that has the lasting appeal that UT2K4 had for so many of us. The closest so far is jumping from one CoD game to another, Between MW2 and BO a large portion of us put in many hours and had alot of fun, but its not for everyone...and thats what made UT2K4 awesome, it had something for everyone, just wait til the next match and you might be playing almost a whole other game depending on the game type. As hyped as I am for Brink, i know that its probably got 6-8 months max before the next big thing. RIP UT.


Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 5:11 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
I'm pretty pissed about what happened around here, and I only blame myself. That's why I don't come around much anymore (at least to these forums). That was a nice post, Tig. Thank you!


Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:18 pm
by WarDad71
CTC-JimRimya wrote:I'm pretty pissed about what happened around here, and I only blame myself. That's why I don't come around much anymore (at least to these forums). That was a nice post, Tig. Thank you!
If CTC re opens public again - we would make a strong effort to be on more. The only "child proofing" I had to do on CTC was turn off mature taunts...and if chat got too raunchy, they could just ignore those particular players in options. No need to toggle adult zounds on or off or clear out nudie crap in the cache folder. Too much work. Just want to log in, play a few rounds and leave. I don't log in to UT to get sexed up... I log in to blow crap up, have a few laughs with friends, and log out.



Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:47 pm
by Ghosted
WarDad71 wrote:
CTC-JimRimya wrote:I'm pretty pissed about what happened around here, and I only blame myself. That's why I don't come around much anymore (at least to these forums). That was a nice post, Tig. Thank you!
If CTC re opens public again - we would make a strong effort to be on more. The only "child proofing" I had to do on CTC was turn off mature taunts...and if chat got too raunchy, they could just ignore those particular players in options. No need to toggle adult zounds on or off or clear out nudie crap in the cache folder. Too much work. Just want to log in, play a few rounds and leave. I don't log in to UT to get sexed up. I log in to blow crap up, have a few laughs with friends, and log out.

If there is a time where Tig, Mikey, Mud, WD clan et al are there I will definitely make a concerted effort to be there as well. I feel you Tig, I seriously do miss VCTF and my friends a lot. Like I was trying to say before, I made it a point to check in. Name a date/time.

Taking off the pwd would be an interesting experiment, I don't see why not at this point (not sure how they enforce private if that's the account type now).


Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 11:51 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
Ghosted wrote: Taking off the pwd would be an interesting experiment, I don't see why not at this point (not sure how they enforce private if that's the account type now).


Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:37 am
by rimmer59
WarDad71 wrote:
CTC-JimRimya wrote:I'm pretty pissed about what happened around here, and I only blame myself. That's why I don't come around much anymore (at least to these forums). That was a nice post, Tig. Thank you!
If CTC re opens public again - we would make a strong effort to be on more. The only "child proofing" I had to do on CTC was turn off mature taunts...and if chat got too raunchy, they could just ignore those particular players in options. No need to toggle adult zounds on or off or clear out nudie crap in the cache folder. Too much work. Just want to log in, play a few rounds and leave. I don't log in to UT to get sexed up... I log in to blow crap up, have a few laughs with friends, and log out.

Yeah, they really will :roll: But I agree, almost no one plays on the CTC i only see CTC, or DD clan members on it friday nights only...
EDIT: Lakers need to as a guy told me "Get Good"...


Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 1:49 am
by Tiggrrrr
Dont blame yourself Jimmy :wink:
Cant be everywhere all at once!~
I've often thought lately how Id love a clone, or two :!:

How bout we make a date?
This sunday for anyone? Next Sunday?
Maybe we can add CB again?
I got TS3 now.

Thanks for the ideas and opinions guys :!:
My pleasure Jimmy for the thread.
Just trying to figure something out.
I wont give up if you guys dont give up!~


Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 3:24 am
by Ghosted
Well there were like 10 of us on earlier tonight including Corn, Mikey, Jim and myself. Keep your steam up and I'll message you when I see you on ;)