Info about McCain

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Re: Info about McCain

Post by emc.johnnie »

McCain is a old loser with busted up shoulders from the vietnam gooks.

russia seems to be the newest threat to the world now,wanting to implement its value on its neighbors while threatning poland and the rest of the region with nukes.

i feel obama would have a better chance in solving this problem w/out resulting in some conflict w/ russia and a potential w,w,3.

pssst!- i think i'm rambling on.....

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Re: Info about McCain

Post by MLK »

pssst - you should read some history books.

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Re: Info about McCain

Post by Deathstrike »

Stole my graph VoidNull. :D

~Looks both ways as he jumps into the muddy and vile pits of politics~

What people do not realize is that the increase taxes on businesses will be on those that make an extreme amount of profit. I do not want to generalize, but many of those companies use loopholes to get out of being taxed, aka using Dubai, etc. Obama, in my eyes, has seen this and has saw it fit to close those corporate loopholes and try to use that money to combat the deficit. The small business that are struggling to survive because flour prices has increased over 60% in the last two years (my parent's store well affected) and many other small businesses that are having a rough time keeping afloat due to the large increases in prices of necessary materials are not being punished under Obama's policies. McCain's policies (lack of policies) also do not hurt small businesses. However I do not see much hope in McCain's policies. I just see a continual increases in nation debt..and guess what, it's to China. His policies are similar to those of Bush. ... a78235.htm

Also, those companies that will be taxed by Obama, are just going to pay back what they would have been taxed, given that Bush did not give them massive tax breaks to "stimulate" the economy. I find that argument funny... we live in a globalized world. That plan DOES NOT WORK. What do we see companies do these days? Those that get TAX BREAKS. We see them squandering them off in INDIA, CHINA, and places other than the US. Why? BECAUSE THE WORLD IS GLOBALIZED AND THE BOTTOM LINE IS TO INCREASE PROFITS! I see no hope in how McCain is going to deal with taxes and undoubtedly will see if continue to grow and double by the time he is out of office.

I'm disappointed in this country for allowing Bush to stay in power and I have to give a large hand to News Corp aka FOX. Murdoch, the owner of News Corp, owns what. Lets see: Fox broadcast networks and Fox news, Fox Sports, FX, and other Fox cable channels in the US, 20th century Fox studios; 35 local US TV stations; New York Post: The Times: The Sun of London; The Weekly Standard; HarperCollins; Sky Satellite system in England and Star satellite system in Asia; large portion of DirecTV; and the whole list goes on for 8 or more pages. He has the same types of companies in other countries in Europe, Asia, and Australia (native country). Murdoch is in there for the money. Nothing more. Throughout history, he has used politics to enhance his business aka deals with Newt Gingrich (Former Republican Speaker), China-BBC conflict, etc.. He wants an integrated media conglomerate and foremost to reach the bottom line ~ money.

When asked by Congress during the examination of the Telecommunications Acts of 1996, why he has so many conservative talk shows, he responded because it was more popular. (Everyone should read up about the Telecommunications Acts of 1996-allowed relaxation on regulations that the FCC had and allowed for the expansion of companies to absorb each other- to which we saw virtually no coverage of it on any station across the country ~ I remember that the INTERNET was the only way to get information about it during that time) Now isn't it a great time to reinforce the importance of NET NEUTRALITY? Obama is all for it. McCain, who doesn't know much about it (refer back to VoidNull..that was the lulz) is against NET NEUTRALITY. We WILL lose out voices and virtually part of our freedom of speech if we lose the battle of NET NEUTRALITY.

Here are some quotes by Fallows (a well respected analyst that more of the American public should read up on) : "Murdoch seems to be most interested in the political connections that will help his business. In short, some aspect of News Corp's programming, positions and alliances serve conservative political ends, and others do not. But all are consistent with the use of political influence for corporate advantage.

I'm sure many Americans are well informed about Bush and FOX and how they had inside correspondents communicating with each other to spread their agendas. (aka what the White House correspondent said ~ maybe about 2 months ago) If we look into the statistics, more Americans watch FOX News than most of the other news station combined. (CNN, CBS, ABC, etc) Kind of sad how in a lot of poll, the majority of Americans get their news from one source and most from TV. Also lets see, 27% of US citizens get their news from radio. Hmm...lets talk hosts..umm..anything else? There is no denying that FOX had helped put Bush back in power and lets see, even hating McCain and now touting him as the best pick for PRESIDENT. I wonder whose interest it is for. WE are letting News Corp, help guide America. News Corp headquarters are in Australia and Murdoch clearly said that he does not think much about his American citizenship. (He got it because there was a rule by the FCC that a man not a citizen of the country cannot own more than ~33% of the media in the US – he still failed to qualify because there were more requirements that I cannot remember, but he was able to use politics and squeeze his way through! He is the only person to this day that has accomplished it. Many other companies from foreign countries have tried, but were unsuccessful.)

