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Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:02 am
by mikey
Been playing UT2k4 off and on for quite some time now. I recently found CTC's server and the action and skill of players on it is top notch.

The other night I was playing, and a certain player (not a regular name that I've seen) seemed to be making some shots I thought were suspect, so I recorded a demo. I have the demo file and would like to submit it to the mods for review, because I think this player was cheating for part of the game (like when he/she went for the flag). Is there someone I can send it to? I can hotlink it here, but I didn't want to put up a file like that, since accusing someone of cheating is a bold claim. But I do think this person was using a trigger bot at times during the match.

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:01 am
by CTC-JimRimya
Welcome and thanks for coming by. Please PM me with a link to the demo file if you want and I'll take a look at it.

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:16 am
by CTC-Salchicha
Thanks Mikey for the tip and welcome to the scene man!

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:51 am
by WarDad71
WTF is a trigger bot and why can't antitcc or whatever detect them. And where can I get one as I have noticed similar "instances" and it really grinds my gears if I think about it. :twisted: Oh crap I need to get to sleep sometime... its almost 5 am

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:01 am
by Mr Bean
WarDad71 wrote:WTF is a trigger bot and why can't antitcc or whatever detect them. And where can I get one as I have noticed similar "instances" and it really grinds my gears if I think about it. :twisted: Oh crap I need to get to sleep sometime... its almost 5 am
A trigger bot automaticly fires your weapon as soon as you have an enemy in your line of fire. It can be trickier (but not impossible) to catch these kinds of botters because they don't actually lock on to the enemy. Sadly there are ways around anti-TCC. In my opinion a botter is a noob who is to lazy to learn how to play.

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:42 pm
by mikey
CTC-Salchicha wrote:Thanks Mikey for the tip and welcome to the scene man!


For some reason I keep coming back to this game, even though I have newer ones installed on my PC. Just can't get the kinda instant intense action on a lot of newer games that are out now. I used to play a lot on the Boobedome and Omnipotents servers, but nowadays, it seems that CTC is where all the action is.

And as Bean said, trigger bots can be very difficult to catch.. sometimes it can be obvious, like when the botter is using the shock rifle or sniper/lightning gun, but it can be made less obvious if the player doesn't go crazy with it. That's why I wanted to have someone else look at the demo.

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:20 pm
by WarDad71
Mr Bean wrote:A trigger bot automaticly fires your weapon as soon as you have an enemy in your line of fire. It can be trickier (but not impossible) to catch these kinds of botters because they don't actually lock on to the enemy. Sadly there are ways around anti-TCC. In my opinion a botter is a noob who is to lazy to learn how to play.
I just spam the crap out of whatever weapon I have at the time - sometimes i hit sometimes i don't. I've already consigned to being a weirdo irl by sticking to the regrets.

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:31 pm
by Lazy.Pirate
AntiTCC is so outdated at this point that anything thats even a couple years old will probably have a way around it.

i will say atleast your not screaming "hacker" at people mikey. Most the time people are not actually hacking, but by taking a demo and simply forwarding it to an admin, your not jumping down someones throat trying to blindly accuse them something, so good on you. i wish some of the players who accuse of hacks could have see some of the top players compete... its pretty outstanding how much better the top players were to just about anyone whose come onto a vctf server. of course vctf wasnt really around when 2k4 was in its glory days. oh well.

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:10 pm
by -T2-
Lazy.Pirate wrote:AntiTCC is so outdated at this point that anything thats even a couple years old will probably have a way around it.

i will say atleast your not screaming "hacker" at people mikey. Most the time people are not actually hacking, but by taking a demo and simply forwarding it to an admin, your not jumping down someones throat trying to blindly accuse them something, so good on you. i wish some of the players who accuse of hacks could have see some of the top players compete... its pretty outstanding how much better the top players were to just about anyone whose come onto a vctf server. of course vctf wasnt really around when 2k4 was in its glory days. oh well.
I will second that L.P. It is refreshing to not hear the ever so popular "haxor" being tossed around so carelessly. I might be able to hold my own most of the time, but up against a top player, I would be toast and I will be the first to admit that. Especially when my reaction time is not what it used to be. :)

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:22 pm
by Beltamaxx
i wish some of the players who accuse of hacks could have see some of the top players compete... its pretty outstanding how much better the top players were to just about anyone whose come onto a vctf server. of course vctf wasnt really around when 2k4 was in its glory days. oh well.
This is so true, that's why I find it so entertaining when some players (cough EJ) think or call them self PRO. Their only pro noobs, real pros don't stay in a dead game and noob bash, they look for the next challenge.

Most the time people are not actually hacking
There is no way to be sure MOST aren't and to assume sometimes when we don't know them or they ALIAS, is just a way of life in 2k4. So bottom feeding "PROs" or botters have to live with the assumptions or play with players at their level.

