I just want to come to say hi and check you guys out , I bring greetings from ThE UTPUB and our Clan Pub Gaming, I am always playing late at night and your VCTF server is one of the few servers I visit , outside from our own.
You guys seem like a good bunch and the server runs good and <3 for all you guys are doing here.
Is nice to see communities like this one guys, keep up the good job.
I want to invite you guys to come and hang out anytime with us if you feel like outside vctf. we play and have servers in TAM ONS and AS 2004 and , UT3 WAR , UT3 BTA (like Tam). We have a ventrilo also with plenty of space if you guys need one or if you guys want just to come and hang, all the info is on our site
Our links http://www.theutpub.com or http://www.pubgamingclan.com
we are open for scrims anytime too if u guys want to practice., so gl hf

my xfire: ut99vet
cool guys, see ya later