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umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:12 am
by Hawk
i havent played this game for over a year now, come back and im banned?? wow things havent changed i see.

whats up??

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:18 am
by v0idNull

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:30 am
by Hawk
might as well bann me from the site to you fucking disrespectful ass hats!!

your pm was fucking the worse thing ive ever read, even worse then HOG and BeL put together, its not my fault you guys are fucking noobs and cant take a ass beating. I havent played in over 1 year and you all are still Horrible. As for beltamaxx get your head outta server admins ass's i can bet half of it was you getting me banned you fucking noob. your horrible at vctf and making maps go die in a corner.

see ya fags later, ive got better things to do anyways then play some gay ass dead game.......

gl hf noobs, when i come back in another year just to see if you improved and your still as bad im gonna crack up laughing on the inside.

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:13 am
by v0idNull
You're doing it wrong!

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 2:55 am
by Mr Bean
v0idNull wrote:n2m
What's 'n2m'?

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 3:00 am
by Beltamaxx
Mr Hawk, after several bans, you have to stop blaming everyone but yourself. It's your conduct that always gets you banned, not your 1337 skill level. It's true, I am proud to be friends with Admins & noobs, but, I can not control their opinions of you, only you can.

I really wish players like you would drop your 1337 attitude and stop noob bashing. Maybe balancing teams and teaching some noobs a few trick would help your ban problems.

I've played with many great players and you are 1 of the best I've ever seen in UT, but, IMHO, to be truly great, you need to learn about class & sportsmanship.

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 3:14 am
by CTC-PapaSmurf
Hawk or whatever your name is. I know you are angry. I understand what it feels like to be banned. I was banned because of an old name I used back on the Reapers Bane servers. I remember being absolutely pissed off at the dicks that banned me. What a buncha vagina hatin', butthole eatin', N'Sync lovin' sons a bitches... Now that I am older and a bit more mature, I realize that my name, at the time, (VaginaJuice) offended them. I should have simply just changed my name and moved on. Instead, I tried to cause more problems on the server. I did everything I could to make life miserable for any of the RB guys. Eventually I pissed off the wrong guy and I was banned. How dare they ban me! Those cocksuckin, dick lovin', bastards!! Can you tell I was angry? Yes, I was. I since have grown up (a little). I realize now that the people that are playing UT2K4 now are here because of friends they have made. They are here because Halo and Counterstrike and COD4 are filled with 12 year olds that, like me above, only want to make life miserable for those around them. They play VCTF because they love it and it is not filled with noobs.

We DO NOT want to ban people here. We want everyone to have a fun place to play without having jackass admins banning people because they are better at the game than they are. We want a place where people can get away from their normal lives and the drama doesn't follow them into the game. We want a chill laid back environment where people can have fun. You have done something that is nearly impossible to do here at CTC. You got yourself banned. This is difficult because it wasn't just one or two people that just decided to ban you. It was EVERYBODY who is in the clan. It REQUIRES everybody to vote. Not only were people in CTC voting, but other people that played with you while you were here. I mean.. wow! I don't know if I should feel bad for you or congratulate you for being the one and only person that has been banned. Seriously, that is an accomplishment.

The moral of this story is:

Don't be a douchebag. THE END

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 4:41 am
by CTC-Darth
Wow I think Hawke made a beautiful and elegant statement questioning his being banned. I was very moved, in fact almost brought to tears. I cant believe that anyone would be so horrible as to ban this almighty noob slayer and end his quest to display his superiority not just as a gamer but as a man. Oh well, I for one will sit in fear awaiting his return one year from now to taste his righteous wrath!

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 4:51 am
by Beltamaxx
Wow I think Hawke made a beautiful and elegant statement questioning his being banned. I was very moved, in fact almost brought to tears. I cant believe that anyone would be so horrible as to ban this almighty noob slayer and end his quest to display his superiority not just as a gamer but as a man. Oh well, I for one will sit in fear awaiting his return one year from now to taste his righteous wrath!

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 6:56 am
by CTC-PapaSmurf
CTC-Darth wrote:Wow I think Hawke made a beautiful and elegant statement questioning his being banned. I was very moved, in fact almost brought to tears. I cant believe that anyone would be so horrible as to ban this almighty noob slayer and end his quest to display his superiority not just as a gamer but as a man. Oh well, I for one will sit in fear awaiting his return one year from now to taste his righteous wrath!

Ahhhhhhhh hah hah hah :D Darth you kill me bro... Hawke has been pwned.. lol noob!

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 4:12 pm
by x-GAMBIT-x

Yeah with Hawks post just proves why he was banned once again
see you in one year from now.

Love your NOOBS!!!!!!!!!

Huh noobs almost sound like boobs well all be dam. :D

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:48 pm
by Judge Dredd Lox
So after his "appeal" you will let him come back in a year? You guys are way to nice. If anyone said crap like that in my forums he would never be allowed back.

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:24 pm
by «ßîc»Hëllßêñt
IMO. I dont think this is Hawke. 4 starters he didnt even spell his name right... Not saying hawke wasn't mouthy at times but look more like an imposter stiring things up to me.

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:02 am
by -T2-
Yeah, get his IP and lets trace it. heehee

Re: umm yeah

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:41 am
by «ßîc»Hëllßêñt
I just talked to hawke and 4 shure wasn't him. his PC has been down for a wile. he did say "it makes me feel warm and fuzzy that the imposter used my name" lol