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10 years

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 5:50 pm
by Ghosted
Can't believe this game has been out almost 10 years.
I've made friendships that have transcended the medium in which we met and will undoubtedly outlast it.
I can't count the number of times I've helped or been helped by others here and am grateful those experiences.
More importantly, paramount even, is that we laughed.. a lot.

We've talked about it for a while.
10 years is a good number to go out on.
The cTc server will be closing down sometime in January.

Re: 10 years

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:43 pm
by ru_exp
Holy shit...just reading this made my heart drop. I agree with you about the friendships and relationships that have been formed here. And since this is the end of the server I have a few things I would like to say: Ahem!
  • Jim, F-U for never making me a full time admin. I would have dropped BANHAMMERS at Beltamaxx proportions! You liberals just let the world run amuck. F that!
    Salchicha, you irritate da shit out of me. Stop spamming TS with gurgling noises!
    Cornfed, I am going to miss you. If Obama raises presidential term limits and comes back for four more years...well enjoy Canada sir. See you soon.
    Ghosted, put a ring on it muddafucka! You've move slower than time in an Amsterdam smoke cafe.
    Taz!!! Take care my brotha!
    Rimmer, grow up!
    Knave, wtf??
    Members of meh... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Tiggrrr, whip'em out again! Full Monty with fur!
    WarDad, gonna miss you pops. And the kids.
    F*#@ing WeedVulture, $lacker, & KilgoreTrout, BiC...I have a heart on for yous! Love my bruhs!
    badasp, We need to find a great space/future based MMORPG and keep in touch. Fun times.
    MikeFiend, it is always about the music my friend.
    Mr. Bean, you butcher of biatches! Psycho. I wish you the best of the best in life. Get married and drop some seed.
    Killer...where in the hell are you when I need you kid?
    Bezim, I got your back like a chiropractor.
    And Beltamaxx...this leaves you standing with your cock in your hand. You are either nostalgic or something so much more frightening. Personally I am looking forward to doing an uninstall of this game. Like most things in life, holding on to shit usually doesn't allow you to move on to better things.
    Jim, one more thing. You wife is amazing! You know what I'm talking about...oh yeah! :mrgreen:

As always if I missed someone this was not exactly scripted out. Everybody that came over from ReapersBane that's still!

My sincere thanks to the people who kept this going. I have the utmost respect for your tolerance and patience through shit that would have made me pull the plug a long time ago.

Re: 10 years

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:50 pm
by rimmer59
I bought this game in late 2006, and the CTC server was the first one I went on. Took a break, and came back in 2010. Wish I woulda never taken that break. The GGs, and just the amount of fun that I had on the server. Gunna miss the manta runs, and Onyx tank-whoring. Had a good time, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Re: 10 years

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:32 pm
by Knave_Skye
Even tough I never had much love for the Public Server it is still sad to see it go. I found this community by chance when a number of them were on a assault/trials server that I was visiting. I never did learn to love VCTF but we had a lot of good times on the private server after.

It really is too bad the way game design has developed with the yearly throwaways and the low budget attempts to recapture what UT was to so many of us. I would say Titanfall might be something special, but these are the same guys with a deep CoD background who will likely be working on a sequel right after it launches.

I know I make a lot of posts about a wide variety of different games and I know most of this community is only interested in shooters and the occasional racing game. I hope atleast some of you found a game or two you enjoyed that you might not have ever noticed otherwise. I have always had a short attention span with 90% of the games I play and getting hopelessly hooked for 100's of hours on the other 10%. I hate the idea of looking for other communities when I have so much time vested in one im already part of.

Maybe down the road Epic will decide to make another game on their Unreal 4 engine and it will be more enjoyable than UT3 was. I just hope something comes along that can get the entire community in one place again, its been too long already.

P.S. RU, kinda surprised I made your list even in a limited fashion while Smurf did not =P

Re: 10 years

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:52 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
I too am sorry to see it go but it is time. Most of us don't play on it anymore, and lately it seems to be overrun by douchebags, with no real admin presence to manage them.

Keep in mind that what is closing is just the UT2004 server. The 'community' will live on, be it through this forum (which will stick around until nobody comes anymore), or through the TS server, etc. We will continue to coalesce around new games and existing one, even if we don't all play the same stuff at the same time.

