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Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:24 am
by Raijin
What was i banned for?
i got no heads up about the ban...
i read the server rules and i didnt break any of them...

No cheating: never needed them
No aliasing: i was using the name UnbanKixXen| i was using my real name
No whining: Never said a screen shot to prove it
Play for your team: i covered the Flag carrier ass off that map,had a unstoppable to prove it
No bashing of other clans or people: like i said...i never said anything...
No racist talk: *Silences*...yup still didnt say anything that match...or the matches before it...

from the signs i saw...
it was just pure admin abuse...
Could you aleast tell me what i did "wrong" to get banned?

Re: BanHammer!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:36 am
by kaoss
It was prob because your shock rifle didn't have any ammo, makes perfect sense to me.

Re: BanHammer!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:12 am
by CTC-PapaSmurf
To be honest, I don't really feel I need to justify my actions, but since you feel "admin abuse" took place, an explanation is in store. We have several rules here at CTC. I know you know them because you clearly stated your innocence next to each. Below is a list of recently used aliases on our server. Some reflect your name, others do not. We honestly haven't been enforcing the alias rule much as of late because most everyone has been very respectful. We have this rule in place to help others know who they are playing with and to build a better bond in the community. Friend or foe, knowing the name of your opponent is important to get a feel of who you are playing against. I am not going to defend this rule, just understand that those who pay for the server wish this to be the case. Those that donate money to run this server want to play with people who also respect CTC rules. Not everyone agrees that this is for the best, but the majority of individuals who play at CTC do so on a daily basis and know each other quite well. Friendship is important to us.

I'm tired of typing so I will be short. The name "uNbanKixXen!NOOBS!" is the one that grabbed my attention. First, I feel if Kixxen was banned from this server, making an alias to protest it is not quite the appropriate way to lift the ban. Second, some of your other aliases show your disdain for this server and I feel it is probably best for you to part ways.

As stated above, below is a list of some of your past aliases. Enjoy your walk through history as we bid you farewell. The other admins and myself will discuss the ban and determine the appropriate length of your leave.


-Raijin`. 12/12/2008 12:50:59 PM
TestingSensitivity 12/11/2008 7:51:26 PM
uNbanKixXen!NOOBS! 12/10/2008 8:04:40 PM
RaijinINewMouse 12/8/2008 9:34:59 PM
RaijinINoSound 12/5/2008 4:56:27 PM
-Illuna- 12/4/2008 8:34:39 PM
BombingRun°-Raijin 12/3/2008 6:39:37 PM
Trials&Tribulations 12/2/2008 4:26:10 PM
Shoot[+]Here 12/2/2008 3:19:28 PM
UT2004IsSeriousBiz 11/29/2008 1:35:51 PM
_3 11/25/2008 1:47:01 PM
NewMouseILachesis 11/22/2008 9:15:04 PM
NewMouse 11/20/2008 7:32:58 AM
ThisServerIsSoNubish 11/10/2008 8:44:24 PM
.Hack//Raijin 11/8/2008 4:58:10 PM
YeaIknowWhatimDoing! 11/8/2008 4:36:13 PM
I''ve300Names... 11/1/2008 2:18:32 PM
I''ve300Names... 11/1/2008 2:18:32 PM
I''ve300Names... 11/1/2008 2:18:32 PM
TeaBagnURgirlIRaijin 10/29/2008 7:51:50 PM
-Raijin`. 10/27/2008 9:40:57 PM
Sakura 10/26/2008 8:13:33 PM
{Böw2»Raijin 10/25/2008 10:45:03 PM
Rai-2-tha-Jin 10/25/2008 4:36:11 PM
Heavenly&Devilish 10/20/2008 3:19:24 PM
IV.Raijin 10/19/2008 6:58:29 PM
ItsHardOutHere4aPimp 10/19/2008 12:23:17 AM
IV.Raijin 10/16/2008 6:08:07 PM
Tarydium 10/15/2008 3:35:31 PM
I''ve300Names... 10/13/2008 2:00:47 PM
IV.Raïjïn 10/12/2008 9:22:06 PM
IV.Raïjïn 10/12/2008 12:18:46 AM
{Böw2»Raïjïn 10/10/2008 12:14:03 AM

Re: BanHammer!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:32 am
by CTC-PapaSmurf
This topic has been locked just to keep flame wars from occurring. Now that you are a newly registered user, please feel free to PM me with anything that would help your case in our decision.
