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Banned Aid 2009

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:59 pm
by ru_exp
I don't know why I named this post that...maybe I just wanted the attention.

I just wanted to say Happy Holidays to everyone and I really enjoyed playing UT2K4 with all of you guys.

As my own opinion of the admins for CtC...I think you you are doing a great job for what little that may mean from me. I honestly don't know who most of the admins are, which is pretty cool considering how busy the server can get. No power trips, no 'one on one' drama cases, no God complex...just cool people.

No if you could just ban Infected Toe for no particular reason at all, then this place would be Utopia. I hope that is not too much to ask.

Other than that, keep up the great work...and wear flame retardant underwear.


Re: Banned Aid 2009

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:36 pm
by WarDad71
ru_exp wrote:wear flame retardant underwear.
What he said.

You guys rock! Period. Nuff said.

Re: Banned Aid 2009

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:50 am
by CTC-JimRimya
Thanks as always for the support, guys! No, YOU ROCK!

Re: Banned Aid 2009

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:42 am
by kaoss
ru_exp wrote:I don't know why I named this post that...maybe I just wanted the attention.

I just wanted to say Happy Holidays to everyone and I really enjoyed playing UT2K4 with all of you guys.

As my own opinion of the admins for CtC...I think you you are doing a great job for what little that may mean from me. I honestly don't know who most of the admins are, which is pretty cool considering how busy the server can get. No power trips, no 'one on one' drama cases, no God complex...just cool people.

No if you could just ban Infected Toe for no particular reason at all, then this place would be Utopia. I hope that is not too much to ask.

Other than that, keep up the great work...and wear flame retardant underwear.

sup ru , even though you accused me of things in the pass , your alright in my book. Wish your family a Merry christmas and a happy new years.

I ll be in Dominican Republic drunk WOOT!

I wish everyone the same , and i ll be back next year guys, have a good one!!!!

Re: Banned Aid 2009

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:25 am
by CTC-PapaSmurf
Thanks for the support ru, Wardad etc. We definitely like to have fun here at CTC and love that many others call CTC their VCTF home. I think there are many many more of those that really want to get along with each other and have fun rather than well.. something else. I hope any action taken is never seen as unbreakable law. There are numerous occasions where the CTC admins have discussed a ban or kick etc.. and the honest story is heard. We have quite a few individuals who have been banned from other servers and somehow found themselves banned at CTC and after solid, honest conversation, bans were lifted and new friendly players emerged.

Thanks again for the friendly comments. There is a good reason why all of us spend so many hours playing UT and it isn't for UT. Thanks to all of you who make it a place to hang out and have fun.


Re: Banned Aid 2009

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:41 pm
by ru_exp
kaoss wrote: sup ru , even though you accused me of things in the pass
kaoss, I did not accuse you of anything...I said you cheated. Just like everyone else that has killed me more than three times in a row while being on the other team. It is called the anit-rue kill bot and I know it is being sold at an alarming rate. Stop using it and take your butt kicking like a man.

kaoss wrote: I ll be in Dominican Republic drunk WOOT!
Nice!!! I am suppose to be going there on business/pleasure in March. Have a blast of a time and good luck with the missionary work :idea:

Happy holidays right back at you and get back safely.

Re: Banned Aid 2009

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:28 pm
by McShagger
LOL RU. Im glad Kaoss said what he did. I really feel that there can be no other better on-line gaming community than this one. Many of us have been playing together for many years and we are just starting to get to know each other. We may know their game play and have our own thoughts about them, but in the end, we find that we are all the same. We play the game because we love Unreal game play. We also get frustrated and angry... hell it is competitive and some of us are more competitive than others. So, theres bound to be some BS. It is through our share of love for the game and our communication that we appreciate each other that much more.

Thanks JimR and CTC for keeping this place the great place that it is.

Re: Banned Aid 2009

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:55 pm
by Fear
Yes good people and great gaming. I play many games and I always come back to this server.

Re: Banned Aid 2009

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:59 am
by CTC-Salchicha
All of you guys have filled my heart with joy with this post. No shit. I very much hope that all of the regulars on here understand how we appreciate each and every one of them. We're honored that they all keep coming back here. Even though we may see differently from time to time...we eventually end up on a team together and all that shit just goes by the wayside.

Jim, guys are doing a great job. I've said it before and it has been whispered about in the crowds...

CTC is the light.

Re: Banned Aid 2009

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:06 pm
by tape`
happy holidays everyone....

and thanks CTC for the great games and community, also id like to say..

Thanks for having me back 8)

Be safe everyone... merry christmas and happy new year