I Got Banned...please read...

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I Got Banned...please read...

Post by Aura »

I know i was banned because I was aliasing, but i didn't know or forgot bout that rule. I would like to Point out tho, that i wasn't really aliasing, my names are Genix, saiyan, Blood, and Aura. i am all those people, so technically i wasn't aliasing... if you would like me to only use one name thats fine, i will try to keep one name, maybe just Aura on that server, but i need to change it for other servers.. so im sorry and if you could un-bann me i would appreciate it and i will not do it again... also... it says that uhm... you give a little warning ban before the permanent one... i didn't get that :?

Holy sh*t!
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Re: I Got Banned...please read...

Post by CTC-PapaSmurf »

Aura.. you will be on a one week ban as a warning. You can join us next Wednesday. We will not lift the ban earlier than that. Thanks for the post. We look forward to having you back soon.
You just got knocked the smurf out!
