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Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:52 am
by Zeus
Why did I get banned AGAIN? I'm trying not to get pissed off, but damn. I've never been banned before in my life, but on the ctc server. I got banned from the map Afghanistan just now "for the remainder of the game" because I had high score? Wtf? No warning, no nothin, I was cruisin along, and BAM! Banned. I never said ANYTHING the entire map, never talked shit... I turned voice off because the sound is horrible with it on, all I did was get a bunch of headshots. I almost never get a congrats on the high score, almost never get a slap on the back, or good's always hate and a ban hammer. I just want to play this game like the rest of you, have some fun and hang out.....Am I supposed to suck ass on purpose so people don't get butthurt? With all due respect, this is ridiculous......

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:02 am
by ru_exp
Whoa were probably kick voted if it said for the rest of the session.

They ganged up on you for being rough on them maybe.

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:08 am
by Zeus
Either way....banned or kick voted, it's not cool.

Does it say "The admin has banned you for the remainder of this game" (or something similar) with a kick vote?

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:09 am
by Mr Bean
Yeah, what ru says sounds about right.

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:16 am
by Zeus
I'm sorry for making a scene, I really don't mean to sound like an ass or anything....

But why does Vapor get away with stuff like this?

Text spamming is sooo irritating...

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:22 am
by Mr Bean
Some advice... take it or leave it. On the pub, winning isn't everything. Help out others in getting involved like a team (especially noobs). I think that helping others enjoy the game will help you enjoy it as well. Not to mention being more liked and appreciated. Give to the community (in service). Give others a pat on the back while expecting nothing in return. If you do... cool! This, in my eyes, is a truely great player and individual.

As for text spamming, yeah it's getting old. It was funny back when only v0id did it. Now that others are on the fag wagon it's just played out. v0id is often immitated, but never... well, you know the rest.

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:27 am
by Zeus
Mr Bean wrote:Some advice... take it or leave it. On the pub, winning isn't everything. Help out others in getting involved like a team (especially noobs). I think that helping others enjoy the game will help you enjoy it as well. Not to mention being more liked and appreciated. Give to the community (in service). Give others a pat on the back while expecting nothing in return. If you do... cool! This, in my eyes, is a truely great player and individual.

As for text spamming, yeah it's getting old. It was funny back when only v0id did it. Now that others are on the fag wagon it's just played out. v0id is often immitated, but never... well, you know the rest.
That's just the thing....if my doing what I do distracts the other team from the flag, allowing our flag runner to make grabs and get out of the base with the flag, how is that not helping the team? Thats what I was doing this particular map....but sure as shit, someone is gonna say that I was just dm'ing. I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't. :(

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:48 am
by Mr Bean
I know bro, but this is a kick back and hang out with your friends community. Use your headset and find out what everybody did this weekend... let us know how that monitors workin' out... tell Shrek his mom has nice jugs... whatever comes to mind. BTW, I hope everything works out for you with the divorce thing. I haven't had to go through that *knock on wood*

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:25 am
by Deathstrike
Really, what did the kick message say?

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:01 pm
by x-GAMBIT-x
I agree with Mr.Bean's Advice.
yeah don't take anything personal it's just a place to hang,
And for kick voting it happens to everyone even ctc people
Just wait out the game and jump back in.

If you want to have a serious game join the Pug on every Fridays or join
up with a Team for Scrimmage's against other teams alot of Fun.


Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:18 pm
by ru_exp
Join team e! on the scrim competition thingy.

esp is a great guy and you can contact him through PM.

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:33 pm
by CTC-Salchicha

Click on player name in game and select "turn off text chat"

I had to do it for a couple people myself.

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:59 pm
by Zeus
CTC-Salchicha wrote:Yuck-

Click on player name in game and select "turn off text chat"

I had to do it for a couple people myself.

Whoa....I just learned something. I didn't know you could do that. I knew you could mute someones voice chat, but not the text. That's cool! Thx for the heads up. :lol:

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:39 pm
by Zeus
Deathstrike wrote:Really, what did the kick message say?
It said something like "The admin has banned you for the remainder of this game/map/match". There was no reason given, just that message.

x-GAMBIT-x wrote:I agree with Mr.Bean's Advice.
yeah don't take anything personal it's just a place to hang,
And for kick voting it happens to everyone even ctc people
Just wait out the game and jump back in.

If you want to have a serious game join the Pug on every Fridays or join
up with a Team for Scrimmage's against other teams alot of Fun.

So how do I join the pug? Would be fun to play somewhat competitively again. Back in UT99 I was in one of the bigger and more successful CTF clans- Kore [K] and in 2K3/2K4, I was in a pretty successful CTF/TDM clan- Curse «c». We even had Infinity on the roster for awhile. Curse didn't have the best reputation, but never the less, it was fun playing in a more serious way. :) I miss that.

Re: Wtf.....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:45 pm
by -Id- iot

Just be in the designated Ventrilo server on Fridays by 9 est.