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Ping compensation.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:12 am
by Judge Dredd Lox
I'm wondering if there is a posibility to get rid of the ping compensation?

I was at the server tonight for over an hour. During that time I was paying attention to the pings that people have. I have done this a lot lately. There were at least 16 people the whole time. At no time were there more than two people that had pings over 100, and at one point everyone had a ping under 80. At another there was one person that had a ping of 220. I could not touch him and he was pulling off headshots on me. I mean he was skipping around the maps and might as well have been invisible because of the way the ping compensator screwed things up.

Why penalize everyone because only a few people have high pings? I honestly don't think a ping compensator acts like lag anyway. It is entirely different.

I usually have a ping around 60 - 80. When I play other servers, I do not have any problems. When I play and have played in the past, places that have ping compensators it just totally screws up the game. Tonight and last night I was also fighting against people that had almost the exact same ping as me and it's like I have lag of 200 when I am trying to fight them. I'm wondering, do any of you notice this too?

If there were a lot of people that played here with pings over 100, Then maybe it would be ok, but this is the fastest server around and just about everyone has low pings. Please can we get rid of it?

Thanks for letting me rant!

Re: Ping compensation.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:19 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
You can turn it off yourself, IIRC. Press F5, then go to the 'Misc' tab and uncheck 'enable enhanced netcode'. That turns it off on your end. I don't know if it will help or not, but it's worth a try.

I understand what you're saying, especially when you switch back and forth from one server with netcode to one without it. I've gotten used to the netcode, and now I can't play without it.

Re: Ping compensation.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:39 pm
by Ghosted
CTC-JimRimya wrote:I've gotten used to the netcode, and now I can't play without it.

Re: Ping compensation.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:41 pm
by badasp

Re: Ping compensation.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:23 pm
by kronx
lol he wants Upcomp turned off.. 0/10
F minus

Re: Ping compensation.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:50 pm
Judge Dredd Lox wrote:I'm wondering if there is a posibility to get rid of the ping compensation?

I was at the server tonight for over an hour. During that time I was paying attention to the pings that people have. I have done this a lot lately. There were at least 16 people the whole time. At no time were there more than two people that had pings over 100, and at one point everyone had a ping under 80. At another there was one person that had a ping of 220. I could not touch him and he was pulling off headshots on me. I mean he was skipping around the maps and might as well have been invisible because of the way the ping compensator screwed things up.

Why penalize everyone because only a few people have high pings? I honestly don't think a ping compensator acts like lag anyway. It is entirely different.

I usually have a ping around 60 - 80. When I play other servers, I do not have any problems. When I play and have played in the past, places that have ping compensators it just totally screws up the game. Tonight and last night I was also fighting against people that had almost the exact same ping as me and it's like I have lag of 200 when I am trying to fight them. I'm wondering, do any of you notice this too?

If there were a lot of people that played here with pings over 100, Then maybe it would be ok, but this is the fastest server around and just about everyone has low pings. Please can we get rid of it?

Thanks for letting me rant!

Yeah i know sometimes it sucks, if i force getting a high ping (which I do by downloading a big torrent file in the background) I notice I get more headshots, even when Im lag warping, but I also notice that its hard to adjust without it on other servers, win some lose some.