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Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:00 pm
by {HOG}X_x-G-DuByA-x_X
team killing is quite addictive :P

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:20 pm
by WarDad71
MLK wrote:...It's not dm skills or shield jumping skills that makes you a good player, it's your ability to see your short comings and compensate FOR YOUR TEAM! Fill the gaps and coordinate some junk!
That's about all I can bring to the table. I have moments of "passible playing" once in a while, but mostly I try to be a support to the team. I love watching some of the stuff these truly good players can do. I've never knocked a truly good player and desire to be one of them but not at any cost of becoming a douche in the process.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:21 pm
by MLK
Whoever wrote: Honestly, it was just Kantham. With good cause I might add.
Sorry, but I was in Dam. To quote Crossier, "I hate Dam players because they are terrible." The last time I saw Kantham play he was shooting his mouth off and got pwnz0rd by NinjaX. Totally toyed with. He quite playing because he couldn't handle these types of losses. It's just weird to me, winning without challenge is boring to say the least. But I digress.

P.S. If you wanna see a great player, look at T2! Invaluable teammate. And he's gotten SOOOO much better.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:25 pm
by WarDad71
<3 T2 :D

He has DM skill and can also drive teh vehakls and use them effectively.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:14 pm
by WeedVulture
MLK wrote:like me. ie. "shut your fuckin mouth weed!"
haha. i remember that. np

we should all just shutup and play...

gl hf :D

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:46 pm
by -T2-
:oops: I am blushing like a little school girl! Thank you MLK but I don't deserve that. You are still much better than I ever will be.
I am too streaky...some nights are good and movement is nice others it feels like I am playing under water for some reason.

Two things helped me...1) playing in euro servers where I HAD to learn how to use the LG effectively (mouse settings ftw) and 2) getting tips from others/spec'ing for proper game setup/play. It also helps that I am the absolute worst on the VOR roster so I have lots of help available when needed. I still suck when it comes to switching weapons....and speaking sometimes. I get into the game too much sometimes and forget to call out the flag/etc because I will be in pursuit.

Now back to the topic at hand. I agree with most that has been said here in defense of CTC. Some people do have a bad reputation from incidents in the past however I am also one to give people the benefit of the doubt in hopes that they will change. If not, you will be suffering the consequences. We all just need to remember to stay calm and talk in a reasonable/respectful manner...and this is to EVERYONE. The only thing I dislike about this community are the 'boting' accusations that fly around so carelessly....even in a joking matter. Well OK, maybe I have two other is that most peeps who frequent the server do so very late in my east coast evening. :)

One thing that the admins look at is team play. The best way to show this is to communicate with your team the best you can. Heal vehicles, escort the flag carrier, etc. Believe me this will go a long way. And I am not reffering to communication like 'noob', 'you suck', 'what the hell were you thinking'. Instead offer some help. I, like MLK, enjoy a good fight as I am sure most of you do. 5-0 matches are no fun to me unless they are hard fought. I prefer the 3-2 win. :)

By the way, welcome miasma and omicron. It has been a long time. I hope all is well with you.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:07 am
by CTC-Salchicha
T2, you are better than you think. I think that there are some people on here that are very good players. I have no issue with someone who is better than me kicking my butt. Yes, it sucks, but as I figure it out, I get better. Still, my busted paws are no match for a much younger player, especially one that has really learned how to play this game an individual. T2 said that we focus on Team play here and that is the biggest factor that seems to be missing with these really good players. No doubt they kick ass but do they help their team? Not as much as I would hope. Most of the time they make others on the team feel bad for not supporting their elite skills. No one likes to feel like that. I will not put forth much effort to help a player that is berating me about not helping them cap as I watch them spawn right next to the bender/tank or cheesewagon and not try to heal it or make sure the D is in place. They are playing for themselves and not the team. That is my biggest issue. Again, T2 stated:

"One thing that the admins look at is team play. The best way to show this is to communicate with your team the best you can. Heal vehicles, escort the flag carrier, etc. Believe me this will go a long way. And I am not reffering to communication like 'noob', 'you suck', 'what the hell were you thinking'. Instead offer some help. I, like MLK, enjoy a good fight as I am sure most of you do. 5-0 matches are no fun to me unless they are hard fought. I prefer the 3-2 win."

Very well said. Omicron, I have played with you for a long time on many servers and have not had any issues with you at all. I hope that this misunderstanding can get resolved, or at least understood, and that we can have many nights of laughter and competition together. Stay thirsty my friends.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:22 am
by Omicron
Beltamaxx wrote:Weed
some players are notorious for alienating themselves......
ROFL, like aliasing, not communicating, camping the DD all game, not saying TY, when we say NS, and last, but not lease, when they type that famous quote "bunch of fuckin noob".

Let's not start the UT2004 drama we used to have to deal
You guys don't get it hun, at HOG & CTC (also BEL at first) we were DRAMA FREE without the anti-social-alisasing-DD camping-assholes around.
I'm pretty sure you're just speaking in generalities here, so I am just going to take it with stride. However, I'm not too keen on one dude calling another dude hun. It reminds me of that one scene in "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry" where they interviewed a guy by a hot dog stand and he had two ball park franks in one bun and stated, "Does that look right to you?!"