I think I went on a tangent there, but I know there was a point. Oh yeah, most Americans do not know what is good for America because they are not well informed and do not understand the underlining of politics, US, and the world. Like it or not, we need a president that can appeal to the world and that is Obama. I can count on my fingers, how many times Bush had left the US to promote the US on foreign policies, etc. McCain spent his time in Colorado, Arizona, etc and has not gone out of the country much throughout his terms in the Senate. He just does not appeal to the world like Obama. He had the same mindset as Bush on foreign affairs. I could go on and on about that, but like it or not, to fix our economy, we also have to deal with the rest of the world because the economy and generally the world is GLOBALIZED. Sure we can try to solve all the economic problems in the US by ourselves, but we have to be able to tell our companies to help us, which has not happened so far.

Really gets to me when a vote goes to a candidate because of issues like gay marriage when we have far more important things to worry about. Yes I know it's my own opinion about what is more important and what not.

Overall, I see Obama as more qualified to be president, through his policies both domestically and globally which I have scratched the surface of in this post. Back in 2000, I wanted McCain to win the republican nomination...I like him, but he just does not have the answers that we need NOW to fix the country.

Lastly, people need to be more informed. Need to see all sides of the triangle ( for the lulz, but kinds of pisses me off because I can answer all of his questions and they probably took awhile to find all of these people aka lots of editing). Americans need to read more Giddens (very very very important person right there), Toffler, Drucker, Fallows, just need to be more informed about the world in general. I'm not sure but in some earlier post, someone said that the democrats still voted to instigate the war even though they don't like it or something to that effect, but do know that it was pretty much the pressure of looking patriotic by the politicians. Emotions got the best of everyone after 9/11, thus the war, Patriot Act, etc. Also, I do not like this democrat vs republican thing. It's more about the individual candidates' ideals that people should be looking at and not party affiliation. People may see me as someone who hates America and as unpatriotic for the things I say about Bush, but I want the best for the US. My best friend is attending Westpoint. :D I see the US as the best world power and would not for one second want China to take over. People in the world have too many double standards and little do they see just how much better the world is today with US as the world power, instead of a Russia or China, where you have little rights, cannot speak your mind, and have little opportunities. Go USA!

~Looks at his body ~ Man politics is dirty~
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Re: Info about McCain

Post by -T2- »

Deathstrike wrote:
What people do not realize is that the increase taxes on businesses will be on those that make an extreme amount of profit.
What amount of profit is "extreme"? If I own a small business and make a killing because people need my that wrong? At what point is it "extreme"?

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Re: Info about McCain

Post by Deathstrike »

-T2- wrote:
Deathstrike wrote:
What people do not realize is that the increase taxes on businesses will be on those that make an extreme amount of profit.
What amount of profit is "extreme"? If I own a small business and make a killing because people need my that wrong? At what point is it "extreme"?
I later went on to say that it was a generalization. I'm mostly talking about companies like GAP, that do not employ many US workers. Those companies that export jobs to India, China, Thailand, Mexico, etc. I also mentioned that the tax breaks they received under Bush would by taxed back and the loopholes that they are currently using will be reprehended. There is nothing wrong with making a ton of money, I think it's great ~ part of the American dream. Just that those companies had their tax breaks for 8 years under Bush will be paying back the taxes that were necessary for governmental use ~ lowering the deficit for now and maybe someday some of our debt?!.

McCain's VP pick is sure an interesting one. It was clearly a strategy to steal some votes from the Clinton supporters that are angry and to appeal to change. However, I see this is going to backfire on him. He can no longer tout some of his rhetoric and to me seems like a risk that has less benefits than rewards. It was a very surprising choice and thus I do not know much about her. I do remember hearing about her being the youngest and first women governor in Alaska.
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Re: Info about McCain

Post by Beltamaxx »

McCain's VP pick is sure an interesting one.
Possibly the most powerful "token" in history, if they win the election. I personally think this move will cost them the election.

Also, dam she fine...he he.

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Re: Info about McCain

Post by Deathstrike »

One more job and then its rio for me. - Badasp (September 11, 2010)

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Re: Info about McCain

Post by Kilgore_Trout »

Beltamaxx wrote:Also, dam she fine...he he.
VPILF amirite?

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Re: Info about McCain

Post by BullMooseParty »

Not anymore, good lord.

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Re: Info about McCain

Post by Dubya »

she literally hunts

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Re: Info about McCain

Post by SMR »

Fusion wrote:
If we start making policies that are based on UNEQUALITY, that takes away what makes U.S., the U.S. Simple as that. then we will be moving towards communism. Maybe we can rename ourselves the usc "united states of china" Will we have respect from Europe if we did???? lolol
More like the socialist republic of america.

And yes he's right about his parents losing money. Obama's plan isnt going to help businesses thrive. The chart was about individual taxation.

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Re: Info about McCain

Post by Fusion »

Beltamaxx wrote:
Also, dam she fine...he he.
ahahaha, she'll be getting more press for mccain b/c of her looks ^^
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Re: Info about McCain

Post by v0idNull »

I second that notion Belta.
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Re: Info about McCain

Post by Dubya »


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Re: Info about McCain

Post by v0idNull »

Stewart obliterates McCain's acceptance speech.... or should I say eviscerates.
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