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Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:25 pm
by rimmer59
I would not go "Diet" either...Because there is an artificial sweetner out there called "Aspratame." And It has been linked to Cancer,Diabeties...ect. So try to drink...Milk more often too, or some smoothies...with Yogurt milk and frosen fruit...if you got a water melon... why juice it...why not eat it? I mean it is 90% water. This concludes rimmer's "why the fuck would you juice a melon?"

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:03 am
by Beltamaxx
rimmer59 wrote:I would not go "Diet" either...Because there is an artificial sweetner out there called "Aspratame." And It has been linked to Cancer,Diabeties...ect. So try to drink...Milk more often too, or some smoothies...with Yogurt milk and frosen fruit...if you got a water melon... why juice it...why not eat it? I mean it is 90% water. This concludes rimmer's "why the fuck would you juice a melon?"
Damn, I love Aspratame, but if one thing don't kill you, another will, at least I'll die happy.

About 8 year ago I was a care giver taking care of a 84 year old man. This was a chain smoker in his prime and also enjoyed his peppermint schnapps. His wife also enjoyed smoking, but got cancer and was hospitalize for her final 3 yrs. This man loved his wife so much that he admitted himself just to be by her side. She came to pass, but the hospital would Not release him. A friend help get him released and I became his care giver.

Everyday he would ask my roommate for a cigarette or 2. For obvious reason I didn't feel good about it, but it made him so happy to enjoy at least 1 cig a day I couldn't say no. My point is he lived a long and romantic life that most of us can only hope to achieve, so are a few guilty pleasure really that bad if they make someone feel so happy.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:14 am
by WarDad71
love the grumpy old men movies all the odd couple stuff etc.

"relax, kids swallow quarters all the time. If she craps out 2 dimes and a nickle then you can start worrying." -Dad Gustufson

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:15 am
by vapor
rimmer59 wrote:I would not go "Diet" either...Because there is an artificial sweetner out there called "Aspratame." And It has been linked to Cancer,Diabeties...ect. So try to drink...Milk more often too, or some smoothies...with Yogurt milk and frosen fruit...if you got a water melon... why juice it...why not eat it? I mean it is 90% water. This concludes rimmer's "why the fuck would you juice a melon?"
milk has also been linked to cancer....watermelon will probably be linked as well in the next few years.

everything kills you, fuck it, enjoy it.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:51 am
Damn i hate teenagers

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:39 am
by Beltamaxx
ICEMAN wrote:Damn i hate teenagers
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:05 am
by rimmer59
:o :x :o

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:04 pm
by x-GAMBIT-x
:D :( :shock: 8) :lol: :x :cry: :evil: :roll: :mrgreen:

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:00 pm
by Variasaber
Look, you guys wanna talk health? Here's my theory.
It starts with instinct.

Our instincts are set up for survival as a species of hunter-gatherers prone to stay together in groups; the idea being that any food we eat, we must hunt, grow, or find, and we will survive better through working with others. Picture a village near a forest and a lake, and some of the people in the village hunt in the forest, some fish in the lake, and some grow fruits and vegetables and whatnot on farms. That's what our instincts are made for.

Meanwhile, we're in a world where if you want something to eat, you can get the exact food that you want when you want it, either by going to a restaurant or a grocery store or convenience store. There's an abundance of everything.

Something that tastes good, often, is like that because of the sugar and fat and carbs and other needed nutrients in it. If you were to hunt/gather/grow that, the taste tells you that you should get more of it when possible because it will help you survive. Your instincts don't expect there to be an abundance of that particular thing, allowing you to have it whenever you please. The idea of "healthy" and "unhealthy" food doesn't make sense; the real measure of food is how much it will help you survive.

Eating too much "unhealthy" food will make you fat and not physically fit. That's a real hindrance these days; why doesn't your body just prevent you from becoming fat? Well, once again, you're built to adapt to however much food is available. If you're eating lots of food with lots of fat and sugar in it, your body is like "Oh, I don't need to have the strength and speed to hunt and farm, because there's plenty of food already available," so it doesn't bother. If you're exercising a lot and eating "healthy" foods, your body is like "Wow I sure do need the strength and speed to hunt and stuff a lot, and I'm really going to need it if I ever want to find food that's more filling than this," and so your muscles grow and your waist is flat.

The wording of that last paragraph is not great; it's hard for me to explain that, so that's the best I can do on short notice.

Doctors and nutritionists will tell you that fatty and sugary foods are not automatically something you should avoid; they'll say it's okay to have fast food every once in a while, and the occasional donut or ice cream sundae or chocolate bar. That's because these things are okay to eat in moderation.

You'll see a lot of news reports and studies and such saying that "Doing [activity] or eating [food] too much is bad for you!" Well, of course. Everything is unhealthy if done/eaten in excess. But the reverse is also true; most things are perfectly fine if done/eaten in moderation (exceptions would be things like poison and terminal disease and other things that kill you).

I don't really have any hard evidence or scientific studies to back me up on this, as it is just my theory. The point is, most things are perfectly fine in moderation. So drink that soda pop, occasionally. Eat that fried dough and double fudge brownie and triple bacon burger, occasionally. You'll be fine.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:14 am
by Tiggrrrr
LMAO everything's linked to cancer....
Next thing "they" will say is sex is linked to cancer, GOD!!!!~
What do we got left? I like a pop once in a blue moon.

For a treat, otherwise coffee is my weak spot mmmm Tim Horton's....
I think if you drink lots of water and not to much of the other stuff you'll be fine.
Us humans are pretty adaptable.
"You better let me have my coffee, or I'll pick up this here crack pipe" LMAO!!!!~ :lol:
IM BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO PLAY MY GAME FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!: :evil:

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:07 am
by vapor
your theory is aboluste shite

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:35 pm
by rimmer59
Variasber...Isn't that pretty much native Americans?

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:12 pm
by Variasaber
The Native Americans were hunter-gatherers, so they do fit with my description of what our instincts are built for.

I'm not saying that's what we should do, I'm just saying that's why things are the way they are.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:20 pm
by WarDad71
One thing I don't like is the fact my kids are 9 feet tall at age 5 and going through changes that many years ago didn't happen until 13+
Either that is evolution: ... s-butt-sex

Or the damn hormones and (whatever) they put in/on food.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:39 pm
by Variasaber
rofl Viacom deleted your video