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Gays in the military

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:43 pm
by ru_exp
Argue in favor of or against it...please be repectful.

I would like to hear your opinion Zeus.


Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:14 pm
by Ghosted
Gay is the new black. I think in 20 years our children will look back and wonder how we could be so ignorant. Of course their children will think the same about them on some other issue.

The only argument against it that I can see is that our current military personnel would be uncomfortable and there will be issues spawning from that. I don't think it would have been an issue with the people I worked with when I was in the military. That said there are a lot of ignorant violent motherfuckers out there. I don't expect things to go smoothly if this is allowed, but ignorance can be modified through discipline.

The problem is deeper than skin color or sexual orientation. It's one of perceived division. I believe you are this, I have attached false concepts to this perceived pattern which are in dissonance with my ego, therefore conflict arises.

Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:38 pm
by vapor
they should be allowed to join the military and if that makes people uncomfortable about working with them,

the solution should be sorting them into their own battalion, the fighting flamers!

Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:29 am
by Cornfed
I only spent 21 years in the military but here's my take, I knew several gays, some that I supervised, that were very good workers, I don't think repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" will be the holy grail that they are looking for, since quite a few used it to get out of the service rather than face discipline or get sent to some hellhole for 6 months to a year.

Sexual harassment in the workplace rules don't just apply to men harassing women, it will apply to all, and being gay won't be a defense.

To be fair, everyone that used the policy to get out in the last 10 years should be reinstated and immediately sent to Afghanistan for a year. It won't make them happy, but it is fair. Joining the military and receiving years of training while knowing you had a get-out-of-military-free card that you could use at anytime was one of the biggest scams ever.

Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:27 am
by Dubya
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Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:24 pm
by ru_exp
Cornfed wrote: To be fair, everyone that used the policy to get out in the last 10 years should be reinstated and immediately sent to Afghanistan for a year. It won't make them happy, but it is fair. Joining the military and receiving years of training while knowing you had a get-out-of-military-free card that you could use at anytime was one of the biggest scams ever.
THIS, I AGREE WITH 100 FREAKIN PERCENT!!! Nice point Cornfed.

Each one of you has some nteresting and poignant takes.

I have never been in the military so I am at a loss when it comes to how often you have shower with the rest of the troops. But it would never cross my mind weither or not someone was checking me out. It's isn't something that concerns me. And someone's sexual orientation doesn't phase me either (although, I was slightly bothered by the then HOT Lindsay Lohan switching teams with someone who essentially looks like a a very ugly dude{wtf?}). But seriously, the right to serve our country should not regulated by anything other than one's patriotism and ability to do so.

Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:22 pm
by WeedVulture
vapor wrote:the solution should be sorting them into their own battalion, the fighting flamers!

Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:10 am
by Mr Bean
ru_exp wrote:Argue in favor of or against it...please be repectful...
My answer is yes... it's ok for vapor to join the military.

Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:27 am
by MikeFiend
WeedVulture wrote:
vapor wrote:the solution should be sorting them into their own battalion, the fighting flamers!

Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:08 am
by SMR
Honestly, Im ok with it. Im ok even with female soldiers.

Female fireman however, Im not ok with....Unless they are so cut you suspect a penis under the hood.

Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:55 am
by Judge Dredd Lox
I see it as special privledge that heteros would not have. I would join the military if I could take showers with the women. I mean they do have the sexes seperated in many aspects for a reason.

Next, I see a real problem with the homophobics. When you put someone in a life critical situation, do you think everyone will act to help out someone that is gay? What about if a gay is in love with someone? Do you think they would act differently in a situation where they would have to choose between different people?

All around I see it as a bad idea, and that's not even getting into the Biblical part.

Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:56 am
by hirschigrad06
Mr Bean wrote:
ru_exp wrote:Argue in favor of or against it...please be repectful...
My answer is yes... it's ok for vapor to join the military.

Re: Gays in the military

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:45 pm
by WeedVulture
ive got your back judge! hey hey hey! *wink *wink