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Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:39 am
by Zeus
I'm not here to start a fight or get involved in a bunch of drama, but why was I UTAN banned from your vctf server? I recieved no warning, no nothing, just slapped with the ban stick, and the UTAN one at that. :shock: There are precious few populated servers left anymore, there's no way I would shoot myself in the foot by cheating. If I offended someone, or stepped on someones toes, I apologize, and respectfully request that the ban be lifted. I do NOT cheat... I don't even know what else to say about that, other than that I just don't do it.

So whats the deal? :?:

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:54 am
by Zeus
And I wouldn't even mind making a donation to you guys for the server costs, I know this shits expensive. :wink:

I've been involved in the vctf community in some way or another since the VERY beginning. etc. I rode on RuFF's manta wing many, many times back in the day. :mrgreen:

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:37 am
by Dick-Cheney
I have played against you once or twice you seemed like a nice guy and i never saw you cheating....Soo i would agree unless there was some mistake and he was banned by accident i dont think theres any reason to keep him banned.....correct me if im wrong but thats just what i know of

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:10 am
by McShagger
You probably have noticed that I put a kick vote on you whenever I see you. The reason I have put a kick vote on you is that I have seen you play as Somedumbnoob or whatever... when I first saw you, I didnt think anything of you, but you have become so goddam accurate that I had my suspicions. Anyway, that wasnt all, you had continued to insult this community with comments like noobs, etc... There are very few players here that I would consider noobs to this game type and I frankly do not care for you at all. That said, I have no say in who gets banned here and frankly am happy that you are gone... Bye bye. Been fun playing with you.

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:00 am
by Zeus
McShagger wrote:You probably have noticed that I put a kick vote on you whenever I see you. The reason I have put a kick vote on you is that I have seen you play as Somedumbnoob or whatever... when I first saw you, I didnt think anything of you, but you have become so goddam accurate that I had my suspicions. Anyway, that wasnt all, you had continued to insult this community with comments like noobs, etc... There are very few players here that I would consider noobs to this game type and I frankly do not care for you at all. That said, I have no say in who gets banned here and frankly am happy that you are gone... Bye bye. Been fun playing with you.
I remember when YOU started playing vCTF in this community....

I have never called anyone around here a noob...EVER. I'm not kixxen, or raijan or any of those guys. I'm to old to just talk shit for the sake of talkin shit. I'm 32yo, married, 3 kids (4yo, 6yo, and 7yo boys) and I'm in the military. I don't have the time or motivation to do any of those things. The only thing I'm ever really guilty of is getting frustrated when the teams are off/stacked. No different than anyone else.

I took a jab at myself by using the name «st00pidn00b» or «sUk» myself, not anyone else, and I think that's fairly obvious.

Anyways, I have nothing to hide....I used to play as Kid/KidJethro back in the day. Most of the old timers will remember me... I was a hothead in those days, but getting married, the 3 boys and rejoining the Army has settled me down.

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:35 am
by McShagger
yuckbutt wrote:
McShagger wrote:You probably have noticed that I put a kick vote on you whenever I see you. The reason I have put a kick vote on you is that I have seen you play as Somedumbnoob or whatever... when I first saw you, I didnt think anything of you, but you have become so goddam accurate that I had my suspicions. Anyway, that wasnt all, you had continued to insult this community with comments like noobs, etc... There are very few players here that I would consider noobs to this game type and I frankly do not care for you at all. That said, I have no say in who gets banned here and frankly am happy that you are gone... Bye bye. Been fun playing with you.
I remember when YOU started playing vCTF in this community....

I have never called anyone around here a noob...EVER. I'm not kixxen, or raijan or any of those guys. I'm to old to just talk shit for the sake of talkin shit. I'm 32yo, married, 3 kids (4yo, 6yo, and 7yo boys) and I'm in the military. I don't have the time or motivation to do any of those things. The only thing I'm ever really guilty of is getting frustrated when the teams are off/stacked. No different than anyone else.

I took a jab at myself by using the name «st00pidn00b» or «sUk» myself, not anyone else, and I think that's fairly obvious.