I am looking forward to Titanfall.

Re: 10 years

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:37 pm
by ru_exp
Knave_Skye wrote:P.S. RU, kinda surprised I made your list even in a limited fashion while Smurf did not =P
Ah yes, I thought about PapaSmurf but I had already spoke of one Smirf in that posting. I also did not shout to vivr. But I don't see any of these guys around much at all.

And quite frankly I am simply getting old and forgetful. The three kids screaming in the back don't help anything either.

Re: 10 years

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:32 am
by Mr Bean
Queen Latifah wrote:Look at people for an example, but then make sure to do things your way. Surround yourself with positive people.
It's been one hell of a ride. I'll never be able to put into this community, what I have gotten out of it. I am a part of CTC, and CTC is a part of me. Yes, I am that hard core. Was there any doubt? Here's to my friends. Here's to the good times, good laughs, and good games. Looking forward

Re: 10 years

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:16 am
by Hermit
Very depressing news that CTC UT 2004 VCTF is shutting down very soon.
I will miss all you good and fun players and thanks for never complaining about my poor
results. It was always a lot of fun. Where does a server gets all the maps from? If you rent a server
who will put all the maps in? Would be nice if the maps could be bought on a DVD or CD or download.
Thank you very much CTC and my best wishes to you all.:'(

Re: 10 years

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:04 pm
by Mr Bean
Hermit wrote:...Where does a server gets all the maps from? If you rent a server
who will put all the maps in? Would be nice if the maps could be bought on a DVD or CD or download...
Most, if not all VCTF maps were made by the UT2004 community so they're free if you have a link to download them. Here's a few made by Jim, Sal, and myself.


And I believe this is a complete download list of the CTC server that Gambit put together. Such a stud that Gambit is.

Re: 10 years

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:58 pm
by Ghosted
Stale links unfortunately :(

There used to be a way you could access the ftp from you browser.
Jim probably knows.

Re: 10 years

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:48 am
by rimmer59
ru_exp wrote:...Rimmer, grow up!...
Hey hey now, I at least I don't have a squeaky voice anymore. I can gladly say that CTC has literally dropped my balls. You can use that quote completely out of context for anything you guys please.

Re: 10 years

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:26 pm
by CTC-Salchicha
The good ole' CTC the beginning it was a place to get away from Seeker and the HOG idiocy and a place to finally gather all the crazies that we hung out with anyway. In time, we were able to add to the community with our own maps and ideas. Later, we dealt with Void (Goatse was the final straw), Id, Jet, the hacks to our teamspeak and server, the purging of our server by Belta and the eventual heartbreak I felt when I knew we couldn't keep this place free of turmoil anymore. I finally walked away because I couldn't play here anymore without feeling like a failure about keeping this place fun.

This game means a lot to me because of all of you. You encouraged us to keep playing and working together to make the community a better place. I hope we did that for as long as possible. Inevitably, I suppose it has to end. I am hopeful that the last of the diehards are still enjoying the game and think of CTC with fond memories. All I ever wanted was laughter...I wish it was was that simple.

So many good memories here. I am so happy that someway/somehow I found a place and people that I loved to hang out with. Laughter has been the glue that has kept the CTC fires burning for me. I know it's been a while for the most of you but I can assure you that Jim, Bean, Ghost, Ru and myself still have a lot to laugh about. Add to that Papa and Knave when I play with them and the "heart" of what this place was meant to be still beats. Have a wonderful holiday and keep smiling.

As it has been written, so shall it be:

CTC is the light.

CTC is the way.

CTC, my family.

Re: 10 years

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:53 pm
by WeedVulture
thank you jim and sal for the server! thank you been for the maps! thank you for the many hours of great fun! if there is any way to keep the server up longer please let us know. ggs

Re: 10 years

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:23 am
by $lacker
Thanks for keeping the server up as long as you have guys, ggs for the last 10 years

Re: 10 years

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:31 am
by rimmer59
Indeed, it's been fun. The thing that I will miss the most would be the Friday/Saturday nights. I always used to rush down after eating dinner to play some UT2K4 with you guys/gals. Been fun, loads of memories, will never forget CTC.