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:34 pm
by Shockbait.
That was hilariously ignorant belta.

Most people that are good don't actually call themselves "PROS", people like you call them that and tell them you don't like playing with them. Which is understandable, but when people have been playing a gametype for 3 to 4 years, who the fuck are you to tell them to move on? Sorry but thats the type of mentality that ends up in "Ivory Tower" syndrome.

And L.P is right in saying most people that get random accusations tossed at them do not hack, at this stage in the game, anyone who hacked would most likely be using a freeware bot that is obvious from a 3rd person demo. Yes it's true that you could go actually spend money for a bot... because it would be worth the cost to cheat in a public server in a dead game with no possible motive.

Oh wait...

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:00 pm
by Beltamaxx
Most people that are good don't actually call themselves "PROS", people like you call them that
Actually didn't call EJ pro, he did and I've played with real pros, with real security, I just fined it naive to believe everyone is just good.

Also, you know as well as I do, some of the self proclaimed 1337 call them self pro. In fact, my last conversation with your butty Mega he said "it's all about being PRO baby". Wasn't he your mentor?

at this stage in the game, anyone who hacked would most likely be using a freeware bot that is obvious from a 3rd person demo. Yes it's true that you could go actually spend money for a bot... because it would be worth the cost to cheat in a public server in a dead game with no possible motive.

Oh wait...
Ignorant, that statement was intentionally Ignorant, and was just as bad as Jett posting hax link, if not worst, because you did it intentionally.

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:35 pm
by WarDad71
One thing I know .... eagle rocks when we aren't having lag issues and he has been accused of hacking more than once - so I know for sure it's skill in many cases.

He has done things on LAN that pissed me off and I was like HAXXX :P but he is just good and I am an old fart with minor skills at best. I play for fun, the end.

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:50 am
by Lazy.Pirate
Beltamaxx wrote:Shock
Most people that are good don't actually call themselves "PROS", people like you call them that
Actually didn't call EJ pro, he did and I've played with real pros, with real security, I just fined it naive to believe everyone is just good.

Also, you know as well as I do, some of the self proclaimed 1337 call them self pro. In fact, my last conversation with your butty Mega he said "it's all about being PRO baby". Wasn't he your mentor?

at this stage in the game, anyone who hacked would most likely be using a freeware bot that is obvious from a 3rd person demo. Yes it's true that you could go actually spend money for a bot... because it would be worth the cost to cheat in a public server in a dead game with no possible motive.

Oh wait...
Ignorant, that statement was intentionally Ignorant, and was just as bad as Jett posting hax link, if not worst, because you did it intentionally.
Mega is a good example of what influence can do to a young mind. he wasnt that great, but eventually started playing with a clan and when he suddenly got better (after all the REAL pro's had long since gone) he thought he was entitled to something or some shit... and that meant he didnt have to respect anyone. its just downright arrogance with the way a lot of people thought of themselves.

i will say a lot of the better people who used to play, and were assholes, were generally pissed because of really REALLY dumb things the teams would do... something that anyone who's played the game for more than 6 months should know better about. the VCTF community was pretty notorious for having tons of people with very stagnant skill levels... they never really got better, and if anyone who knew how to hitscan came in they were quick to jump to conclusions.

Re: Hi all, great server..

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:56 am
by Shockbait.
Beltamaxx wrote:
at this stage in the game, anyone who hacked would most likely be using a freeware bot that is obvious from a 3rd person demo. Yes it's true that you could go actually spend money for a bot... because it would be worth the cost to cheat in a public server in a dead game with no possible motive.

Oh wait...
Ignorant, that statement was intentionally Ignorant, and was just as bad as Jett posting hax link, if not worst, because you did it intentionally.
Not sure what you mean by that, but I'm not getting into an arguement with you about this. Your reputation precedes you by far, so you can continue your crusade and insist on bugging admins until you finally do have your ivory tower. I've already uninstalled after being asked nicely to leave, so you're that much closer to your big happy carebear community. You had a few bad experiences with people(or rather, a few good people had bad experiences with YOU) so you assume everyone whos good has some kind of superiority complex. Not once on the CTC did I ever "noob bash" as you tend to sling that word around quite a bit, the only VoR people who did were the euros, but they don't count, because thats just how european people play. You personally decided you were going to go around and spread rumors, like the rumor about someone getting consistent consecutive headshots "through walls on mantas" which we have proof and all know you were talking out your ass.

But none of this matters, we've bowed out, you have what you wanted and you still seem intent on picking off more and more competent players. Have fun in your tower belta.

On the mega issue... he was just an asshole, yes I was friends with him, and we did do some less than kind things, but back then in between leagues and having Jett leading the blind masses, there wasn't much to do but grief people. But no ones on trial here, and anyone that knows what became of mega knows that he had separate issues of his own.