Anyways, I have nothing to hide....I used to play as Kid/KidJethro back in the day. Most of the old timers will remember me... I was a hothead in those days, but getting married, the 3 boys and rejoining the Army has settled me down.
Well, how about an apology? I have seen you accuse people of being noobs. Its okay to be a hothead. Im probably the worst. I actually like playing against you as you are extremely challenging. But again, you pissed me me off ever since you changed your name to yuckbutt. I have seen you on more than one occasion make comments like "lol noobs." Based on that, it seems obvious that you dont care about anyone here. That may be fine in other servers, but we play for fun and dont need your negative attitude.

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:59 am
by CTC-JimRimya
Thank your for your post. McShagger makes a point. I personally have never seen you noob bash, but if you have, that's not cool. I'll look into your banning and get back to you via PM. It's probably a misunderstanding or something.

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:38 am
by Zeus
McShagger wrote:..... But again, you pissed me me off ever since you changed your name to yuckbutt. I have seen you on more than one occasion make comments like "lol noobs." Based on that, it seems obvious that you dont care about anyone here. That may be fine in other servers, but we play for fun and dont need your negative attitude....
Omg mcshagger.... :shock:

My changing my name to yuckbutt pissed you off? Seriously?!? :shock: And I have never in my 12+ years of gaming said "lol noobs"...

I dunno, maybe you think I have a negative attitude because I don't use voice and I end up at the top of the score board more often that not? Well, ending up at the top of the scoreboard, that's not so hard with netcode enabled. The not talking is for a couple reasons- I have a creative sound card in my rig and UT2K4's voice chat doesn't work with creative cards and EAX 3D sound enabled in the audio options. Sound is VERY important to the way I play the game. The only way to make the voice chat work is to select "3D sound" and check the "use system driver" box. The game sounds HORRIBLE to me that way. I didn't spend $120 on headphones to listen to garbage. If you guys used Ventrillo or Team Speak, it would be different. The second reason is a lot simpler- I just haven't picked up a mic yet.

Anyways, I don't need to justify myself to you. I've said what I have to say. :arrow:
CTC-JimRimya wrote:Thank your for your post. McShagger makes a point. I personally have never seen you noob bash, but if you have, that's not cool. I'll look into your banning and get back to you via PM. It's probably a misunderstanding or something.
Thanks Jim. I'm hoping it's a misunderstanding. If it isn't or this is unresolvable, that would suck, but no hard feelings and GG's. :wink:

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:04 pm
by -T2-
If people used the CTC vent server this wouldn't be an issue. Plus you get know people so when you are getting owned or owning, its more fun. :D
Stuff like this wouldn't happen. Whenever I join, no one is there at all. I do team speak (not as much as others though) but I rarely pub speak because I don't recall my mapped toggle button. :lol:

If the vent server gets to be popular, I suggest some different channels like BLUE, RED, AFK. And remember to keep idle banter to a minimum during the match. :wink:

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:54 pm
by WeedVulture
i think ingame alot worse things have been said than "n00b" lol. yea, i member you(kid) from the fat jimmy's server. good times...

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:47 pm
by Zeus
My ban appeal on the UTAN forums-

6 different names is excessive? Botting? I'm NOT botting, but if someone thinks I am, why haven't people like {R}Recon been banned yet? His aim is probably better than mine...

I took some demo's of a botter that was caught on a TAM server I play on, just a few days ago. Maybe ya'all need to see them so ya know what to look for. I'll upload them to youtube if someone would help me figure out how to make a video clip from a demo?


I tried fraps, but ended up with a 4gb .avi file... :shock:

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:57 pm
by -T2-
Like JimRimya said, let them review it and get back with you. I personally have had no issues with you. If I would knock you for anything it would be communications. I know some people don't talk much, me being one of them, but this is a team game and it helps...even in pubs. Comms goes a long way if you like it or not.

I am sure this will be taken care of. You did the first step in posting and being polite.

As for the donations, they don't accept bribes, only true donations. :wink:

Re: Hi....

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:25 pm
by Zeus
Ha! I wasn't suggesting a bribe. Although... I suppose it kinda looks like I did though... :shock: :lol:

Re: Hi....

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:37 am
by tape`
ahh kid, i remember you from back in the day haha

«ç» ??


Re: Hi....

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:41 am
by Zeus
tape` wrote:ahh kid, i remember you from back in the day haha

«ç» ??

8), lol... haven't seen that tag in a looong time. :shock:

Who might you be? Poolshark or sumthin? :?:

:lol: 8)