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im having a problem..

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:25 pm
by tape`
so i hung out with the girl that im in LOVE with, from thursday night till today. We had a great time, i guess the problem is that i dont know if she is into me, i dont know i mean she lives 3 hrs away from here and came down to hang with me..

i actually just got off the phone with her like 20 min ago, and i basically told her how i feel and whats up.. So i told her how i feel now how do i get it out of her how she feels?? I dont know this means so much to me.... Like im in LOVE and totally care about this women, and would love to be with her!!!!

please guys, give me some help here!!!!!!!! We also got alot of shit planed for the future such as going to a Static X concert in May, and in June im gonna be going to her house for a few days, also somewhere in that time frame we plan on going camping... BLAH BLAH

to wrap it up here, me and her have sooooooooo much in common its SICK i mean how could 2 people possibly share so much??

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:52 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
In my 39 years walking this land I've learned that the best way is the direct way... but when it comes to matters of the heart and women, that doesn't always work. But you could just say, 'hey, what's up lady? Do you want the wiener or not?' In some ways it's fun to play it and see how it goes, but in other ways life is too short to hang around and wait when just asking might get you the answer you want.

How old are you anyway? Is she marriage material? Are YOU marriage material? Does she have baggage (kid, divorce, a big butt)? I'll assume you've gone though all of this in your head already and have determined that you still like her.

I guess the question can only be answered by you, but that is my two cents. Good luck, bro!

p.s. post a picture of her and maybe we could help a little more!

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:57 pm
by lil Sin
love is so grand!
just ask her tape ! honesty is good! ask her to marry you :mrgreen:

tell her you've been waiting all these yrs for your angel to show up and finally she has and your not letting go!!!!

send her flowers, stand outside her window and play the guitar!, rent a build board sign and tell her you love her !!!!

better yet rent a blimp! have it flashed on the side you love her!!

take her sky diving ask to marry her as you jump out!!

take her on a boat ride and have the waiter hand the menu to her with a big note in it saying I LOVE YOU WILL YOU BE MY SQUEEZE for life!!

there is so many ways of telling a person you love them and just be yourself!

i look on the inside before the outside because if the inside is pure and true to heart then this makes this person drop dead sexy in my book, so looks are not so vital well kinda i dont want to be dating Frankenstein and have to tell my family he has a kind heart! lol

good luck tape its awesome to see people in love ! we need to get the word out to others!

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:52 pm
Just go with it.........:)

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:08 am
by -Id- iot
Odin wrote:This thread hurts my brain so fucking much.
I'm sure this guy cares more than we do . . .

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:46 am
by tape`
wow thx alot Id

i really didnt come here for you to give a shit....

i came here for advice, theres alot of happy married people here.. dont hate cause your GAY now..

but thx for those who gave me great advice, much love

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:54 am
by x-GAMBIT-x
Yeah just do what the other's said and if she doesn't feel
the same way yet give it time but I'm sure she will still want
to be with you usualy they don't want to say anything first
right away afraid of scarying you off maybe.......But hey
I guess it's better to Love & Loss then to never have Loved at all........ :D

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:36 pm
by emc.johnnie
only YOU will know exactly what to do.... no of us can really help ya as to what to do with predicting what will happen between you too. if it feels right and she's on the same page as you, well go for it ...ride it out and see where it goes from there

if she's really into you, the 3 hr. difference wont mean a thing!!

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:22 pm
by ru_exp
I fashion myself to be pretty adept when it comes to women. I would like to say this to you after much trial and error...if you've told her how you feel and her response is luke warm then she loves you as a friend. Give her a few days to absorb what you said to her. A woman will keep her feelings hidden if you have exposed yours.

Be prepared for the worse and hope for the best.

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:49 pm
by MLK
ru_exp wrote:I fashion myself to be pretty adept when it comes to women.
Signature material. Totally. :D

ru_exp wrote:A woman will keep her feelings hidden if you have exposed yours.
Show her your genitals and ask, "How does this make you feel?"

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:10 pm
by Cornfed
Whatever you do, don't start worrying about it and pressing for a commitment when you are around her, both of you will stop having fun and the relationship will end. Good luck.

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:31 pm
by CTC-Salchicha
Is it better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all?

I think it is-

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:54 pm
by WarDad71
Been "happily" married for 16 years and it gets a little bit better every day. We are a little old fashioned and fuddy might not be much help to the younger generation brought up on internet porn and crap that helps to distort what relationships "should" be.

Never use physical appearance as a big part of your "guidelines" for a long-term relationship - I was lucky and got a decent-looking one :P - but it wasn't the primary thing that attracted me at first. Similar interests and seeing what they care about in life long term is helpful.

Today's divorce rate = a bunch of horny and/or ignorant folks signing up for something they never planned to finish or didn't put enough time in before the marriage to see how their future partner really was with and without the makeup on (figuratively speaking). Don't put any possible children through that crap if it can be avoided.

If you can see yourself with this person at age 90 on the front porch farting and laughing together remembering the good times and bad - you might have a winner.

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:51 am
by -T2-
Man, I am down for a few weeks and you guys get all mushy on me. :P

Tape', I recently celebrated my anniversary (17th) and it was awesome. Being that I have been 'out of the game' for a while now I am not going to offer any advice except to be totally honest with your lady friend. This is key. Good luck.

WARNING: Displaying of genitals without prior warning can be harmful to the viewers health.

Re: im having a problem..

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:46 am
by Cornfed
This week we celebrate our 21st happily married year, all I can offer is a build on what T-2 said, you gotta be honest, and there are some things that will not be forgiven, I don't care what the dr.phils of the world tell you, so don't do it. Family comes first!