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Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 9:00 am
by Knave_Skye
Right, so ill post what ive found, those who are interested can download it and maybe we can get a deathball night going if there are enough that like it.The premise of the game is alot like Bombing run, except the only "weapon" is the ball launcher. If you are holding the ball, you can use the primary fire to shoot the ball(power based on charge) as well as apply a curve to the left/right and up/down. Alt fire will pass the ball to a teammate, and if you are the one being passed to, you must continue in the direction you were moving at the speed you were moving to catch it. you can do a lob shot by holding down right mouse button and clicking left. As a runner, your normal fire will "volley" which can push the ball in the direction you aim, or a person; this will also damage any player holding the ball, or insta kill a player who has enetered your goal area. Alt fire will basically turn you into a ball repellant. This is good for blocking a ball or moving it in a general direction with more control than a volley, without ever picking it up and making yourself vulnerable to attack. If you have a bad connection, this is better for goal keeping than trying to volley the ball away. This game also has a designated goal keeper, who is the only one capable of performing dodges and moves slightly faster than others(only while he is in the goal box) The Game can be downloaded at , which is the most recent version of the client. The biggest downside ive seen is that there is only one public server left running this version of the game, and all the other servers are Passworded up. This is the Supra Deathball 2.4w server, and i show a ping of 220 on the server list(but it still seems to work fine on test). At the very least, everyone is at the same disadvantage. To run the mod, simply install it to your ut2004 directory, where it should create a folder called Deathball. Inside are two files both labeled PlayDeathball, one is a batch file and the other a windows command script. They both seem to function the same, so pick one and it will launch the game. Most of you can figure it out from there, ask questions if you have any, and let me know who is interested.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=" ... edded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Re: Deathball

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 7:14 pm
by -Id- iot

Re: Deathball

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 4:25 am
by killer
dude ID. i love deathball! i've already pm'd gamb about it. Version 2.3 is the best!!! and there are some people that still play this mod. if you are interested i can provide the irc info. ITS THE BEST MOD EVER!

Re: Deathball

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 7:03 am
by Mr Bean
Looks WAY fun!

Re: Deathball

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 7:13 am
by -Id- iot
Killer, do you know of any active Deathball servers? Also, how do I go about locating these servers? Just install all the Deathball files, but then what? I have been told Deathball launches separate from UT2k4.

Re: Deathball

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 12:42 am
by killer
-Id- wrote:Killer, do you know of any active Deathball servers? Also, how do I go about locating these servers? Just install all the Deathball files, but then what? I have been told Deathball launches separate from UT2k4.
Well Id, to be honest its a dead mod, no pubs only mixers and in order for you to play in mixers/pugs you can join us on and join the channel #radical and #db3v3. We have 3v3s almost everyday but 5v5s are rare.

Installation: Just install it. DO NOT COPY PASTE ANYTHING! it'll have its own folder and system and etc and yes the mod launches its own window.

If you wanna play sometime, i can teach you the basics. I have 4 days off this week (Tue,Wed,Thus,andFri)

Hopefully, i answered all the questions, but like badasp and gamb said in the other thread IT IS NOT AN EASY MOD. It takes some time to get used to the basics!!! but once you get the basics you'll love it!! its the best!!