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Re: VCTF-Rockwell Beta

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:03 pm
by «ßîc»EJ`
havent played much of this map at all, maybe a few minutes. I liked how its layed out and theres plenty of ways for a foot runner to go. Also, another thing i noticed was when flying a manta run you cant just run into the flag correct ? ? Youhave to kinda go in the air and come onto the flag, I like that because it makes the manta runs a lil more challenging other then just grabbing it and going,and its more fun to sit on defense and kill the manta run also. Also i think what MLK said about adding some texturing that would be a great idea. Hopefully i can play more of this map tonight, thanks for the map man keep making more sweet maps (cough cough make more foot maps ) 8)

Re: VCTF-Rockwell Beta

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:37 pm
by WarDad71
«ßîc»EJ` wrote: (cough cough make more foot maps ) 8)

I like teh cars - but CTF is fun also 8) And I need the DM practice to begin with since I don't play regular DM much.

Re: VCTF-Rockwell Beta

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:44 am
by v0idNull
«ßîc»EJ` wrote:Also i think what MLK said about adding some texturing that would be a great idea.
Good point there. Make galliard a little more attractive too. Put pictures of gay porn on the walls??!? midget porn will work too?!? Anywayz, that's the way the world goes. People will come if they like what they see. I really think that's the reason people don't chose Galliard is because of lack of textures. Even though I'm opposed to it, I say do it because that's the way you'll get people to play your maps.

Re: VCTF-Rockwell Beta

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:19 am
by Dubya
the seweer thingies on galliard are ingenious! i think most maps like bloodbath...should have vented sewer tunnels (for the smell!)

Re: VCTF-Rockwell Beta

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:29 am
by McShagger
This map was another whoever map? Awesome... i love it... well thought out footpaths...

Re: VCTF-Rockwell Beta

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:15 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
I played the map for the second time last night... I like it but I get frustrated with having to go look for a lightning gun every time I respawn. I read your previous post and understand why you don't want the LG in every locker, but since it's such a huge map we need at least one or two more places to get it, in my opinion.

There are elevators on the right of each flag (as you're looking towards the other base). I'd like to see triggers in at the top of the elevators that will bring the lift up so you can ride it down, instead of just up. Just a thought.

I like the depression around the flag. I like the texturing as well, but it needs more visual cues as to what side you're on.

Good job all in all. Keep up the great work!

Re: VCTF-Rockwell Beta

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:37 pm
by WarDad71
Since we're throwing out thoughts - most walls you can do a side jump before hitting ground to avoid damage or is there a range limit? Like in shoebox I sidestep before hitting bottom and take no damage and on some other maps.

Re: VCTF-Rockwell Beta

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:07 pm
by Mr Bean
I've played this map on the server 4 times I think, and on my pc against bot a few times. I think it's one of my favorites. Nice balance of vehicle runs and foot runs. I love manta runs as much as anybody, but I think too many maps give them too much of an advantage. So that 'pothole' on the flag works out nice IMO.

Behind the Raptor spawn is a deadend hallway with a 25-health. I don't know why you made it a deadend... I would make it lead somewhere, or even just loop around.

Some maps are overloaded with LG's. Can't run more than 10 feet with out a headshot. That's not the case with this map. It's so big while maintaining nooks an crannies to get in... I've never received a head shot. Maybe 1 or 2 more LG's on the map would be good. I suggest putting them in and seeing what happens.

I too like the idea of putting a ramp where the tank is. Or maybe put something there to get behind during enemy fire.

Too many things to list of things I like. Two thumbs up on a well laid out and origonal map. Thank you.