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Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:55 pm
by MikeFiend
Miasma wrote:
WarDad71 wrote:It's all about the guy behind the website and clan's preferences. Jim has lined out how he wants this server to be: Friendly people who want to kick back and have fun without having to worry too much about godlike skills.
The VCTF community is notorious for alienating the players who are highly talented. It's unfortunate that people wish to simply get rid of a challenge as opposed to rising to the challenge. I'm not trying to start and argument here, but I consider myself to be a talented player and I hate when I get singled out for playing to my abilities.

I'm not opposed to being laid back and playing for fun, but being laid back does not mean avoiding a challenge at all costs. I would really like to see this opinion of talented players disappear.
In my own defense, I have never "alienated" a player because he/she happens to be a much better player than I am. If anything, I regularly give kudos to the players that truly are great IN and FOR this game. I might add that the players I recognize as truly great aren't necessarily the guys with the highest scores. Teamwork, good communication, having a sense of humor, and sportsmanship to me FAR outweigh a guy that thinks he's hot shit because he's got top score...not to mention a guy that self proclaims he is "highly talented". And I really don't think telling everyone your awesome is going to change your worry of great players being castrated because they're just good. The only good coming out of this will be when someone starts a new thread about anti-elitism.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:23 pm
by WeedVulture
haha mikey!

some players are notorious for alienating themselves......

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:02 pm
by Omicron
Let's not start the UT2004 drama we used to have to deal with when the game was more popular in the years prior. I swear this could be on a show or something.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:20 pm
by Taz
Well i will put this in another prospective. As a former server owner, DAM had 4 servers in the good old days, people really don't appreciate the time, effort and money you put into the servers. They thinks its their "right" to come into your server and do whatever they want to.

The rules are established and should be followed and enforced, If you don't like the rules go play somewhere else OR set up your own server (this would involve PAYING for it) and make your own rules. Please stop the stupid drama, don't kill the last gasp of the casual Vctf community.

It seems its always the same small group of people that provide 90% of the drama, it was the same way on DAM servers and forums.

We come to play and have fun.... CTC is providing that opportunity. Stick to your guns CTC and cull the Epeeners out of the server.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:45 pm
by Beltamaxx
some players are notorious for alienating themselves......
ROFL, like aliasing, not communicating, camping the DD all game, not saying TY, when we say NS, and last, but not lease, when they type that famous quote "bunch of fuckin noob".

Let's not start the UT2004 drama we used to have to deal
You guys don't get it hun, at HOG & CTC (also BEL at first) we were DRAMA FREE without the anti-social-alisasing-DD camping-assholes around.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:49 pm
by WarDad71
Vox Animus/Prism helped kill some of the fun back when vCTF had many full servers. Just ask some of the good people at NBS/Crush one of the many reasons they detest UT2004. Prism and Crossier used to come into the DAM servers and be total assholes. If Taz was ever apologized to for all the childish shit done, I missed it. I still remember talking to Prism in MSN and him admitting that he can get around things (like server bans) whenever he wanted - it was no big deal. He must be a hell of a charismatic dude to have so many upstanding guys still hanging with him.

I could care less if a person has talent and can kill anything that moves - it's the attitude behind the player that generally causes some to not want to play with them.

Ladders and scrim nights should be for the "best of the best" players. Go sign up for one to show your stuff. CTC is a PUB server...not a 24/7 ladder match.

I play to win. I want to win every game. I get pissed when it feels like my team has their head up their ass. But I'm not gonna freak out on voice channel or chat channel over a stupid pub match and I'm going to do my best to be a somewhat amicable person with others currently playing. If I start getting pissed for whatever reasons, I will log out and do something else.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:59 pm
by Beltamaxx
Crossier used to come into the DAM servers and be total assholes.
In my experience with him, he's been a great community player. He's been polite and I think he shares some of the same views that we share. Also, I don't ever remember him being in VA.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:01 pm
by WarDad71
This was at the beginning of the DAM servers starting up, Belta - obviously he moved on - but the fact remains it was both of them at the start and why some of us have had words with him on occasion here. There should be others around still besides Taz, T2, and myself that could confirm this. It feels like his attitude has changed and that's great. It probably was the company he was keeping at the time. The point of including his name was: the type of people we hang around sometimes can affect how we act when playing.

"Birds of a feather..."

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:20 pm
by Mr Bean
WarDad71 wrote:It feels like his attitude has changed and that's great.
Most morons eventually just grow up. It's been a while (I was also born in '71), but I was a moron once upon a time.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:17 pm
by HungryHippo
my 2 cents, i still cant believe this topic is going on. One player aliased then got banned for one week and they are making such a big deal about this, because you think it was wrong that you got banned. One reason why you shouldn't alias is because if you are a good player with skill and you change your name, then you go and play with a different name, headshoting everyone. Then mods/admin have to look who you are, and have to spec you if you're cheating or not. So actually is wasting their time. So you got banned for a week, i say drop it and stop posting all these topics damn man, your making a big deal because of a one week ban. Just wait it out, then come back and act friendly and have some fun man. Im getting sick of seeing these topics, just admit you were wrong and please end this thing already. It always works for the ladys, i just admit to something that wasn't even my fault, just to stop them bitching lmao :wink:
Take care brotha, looking forward to seeing you when you come back. 8)

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:23 pm
by Miasma
Omicron wrote:Let's not start the UT2004 drama we used to have to deal with when the game was more popular in the years prior. I swear this could be on a show or something.
Sorry Oms. This argument always results in endless circular conversations. You're right, I'll leave it alone.

Crossier and I founded VA. Crossier quickly quit VA because he wanted to be on the best team in the game and VA wasn't there yet.

Wardad, I never claimed I could easily get around server bans. Only way I ever got around server bans was when I knew another admin who knew what he was doing and would unban me.

MikeFiend, I never said I personally was highly talented. I just said talented, and I am.

You guys wonder why we alias. It's because of this type of stuff right here. As you all can see, people detest VA. We alias to avoid it. Some people, as soon as they know they're playing a VA, will start running their mouths or will start chasing us around the map trying to kill us.

I'm done with this conversation. I've been labeled as something I'm not and I've been trying to clear my name for years. I'll just let people believe what they want and give up.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:34 pm
by CTC-BigBanana
These 2 guys...(he he)...are...(he he)...fucking AWESOME.......wish I had some chesse...he he.

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Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:40 pm
by MLK
WarDad71 wrote:But I'm not gonna freak out on voice channel or chat channel over a stupid pub match....
like me. ie. "shut your fuckin mouth weed!"

apologies to all. workin on it. :P

To be real here, I'd rather experience some amazing gameplay at the cost of victory over some boring gameplay which promises a win. The unpredictability factor that good players bring to the table is what makes ut exciting to me, knowing that at any minute, someone is gonna pull some crazy shit and get the winning cap. It's not dm skills or shield jumping skills that makes you a good player, it's your ability to see your short comings and compensate FOR YOUR TEAM! Fill the gaps and coordinate some junk!

Ideological positions aside: I know that ctc is a laid back place, and it's been a much welcomed addition to my favorites, but I seriously doubt that anyone enjoys "kicking back" and losing. I think we can all agree on that.

And Btw: Crossier HATED Dam, with a

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:56 pm
by Whoever
MLK wrote:And Btw: Crossier HATED Dam, with a
Honestly, it was just Kantham. With good cause I might add. And this:
Wardad71 wrote:It probably was the company he was keeping at the time.
is definitely accurate.

Re: CTC Server

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:57 pm
by x-GAMBIT-x
MLK wrote:I seriously doubt that anyone enjoys "kicking back" and losing. I think we can all agree on that.

It depends on how you are loosing can still be fun Like what me ,Vapor, And Papa has started a Team killing spree
thats a challenge in itself and its starting to spread but if you don't have this yeah it's not fun all the time to loose but
I just enjoy talking with peeps or just kicking back.