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Holy sh*t!
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Post by Tiggrrrr »

:shock: Sinjin was talking to me about hackers... :cry: :evil:
Go figure! What do we do about it?
He seems to think we like the people coming, so we let anyone play.
One guy he had or has a problem with, all I havent seen him lately
unless he's under a dif name, is,was, a player named sigh.
Sinjin seemed quite confident he was hacking.
So whats the proceedure for this?
:?: Capture and tortue? Heh, all though some would like being tortured lmao!~ :mrgreen:
Should put a talking stain over their name, hehehhe!~ Love that comercial!
~Alyson~ aka <{CTC}>Tiggrrrr^^^^ T.T.F.N.

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Re: Concern

Post by WarDad71 »

I'm no official spokesperson but my guess is that some type of hard evidence would be needed maybe in the form of something recorded or a pic or something. Just like in another thread here about if someone hit another person's car but no one was around that witnessed it, would a person leave a's a question of morals/ethics.

I play to have fun and mess around - I don't need outside help from a trigger bot program or whatever the hell they have out there to use for that score usually sucks but I could care less what others think of me and my "skills" with a silly online game.

Bottom line...from what others say - it's pretty easy to hack the game without being caught from antitcc etc. so either we start shouting hacker every time someone who appears to be good is racking up the points or we realize some folks are actually pretty decent players and if we don't play UT consistently in other gametypes geared more for DM...then it's probably just our lack of skills showing up. Don't think we want pissing contests about who is a hacker and who isn't. My son is no hacker but he has been accused of it because a time or two because he is pretty decent. When he plays offline - he plays god mode bots and wins - I'm pretty sure that's how he has gotten some of his skill.

I'm not making a career out of any games so I have no immediate plans to become a DM person any time soon with UT.

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Re: Concern

Post by CTC-JimRimya »

We've talked about Sigh before. I think we came to the conclusion that he's not botting. If anything, he's guilty of not being a team player. And we don't let anyone play just because we like the traffic on the server. The admins can't be on the server 100% of the time, so we need other players to be vigilant. But as said before, we need some kind of proof as well. If you suspect someone, spectate them, record a demo of it, and send me or PapaSmurf a PM with a link to the demo. Otherwise, hearsay is all we're going on and that doesn't stand up to much scrutiny.
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Re: Concern

Post by -T2- »

For the record I honestly do not think sigh! is a cheater but then again I am not an authority on this. If you do a little research you will find that this player has played numerous hours of UT and half of that being ICTF where aim is very important. Unfortunately when someone skilled plays on ANY server these days, they are accused of botting/hacking/etc. The VCTF community seems to be the worst with these accusations at this and it does not help the gametype. Funny thing is it happens in Euro servers also. Seems to follow VCTF.

One solution is to kick the player in question...because you can start a kick vote. Just as was done to my fellow clan members. This is the community policing the community (majority rules). No trial needed. I personally do not like this solution because legit players can be kicked without given a notice as to why....just because they are good.

As Jim mentions, spectate and get demos. This is the starting point since we can not rely on any anti-cheating software. I get on to play and have some fun. There was one evening on the CTC server that I suspected someone of botting and others were saying the same. I didn't bother me other than the general dislike of cheaters. This is when I take on the challenge to search and destroy the 'potential' cheater....a mini-game to the game. :)

By the way, I always demo my own game and anyone is welcome to those demos. Just ask. I even have Mith's demo from the time he was accused of "multiple headshots on manta riders". I watched the demo myself none of his actions prompted me to question he legality. I counted headshots for the match and it was 3-4 with none being on a manta rider. Looking at server stats there were two others playing in the match that had more HS's. Mith just camped the top center deemer defending in-coming runs and controlled the deemer and shield pick-ups. He played well and it showed. Well enough to be asked not to come back.

My closing statement....don't worry about the skill of another player, just concentrate on improving your own skillz. If you would like assistance, ASK. I know a lot of people (me included) that would be more than willing to get in vent/ts and help someone fne tune their game.

## Sorry for the rambling.....I was interrupted numerous time during this post. :(

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Re: Concern

Post by Shockbait. »

Sigh doesn't bot. dear god this is getting depressing.
