Great job, Bean! I have definitely noticed your aim improve, both fighting against you and with you. I remember last night's game and people remarking how every other shot from you was a head shot. A head hunter indeed!
It definitely is helpful to turn off things such as Mouse Smoothing and Acceleration. With those off higher-end mice track a lot more smoothly and accurately. The difference is quite apparent; take a sniper weapon, zoom right into a wall, and watch your crosshair. Its movement will be a lot smoother with those options off, especially mouse smoothing. These options have to be turned off both in-game and in Windows (in the Windows Control Panel it is called "Enhance Pointer Precision" under the Mouse settings menu).
Here is the end-game screenshot from the game in question, in case you don't have it:
Great game indeed, with lots of back-and-forth action and last second saves. Great teamwork from both sides as well.