Hopefully at least one person remembers that scene.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:32 am
by Omicron
CTC-Salchicha wrote:T2, you are better than you think. I think that there are some people on here that are very good players. I have no issue with someone who is better than me kicking my butt. Yes, it sucks, but as I figure it out, I get better. Still, my busted paws are no match for a much younger player, especially one that has really learned how to play this game an individual. T2 said that we focus on Team play here and that is the biggest factor that seems to be missing with these really good players. No doubt they kick ass but do they help their team? Not as much as I would hope. Most of the time they make others on the team feel bad for not supporting their elite skills. No one likes to feel like that. I will not put forth much effort to help a player that is berating me about not helping them cap as I watch them spawn right next to the bender/tank or cheesewagon and not try to heal it or make sure the D is in place. They are playing for themselves and not the team. That is my biggest issue. Again, T2 stated:

"One thing that the admins look at is team play. The best way to show this is to communicate with your team the best you can. Heal vehicles, escort the flag carrier, etc. Believe me this will go a long way. And I am not reffering to communication like 'noob', 'you suck', 'what the hell were you thinking'. Instead offer some help. I, like MLK, enjoy a good fight as I am sure most of you do. 5-0 matches are no fun to me unless they are hard fought. I prefer the 3-2 win."

Very well said. Omicron, I have played with you for a long time on many servers and have not had any issues with you at all. I hope that this misunderstanding can get resolved, or at least understood, and that we can have many nights of laughter and competition together. Stay thirsty my friends.
Holy's the most interesting man in the world! haha

Thanks man. PapaSmurf already apologized for saying what he said since it was out of anger and frustration of me defending my friend. It has thus been noted and accepted.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:56 am
by WarDad71
For the record, T2 - had I returned before the bot accusations started - I would have been one of the first here to say "show some proof or STFU" to the accusers. There are damn good players in UT - and those of us who are more casual and only do 1 or 2 gametypes shouldn't freak out when a skilled player hops on the server and starts smacking lesser skilled people around.

I would love to be hanging with Bezim and some of the other good "kids" I remember.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:46 am
by CTC-PapaSmurf
x-GAMBIT-x wrote:
MLK wrote:I seriously doubt that anyone enjoys "kicking back" and losing. I think we can all agree on that.
It depends on how you are loosing can still be fun Like what me ,Vapor, And Papa has started a Team killing spree
thats a challenge in itself and its starting to spread but if you don't have this yeah it's not fun all the time to loose but
I just enjoy talking with peeps or just kicking back.

I think you absolutely nailed this Gambit. People can still have fun without being so dang serious all the time. Some people believe this server was built to be a place for competitive game play and to house all the old "semi-pro" players that wanted to come back. Granted, I like competition every once and a while, but I save my serious game play for Scrims and real life sports. This server was built as a place to have fun, to enjoy those around you, and generally just be a place to get away from the stresses of "real life". When you are competing every day in school or work to be the best and you are tired and just need release, playing in super serious competitive manner is not quite what some are looking for. Granted, CTC has some really good players and they just can't wait to play some serious matches, but out of respect of the server, they put their competitive nature aside and just enjoy have fun. We have scrims and mixers that allow us to really show of our skill and we practice in our private server in a serious manner.

This turned out longer than I intended. The point is, many people come here and want to play the way they have on one server or another. Many times that works out well because they simply want to play for fun not to prove how awesome they are. Sometimes it is for the worse and players think that this server was meant to be a "semi-pro" breeding ground for when UT2K4 ladder matches rise from the dead.... Lol.

Long story short. I have a lot of respect for some of the really good players of this game. I think it is awesome that many of you have stuck around for so long. I find many player's skill quite amazing and am constantly amazed at the new level that UT players are on. I will state quite clearly that, I do not give a crap about how good you are when people yell at their team mates when they are not playing how YOU want them to. When you feel you need raptor cover or someone should be playing defense instead of offense or they are not using a vehicle how you intend and on and on and on.... you can keep it to your damn self. Many of the players on this server, including myself, have been playing since UT 99 or so. We frickin' know how to play. The way we choose to play is up to us. Team play comes from being a part of the server and becoming friends with people that play here. Gambit, Vapor and I will stomp each other with the manta or raptor or whatever and screw around, but when a score is needed we will most always jump right in and cap. There is fun to be had without, as stated previously, being concerned about how small your penis is and making up for it in the amount of points you have.

Thanks again to all those that play on this server that make it what it is. I also would like to thank those that come in and try to change our style of game play. It is usually just a perfect reminder to show us how much real fun we are having while you are just getting frustrated while playing a... wait for it... GAME! Chill out. Relax. Learn to be friendly and have fun.

Peace -- PapaSmurf

P.S. If you want to join CTC in some serious game play, challenge us to a scrim. We are always happy to show our serious side in a friendly competitive match.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:46 pm
by -T2-
CTC-PapaSmurf wrote:P.S. If you want to join CTC in some serious game play, challenge us to a scrim. We are always happy to show our serious side in a friendly competitive match.
VOR is always up for a scrim/fun war. Just let me know and I will make it happen. That goes for ANY clan.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:59 pm
by «ßîc»EJ`
-T2- wrote:
CTC-PapaSmurf wrote:P.S. If you want to join CTC in some serious game play, challenge us to a scrim. We are always happy to show our serious side in a friendly competitive match.
VOR is always up for a scrim/fun war. Just let me know and I will make it happen. That goes for ANY clan.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:07 pm
by -T2-
«ßîc»EJ` wrote:
-T2- wrote:
CTC-PapaSmurf wrote:P.S. If you want to join CTC in some serious game play, challenge us to a scrim. We are always happy to show our serious side in a friendly competitive match.
VOR is always up for a scrim/fun war. Just let me know and I will make it happen. That goes for ANY clan.
What did I say that made you 'lol' ej?

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:30 pm
by !nfo.
WarDad71 wrote:I would love to be hanging with Bezim and some of the other good "kids" I remember.
Bezim is dead in a hole somewhere in Canada, no really hes on the other side of the country building a "summer home" for his parents. He should be back in no more than a month. And yes this is {DAM}Informer :D *waves to all*.