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Re: Info about McCain

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:12 pm
by -T2-
Void, I thought your were 'done with this thread'?

$lacker, the numbers posted represent all immigrants not just those from Mexico. If they hate the US so bad, why try to move here? They want a piece of the pie - which I don't blame them. Why bash the US government when it is their own government that needs to step up and try to improve their countries economy? The top dog is always has threats from those who inspire to be top dog.

Like I said before, even if they don't like our policies/government/attitude, they still have the freedom and luxury to come to the US and become what they want because of our FREEDOM here...that was fought and paid for by our ancestors. You don't get that in a lot of other countries - "freedom". The problem is is that too many Americans don't want to work hard like our ancestors did and make something of themselves. It is truly a welfare state/country for far too many. Its sad. Apathy has set in and it is scary. This is why government has grown so easily and quickly. In some cases I don't blame people for the apathy they have. It is because they lack confidence in our politicians doing the 'right' thing (on both sides). Even though I may agree, I am not going to give up the fight.

I am not hear to argue but to have a conversation. As you can tell I am not happy with the way our government has grown and how they have are 'bought/influenced' by special interest groups (again, both sides). Do I think this will change with this election, no, but I have not lost faith in this great country of ours.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend! Enough of my hot air.

Re: Info about McCain

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:01 pm
by WarDad71
A great man once called the majority of people in the world "sheeple" (you reading Void :P ) - there's some truth to that in many cases. Would be awesome if everyone would learn to think for themselves and put some study into things as opposed to "googling" info on something and going with the first 5 results offered. (Random comment not meant to reflect anyone's posts here at all).

It's fun trying to sift through all the BS being offered and determine who really is trying to be a solution to the problems and not on some type of power or ass-kissing-to-get-the-vote trip.

Re: Info about McCain

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:22 am
by Fusion
This is from the editors note in the website Obama Facts

I agree 100%, and I like his wording, can't be put much simpler or better. If you want to read all of the editors note here's the Direct Link

"My Fellow Americans:

As the creator and editor of I wanted to take time out and explain some of the drive behind the site, and why we took time out from our busy schedules to develop it.

Mr. Barack Hussein Obama has been flying around our great Country campaigning on change and happy times ahead under his leadership. Surrounded by an army of supporters including college students and celebrities, he has captivated even the most prudent of our citizens with his charisma and fast words. Many of us are yearning for the United States to take a new direction in our domestic and foreign policies, and Mr. Obama promises this in his speeches. It is easy to see why the stars are aligning for him and his campaign. But like any other commitment we make, we need to have “buyer beware” in mind.

The United States economy is driven by small business. In 2005, a survey conducted by the Office of Advocacy found that 99.7% of all businesses were made up by small business. This number includes 57.4 million Americans that are employed by small business. Mr. Obama has repeatedly campaigned on tax reform for the wealthy and delivering these heavier tax levies to the poor in an even fashion.

As the owner of a small business that employs Americans, I would hate to see the impact of heavier tax burdens that could most definitely lead to further lay-offs in my business. It is difficult to go month to month paying $1000’s of dollars for over inflated and unregulated health insurance for these same Americans. This coupled with corporate taxation, payroll taxation, and in some cases ridiculous States tax levies makes it extremely difficult for a start up to have success, regardless of product or service if we must fight through the enormous financial considerations a small business has.

Mr. Obama wants to go after the wealthy, in many cases these so called “wealthy” are folks like you and I that make a little bit more money than most because we have paid our dues and worked hard for the things we have amassed. What message does this send our sons and daughters when we have to spend more time away from them generating even more income, taking on a second job, or even filing for bankruptcy if Mr. Obama taxes us even harder to give our income to the greedy and unmotivated? Why should our children go to college, take on student loans like I did, and make something of themselves only to give it away to Mr. Obama’s false Robin Hood antics and the “unmotivated”?"

Re: Info about McCain

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:42 pm
by Cornfed
MSM bias! It can't be!! :shock:

This is a list of questions abc's gibson asked of obama two weeks after securing enough votes for the democratic nomination, and of Palin two weeks after her selection as republican VP running mate;

Obama interview (3 months ago with Gibson):

How does it feel to break a glass ceiling?
How does it feel to “win”?
How does your family feel about your “winning” breaking a glass ceiling?
Who will be your VP?
Should you choose Hillary Clinton as VP?
Will you accept public finance?
What issues is your campaign about?
Will you visit Iraq?
Will you debate McCain at a town hall?
What did you think of your competitor’s [Clinton] speech?

Palin interview:
Do you have enough qualifications for the job you’re seeking? Specifically have you visited foreign countries and met foreign leaders?
Aren’t you conceited to be seeking this high level job?
Questions about foreign policy
-territorial integrity of Georgia
-allowing Georgia and Ukraine to be members of NATO
-NATO treaty
-Iranian nuclear threat
-what to do if Israel attacks Iran
-Al Qaeda motivations
-the Bush Doctrine
-attacking terrorists harbored by Pakistan
Is America fighting a holy war? [misquoted Palin]

Wow, those are some very deep and well thought out questions asked of obama. Obviously either abc and gibson are extremely biased or they feel obama is a pussy. Probably both. :lol:

Re: Info about McCain

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:01 pm
by $lacker
Cornfed wrote:MSM bias! It can't be!! :shock:

This is a list of questions abc's gibson asked of obama two weeks after securing enough votes for the democratic nomination, and of Palin two weeks after her selection as republican VP running mate;

Obama interview (3 months ago with Gibson):

How does it feel to break a glass ceiling?
How does it feel to “win”?
How does your family feel about your “winning” breaking a glass ceiling?
Who will be your VP?
Should you choose Hillary Clinton as VP?
Will you accept public finance?
What issues is your campaign about?
Will you visit Iraq?
Will you debate McCain at a town hall?
What did you think of your competitor’s [Clinton] speech?

Palin interview:
Do you have enough qualifications for the job you’re seeking? Specifically have you visited foreign countries and met foreign leaders?
Aren’t you conceited to be seeking this high level job?
Questions about foreign policy
-territorial integrity of Georgia
-allowing Georgia and Ukraine to be members of NATO
-NATO treaty
-Iranian nuclear threat
-what to do if Israel attacks Iran
-Al Qaeda motivations
-the Bush Doctrine
-attacking terrorists harbored by Pakistan
Is America fighting a holy war? [misquoted Palin]

Wow, those are some very deep and well thought out questions asked of obama. Obviously either abc and gibson are extremely biased or they feel obama is a pussy. Probably both. :lol:

Thanks im pretty sure nobody knows news stations are biased. Fox is the same way.

Re: Info about McCain

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:15 pm
by $lacker
-T2- wrote:Void, I thought your were 'done with this thread'?

$lacker, the numbers posted represent all immigrants not just those from Mexico.
Mexico and to a lesser extent the rest of central america provide us with the VAST majority of our immigrants, Mexicans alone make up 60% of our immigrated population. Take out them and Central America, all of which are floundering third world countries, and the U.S. falls back into the pack. I realize you cant just "take them out" but if there were another, less successful yet still modern country in the place of the U.S., they would still be coming here.

By the way without illegal immigrants the economy would collapse, who do you think harvests your fruits and vegetables that you get for so cheap? Mexicans that get paid 2 bucks an hour. Without them it just got a lot harder for many american families to put food on their tables.

Re: Info about McCain

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:27 am
by Kilgore_Trout
Important video everyone needs to see: