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Re: Great players...

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:15 am
by vapor
Ghosted wrote:PPM = Points per Minute

Vapor = 4.67 PPM

Variasaber = 0.6 PPM

But... you use all the weapons... I don't know what to believe anymore :cry:
yes more threads should be derailed to how awesome i am

also, using all the weapons and vehicles is inefficient....just sayin

Re: Great players...

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:14 pm
by Variasaber
Ghosted wrote:PPM = Points per Minute

Vapor = 4.67 PPM

Variasaber = 0.6 PPM

But... you use all the weapons... I don't know what to believe anymore :cry:
Where did you get this data and how was it created?

Also, you can't compare us, I have far less experience than the other players around here.

Re: Great players...

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:32 pm
by WarDad71
Not changing the subject (really)


Saber - some people have hours and hours of time to invest in gaming and apply themselves to becoming better...some are just naturally good. The main thing is there is a great group of folks here that mainly just want to chill and have fun (even the kickass players, most of them) - forget about what you can or can't do right now and work on getting a little better here and there and enjoy messing around on the servers 8) I was cussing eagle out the other night on the hoverboard server because he was kicking my ass - but whaddyagonnado (besides send his butt to bed early) :mrgreen: Gotta remember this game came out in 2003/4 or whenever so many of the old timers here have had their share of play time with many a great player and picked up on some things. Most of the good players here will be glad to give you some pointers or ideas on improving your game etc. There's some cool maps to practice on Helen's server, check em out.

Re: Great players...

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:03 pm
by Ghosted
WarDad71 wrote:Not changing the subject (really)

I agree with Wardad... titties :mrgreen:

Back on topic, maybe you should step back and gain some perspective. That whole 'great players use all weapons' is a dig at the culture of ass hat hit scanners that brag about their net as they let their team lose because they won't do anything but stand a mile away picking people off with Shock/LG. Shock is like the Samurai sword of UT. It takes years to master, but is generally the go to weapon for many skilled players. The behavior of chasing net really doesn't matter in VCTF and is generally counter productive.

You will not become good trying to use every weapon at once... that's not how learning works. If you want real advice, get good with one weapon first. I would recommend rockets. They do massive damage, don't require great aim and you can charge them. Have a secondary for range. I would recommend shock. Flak/LG are also great weapons. The rest are situational for me personally. Also, you won't get good at weapons in VCTF, you should DM for a bit.

Re: Great players...

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:44 am
by x-GAMBIT-x
Ghosted wrote:
WOW wish I would have thought of that when I was a kid, and only younger women too.

Re: Great players...

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:44 pm
by Odin
Being good with all the weapons is good in theory, but the truth is the weapons aren't really balanced, especially in VCTF maps which tend to be giant and wide-open.

Although there's nothing wrong with using all the vehicles, but keep in mind you might get killed a lot by that guy who can only use mantas because he's specialized in it so much.

Re: Great players...

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:30 pm
by McShagger
Try DM, thats where all the weapons really matter. VCTFers hate DM because you dont get any weapons. It wasnt my favorite either. But even in TAM, the other weapons count more especially if amo is limited. Its been a while for me, but I made a habit of using the link gun when I got in closer (about the range of the secondary link) in head to head battles and it was extremely effective if you have already got a few hits on your opponent. Also, shots in the dark with the grenade from the assault rifle... that thing seems to get lucky bounces and the explosion is pretty powerful...

Re: Great players...

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:49 pm
by Variasaber
Thanks guys, I appreciate the support and tips :mrgreen: When I can't get on the server, I'll practice on DM instead of VCTF (I'm getting tired of the way the bots behave in VCTF anyway). I've got a few muts that would probably help with practicing one weapon as well.

Wait, what's TAM?
And seriously, where did the PPM data come from?

I should clarify though, I'm not upset that vapor is more skilled than me or has a higher PPM than me; I was just pointing out that comparing us to make a point doesn't really prove much.
I realize that I'm not exactly the best and I'm okay with that; if I wasn't okay with it, I probably would have stopped playing or used bots or something.

Haha, I remember the breast exam video. So great.

So, majority rules; the Assault Rifle is a keeper. Time to practice...

Re: Great players...

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:32 pm
by Ghosted
UT has a robust stats tracking system built in. That gametracker site just hooks into that I believe.

I've actually recommended playing bots before and a number of experienced players have given me flak for it. The trick is to put them above your level, either slightly or way, play around with the game speed (usually make it faster, I either do 110% or 130%) and as you said, do weapon arena at first so you can focus on a single weapon. As soon as you beat a bot, go to the next skill level. The way I practiced was on a 1v1 map against a bot that could beat me. If you can get to the point of beating a godlike bot at 130% gamespeed, you will fuck up 80+% of the players out there. Don't confuse bots for people though. The best players are good because they're clever and have thousands of hours of experience that make them difficult to hit even when they're not looking at you.

Mud and I played around with training for hours. I saw marked improvements with both of us even though we're at different skill levels. If you get me talking about weapon strategies I won't shut up (as Mud will attest), but I know I saw him using rocket techniques I showed him to take out a guy 1v1 who thought he was better (who also consistently said 'wtf' when Mud killed him). The point there is that we trained specific things atomically, meaning training dodging, rockets (aiming, straffing, suiciding, charging *individually*), goo, shock, etc. My piano teacher used to say 'Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect'. Playing is not practice.

I actually enjoyed the training we were doing more than normal games at one point. It becomes almost zen like and the hours kindof melt away (we had all weapons, infinite ammo and no score). I'd offer to help, but haven't been playing lately and those melting hours usually occured between 10pm and 6am...

Also, it's important to understand your strengths and weaknesses. Take your opponent out of their game and try to bring them into yours. For example many hitscanners are comparitively weak close range. They'll brag that they can hit you with shock from wherever... unless you're consistently doing 180 degree dodge strafes while shooting rockets at their feet. Poke around at their model (get inside their head) and try to identify weak points, though at some point you will want to go against someones strength in order to build yourself up as well.

Anyways, these are just words. I claim no authority as a player.

Re: Great players...

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:16 am
by MikeFiend

Re: Great players...

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:31 am
by Variasaber
Excellent tips. I did once try going against a Godlike bot in 1v1 DM at 130% game speed, and got so frustrated with him that I quit and dropped down to Masterful normal-speed VCTF 5v5. Maybe it's worth a second try, or maybe I'll try a level below that first.

Is it wrong to avoid certain weapons that I don't like? Especially if I don't often encounter them? For example, Spider Mines, Bio Rifle, and Classic Sniper Rifle.

I don't use the Grenade Launcher much because it's extremely situational, but damn does it feel good to get a kill with that thing.

Re: Great players...

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:59 am
by $lacker
net in vctf is bullshit, you win by scoring flags. Everything else is arbitrary. Some dude might kill you 20 times in a game and you might never get a shot in on him. but if you beat him for a flag cap 2 or 3 times hes the sucker

also every gun can be useful.

If a manta is trying to spawn camp you it can be repelled easily with some practice by using AR grenades. Charge them up all the way and let the manta come straight at you, let one fly right before its about to run you over (disclaimer: this is really hard to do if you are experiencing some lag). I would almost go as far to suggest to never use the AR primary fire in vctf unless youre positive that the person youre shooting at is very low on HP (dual AR primary is decent).

The bio rifle does kind of suck for vctf but its good for clogging up choke points on some maps and you can put a big hurt on some vehicles with the supercharged glob.

If you dont use the sniper rifle you have problems.... seriously. The fact that it's one of the few weapons that doesnt broadcast your position to everyone on the map while still being capable of a one shot kill makes it incredibly valuable. People underestimate the advantage of stealth in vctf.

The grenade launcher is amazing in specific situations, such as manta run defense or booby trapping the enemy tank. In close quarters try to bounce a few on the ground towards your opponent to trap him and then set them all off to put a big hurt on him.

It is extremely important to be at least serviceable with the shock rifle though, otherwise mantas and raptors will eat you alive. For a new player starting at vctf the best advice i can give is to practice as much as you can with the shock rifle because there's a million ways it can save your ass. That does NOT mean that you should be a shock monkey like some players, using the weapon almost exclusively, because you will find that you come up far short against any player that actually knows what hes doing and how to counter a shock monkey.

Nobody uses the shield gun enough in vctf (at least since the last time i played), especially on offense. If you're trying to move quickly through the map with the other team's flag you shouldn't be shooting at anyone anyways, let the rest of your team cover you (call them names on voice chat if they dont). One strategy that i always found to be very effective, especially when being pursued, is to dodge backwards towards your flag/base while pointing the shield back towards where you came from. It sounds simple but it requires good knowledge of the map to not get caught on a wall or anything, and it will make it extremely hard for the other team to kill you with anything barring a manta/raptor/tank especially if you have cover fire (again make sure to scream at your team on voice chat if they arent covering you when you have the flag, using plenty of expletives).

Someday im gonna write a comprehensive guide on 2k4 vctf strategy just for the fun of it and to relive those good times.... maybe

Re: Great players...

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:19 pm
by WarDad71
Great comments Slacker +rep :D

Re: Great players...

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:50 am
by Variasaber
Excellent advice Slacker, I'll keep all that in mind. And you necro'd the thread! :mrgreen:

A charged Bio Rifle shot to the side of a vehicle, particularly a Scorpion (my specialty), throws it an outrageous distance, does excellent damage, flips it, and probably knocks it off a cliff (dear God, WorldPokerTourX against Inhuman bots. I was trying to look at boobies and some asshat threw me off the edge! :lol: )

I was surprised how effective the Shock Rifle was against Raptors. I never saw that coming the first time it was used against me

Re: Great players...

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:37 pm
by WeedVulture
$lacker wrote:net in vctf is bullshit, you win by scoring flags. Everything else is arbitrary. Some dude might kill you 20 times in a game and you might never get a shot in on him. but if you beat him for a flag cap 2 or 3 times hes the sucker

also every gun can be useful.

If a manta is trying to spawn camp you it can be repelled easily with some practice by using AR grenades. Charge them up all the way and let the manta come straight at you, let one fly right before its about to run you over (disclaimer: this is really hard to do if you are experiencing some lag). I would almost go as far to suggest to never use the AR primary fire in vctf unless youre positive that the person youre shooting at is very low on HP (dual AR primary is decent).

The bio rifle does kind of suck for vctf but its good for clogging up choke points on some maps and you can put a big hurt on some vehicles with the supercharged glob.

If you dont use the sniper rifle you have problems.... seriously. The fact that it's one of the few weapons that doesnt broadcast your position to everyone on the map while still being capable of a one shot kill makes it incredibly valuable. People underestimate the advantage of stealth in vctf.

The grenade launcher is amazing in specific situations, such as manta run defense or booby trapping the enemy tank. In close quarters try to bounce a few on the ground towards your opponent to trap him and then set them all off to put a big hurt on him.

It is extremely important to be at least serviceable with the shock rifle though, otherwise mantas and raptors will eat you alive. For a new player starting at vctf the best advice i can give is to practice as much as you can with the shock rifle because there's a million ways it can save your ass. That does NOT mean that you should be a shock monkey like some players, using the weapon almost exclusively, because you will find that you come up far short against any player that actually knows what hes doing and how to counter a shock monkey.

Nobody uses the shield gun enough in vctf (at least since the last time i played), especially on offense. If you're trying to move quickly through the map with the other team's flag you shouldn't be shooting at anyone anyways, let the rest of your team cover you (call them names on voice chat if they dont). One strategy that i always found to be very effective, especially when being pursued, is to dodge backwards towards your flag/base while pointing the shield back towards where you came from. It sounds simple but it requires good knowledge of the map to not get caught on a wall or anything, and it will make it extremely hard for the other team to kill you with anything barring a manta/raptor/tank especially if you have cover fire (again make sure to scream at your team on voice chat if they arent covering you when you have the flag, using plenty of expletives).

Someday im gonna write a comprehensive guide on 2k4 vctf strategy just for the fun of it and to relive those good times.... maybe
stfu n00b.